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In this kind of essay, we not only give

information but also present an argument with
the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS
(opposing ideas) of an argumentative issue.

We should clearly take our stand (agree or

disagree) and write as if we are trying to
persuade the reader that your opinion is right.
The first step is to choose an argumentative

The topic should be narrowed down.

For example:
Marijuana should be considered illegal. (too

Selling and using marijuana in public places

should be considered illegal.
The topic should contain an argument.

For example:
We should decide whether we want a bicycle or
a car. (our stand is not clear: do we support
having bicycles or cars?)

If we are adults and want a healthy life, we

should definitely get a bicycle instead of a car.
It should be a topic that can be adequately
supported. (with statistics, outside source
citations, etc.)

For example:
I feel that writing an argumentative essay is
definitely a challenging task. (feelings cannot
be supported; we cannot persuade other
Before starting writing, it is important
to make a list of PROS and CONS and
choose the most suitable ones among
them  for supporting and refuting.

In an argumentative essay, you do not

just give reasons to support your point
of view. You must also discuss the other
side’s reasons and then rebut them.
5 key elements of an argumentative essay:

1. Explanation of the issue.

2. A clear thesis statement.
3. A summary of the opposing arguments.
4. Rebuttals to the opposing arguments.
5. Your own arguments.
The five paragraph essay that consists of:

(a) An introductory paragraph;

(b) Three evidentiary body paragraphs that
may include discussion of opposing views
(c) A conclusion.
Structure of the argumentative essay;

 A clear, concise, and defined thesis

statement that occurs in the first
paragraph of the essay.
 Clear and logical transitions between the
introduction, body, and conclusion.
 Body paragraphs that include evidential
 Evidential support (whether factual,
logical, statistical, or anecdotal)
 A conclusion that does not simply restate
the thesis, but readdresses it in light of
the evidence provided.
objective of an The objective of a
argumentative essay is persuasive essay is to
just to show that you “win” the reader over to
have a valid argument, your side of an
allowing the reader argument,
either to adopt your
position or to “agree to
argumentative essay is although you
to use evidence both to acknowledge the
substantiate one’s own opposing view, only one
position and to refute side of the issue is
the opposing argument debated
Essay Topic:
The importance of having a good teacher as a factor of the
person’s potential success in life.
Essay Questions:
Why is teaching considered to be the leading power of society’s
How many factors influence the development of the personality?
How can a good teacher be defined?
Thesis Statement:
A good teacher is a person who finds individual approach to
every pupil, taking care about the child’s adaptation in class,
increasing one’s social status in class and making sure the
children learn to take into account and respect the thoughts of
other people.
Good and Bad Teachers essay


Teaching can without any doubts be called the leading power of the
society’s development. It is well known that there exist three main
factors that influence the development of the personality. They are:
heredity, social encirclement and education. Usually the term education
is used meaning the great impact that parent have on the future
personality of their child. But this also includes school education,
because nowadays, when parents are very busy they are the people,
who teach children what is beautiful and what is ugly, what is right and
what is wrong. Through them children learn to perceive the inner world.
And the way they perceive it depends on the teacher’s personal
particularities that are transmitted to children through interaction and
the knowledge that the teacher offers them. A good teacher is a person
who finds individual approach to every pupil, taking care about the
child’s adaptation in class, increasing one’s social status in class and
making sure the children learn to take into account and respect the
thoughts of other people.
Therefore there is much more to a teacher than high professionalism. What
makes kids hardly wait until the lesson starts in one cases and hating the
subject in others? Of course high professionalism in the field of the taught
subject is very important, but when it comes to being a bad or a good
teacher this is not the weightiest factor. A good teacher is a person who
not just reproduces the knowledge he got. Not a person that only brings up
the interest to the subject. It is a person who finds individual approach to
every pupil, taking care about the child’s adaptation in class, increasing
one’s social status in class and making sure the children learn to take into
account and respect the thoughts of other people. It is a man or a woman
that can not “play” the teacher’s role but he in the first place “ a feeling
human being” in front of the students, a person that can show emotional
response. For example, if the teacher is professionally good enough but
does not take critics from the pupils constructively or does not explain why
he thinks he is right this makes a huge gap between the students and the
teacher. And when there is no emotional contact the learning cannot be
called successful, for the students are not completely involved. When the
teacher does not treat students as people that obey him, treats them like
they are equal to him and explains equally to everybody it can really be a
pointer of a “good” teacher. And one other very important thing is

