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Climate Change

1. Green House Effect- Gases that contribute includes:
 Carbon dioxide
 CFCs
 Methane
 Nitrous oxide
 Water vapours

2. Carbon foot prints

 Global temperature rise
 Warming oceans
 Shrinking ice sheets
 Glacial retreat
 Decreased snow cover
 Sea level rise
 Declining Arctic Sea ice
 Ocean Acidification
A few Examples
 2005 Mumbai Catastrophes
 2019 Australia fire
 2019 Odisha Flood
 2019 Australia Flood
 2007 Chennai Tsunami
 2018 Thailand wala (qa tha wo yaad ni h)
Ways to tackle it
 Use energy wisely – and save money too!
 Get charged up with renewables
 Eat for a climate-stable planet
 Green your commute
 Plantation
 Reduction of carbon footprints

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