One of the indicators of a “good” teacher it is his desire to

teach in a new, original form, adding something new and
personal to make the learning process as exciting as it can
possibly be. A bad teacher is a person that focuses only on the
information he provides not taking into account the children or
anything. It is a person that is doing its job. Such a person can
be very good in the theoretical part of his subject but he will
never have students being emotionally attached to him. It is a
teacher that lets his personal mood influence on the way he
treats his students, ect. That cannot reduce awkward situations
with humor either it is him in the situation or his student. Being
a good teacher is about loving children and wanting to give
them only the best the teacher has inside of him
Essay Topic:
The scheme of the teacher’s behavior in case of signs of child abuse.
Essay Questions:
How should a teacher react if signs of child abuse are seen on the body of
a child?
What type of reports a teacher needs to make to start the legal
What possible outcome a report to the “Department of Children and
Family Services” will have?
Does the teacher take personal responsibility for the child abuse report?
Thesis Statement:
The telephone report should include detailed information about the
person making the report and detailed information about the child,
suspected of being a victim of abuse: location, special needs, injury, ect.
Afterwards all the details must be repeated by the contact person and
approved by the reporting teacher.
Child abuse Essay
Introduction: Child abuse is an immense problem that does require
immediate help provided to the child from the side of specialists. Once
a teacher gets an allegation of abuse from a child, he must not require
a written statement from the child or must not make the child repeat
the allegation in front of other teachers or adult people. The teacher
must not wait until the end of the school day, but report immediately
by the means of telephone and support it with a written report within
the next 36 hours. The teacher takes individual responsibility for the
report, so it cannot be done anonymously. Both the telephone and the
written report are subjects of certain legal procedures. The telephone
report should include detailed information about the person making
the report and detailed information about the child, suspected of
being a victim of abuse: location, special needs, injury, ect. Afterwards
all the details must be repeated by the contact person and approved
by the reporting teacher. By no means a teacher should contact the
child’s parents and a teacher should not make an investigation.
The next step after the telephone report is the written report. A fax
report is an interchangeable form of a written report, required by the
“Department of Children and Family Services”. The written reports
are made through the forms: SS 8572 or SS 8572(2), reporting the
fact of child abuse and by the form DOJ 900, which is a medical
report. Copies should be made and saved by the reporter for further
organizational process. Generally all the forms if needed are provided
by the child protective agency. All the information in the forms must
be full and as objective as possible. They require detailed information
about the life of the child, his needs and other information. A
personal opinion of the reporter has no legal value. The information
of both written and telephone report is confidential. This
confidentiality in case of its violation may result in 6 month of jail, for
the person violating it. The teacher may feel free to contact the child
protective agency for any questions that may occur throughout the
process of reporting the abuse or neglect. The identifying information
provided by the reporting teacher should be clear.
Conclusion: The teacher is completely responsible for any
information that he conceals, including the name of the
possible perpetrator from the contact person. The response
and the actions of the child protective agency following the
reports may have a wide range. The teacher has to be
ready in case the parent requests details about the reasons
the child abuse report was made. Only a small amount of
people have access to the report details – and they always
are designated reporters such as CARE Program SCAN
Team members. The main role of the teacher is to make the
report legally right, according to the local abuse-reporting
plan. Any illegal action, incorrect information that does not
coincide with the reality and is subjective attitude is a law
violation and the teacher takes responsibility for false

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