International Organizations

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International Organizations


 Introduction.

 Inter governmental Organizations-United Nations

 International Non Governmental Organizations

 Multi National Corporations.

 International organization can be
defined as those institutions that
have formal international
membership, scope, and presence.

 “A body that promotes voluntary

cooperation and coordination
between or among its members.”
International organizations can be classified broadly
into three categories.
Inter-governmental organizations are those institutions which are
formed based on a formal agreement between the governments of
three or more number of states. If the agreement is between only
two states, then it becomes bilateral organization, not an
international organization. Such inter-governmental organizations
usually have a permanent secretariat and a standing bureaucracy.
They also usually meet systematically in agreed upon time intervals.



International Non-Governmental organizations are those

institutions which have non- state members from two or
more states and have formal structures. Some of them can
also have some state members as part of them and thus be
mixed in nature. INGO’S ARE usually formed around
particular goals and causes.

Multinational Enterprises are defined as companies

or corporations that have assets facilities in more
than one country. They are usually involved in trade
and operate transnationally.

International organizations do not all perform the same role or functions.

The purpose of an International organization depends on the reason for
which it was constituted.

Here we can identify four broad purposes for which international

organizations are set up, either by states or by non-state actors. They are
as follows.
 For collection and dissemination of information
Some international organizations are setup purely to collect and
process transnational data in order to throw more light on complex
problems. States generally do not have any problem with such
 To create internationally acceptable norms.
Organization like the international Labour Organization (ILO)and Amnesty
International try to create internationally acceptable norms within the spheres
they are working in such that there is uniformity and regularity. States often view
such organizations suspiciously as they fear that they might usurp their

 To foster cooperation and communication

International Organizations like the United Nations are set up to foster both
economic and security cooperation between states and also to provide a forum
communication between states. There are several non- governmental
International Organizations who also perform similar functions.

 To promote technical cooperation

Several IGO’S exist chiefly to promote technical cooperation across the world by
setting common procedures and standards.
 EX: The International Civil Aviation Organizations seeks to standardise civil
Aviation across the world for the common good and comfort.
The United Nations
Main Topics

 Historical Background
 What is the United Nations ?
 Origin of the UN
 Purposes of the UN
 Organizational Structure
 Subsidiary Organs of the UN
Historical Background

• among Imperial powers

• World Weakening of the Imperial World Order
• Rivalry war I and World War II
• Failure of the League of Nations
• Financial chaos
• October revolution
• Liberation struggles / independence movements in
colonial countries
• Emergence of bipolar world
What is the United Nations?

 A unique organization of sovereign states

 Established on 24 October 1945 with 51
 Today’s membership is 193
 Sri Lanka joined on 14 December 1955
 Not a world government rather a world
Origin of the UN
 12 June 1941-Inter Allied Declaration –London
 14 August 1941-A meeting between USA and UK produced the
Atlantic Charter
 1 January 1942 26 countries signed the Unites Nations Declaration
in Washington DC
 30 October 1943 Moscow Declaration by China, USSR, UK and USA
 30 Sep.-7 Oct. 1944-Dumbarton Oakes Conference
 11 February 1945-Yalta Conference
 25 April-26 June1945 San Francisco Conference – UN Charter
 24 October 1945 – UN was officially born
The "Big Three" at the Yalta Conference, Winston
The "Big Franklin
Churchill, Three" at D.
Yalta Conference, Winston
and Joseph Stalin
Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph StalinThe "Big
Three" at the Yalta Conference, Winston Churchill,
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin
Official Languages

 Arabic
 Chinese
 English
 French
 Spanish
 Russian
Purpose of the UN

 Facilitating Cooperation in

 International law

 International Security

 Economic Development

 Social Progress

 Human Rights

 Maintaining World Peace

Organizational Structure of UN

1.The General Assembly

2.The Security Council

3.The Economic and Social Council

4.The Trusteeship Council

5.The International Court of Justice

6.The Secretariat
The General Assembly

 The main deliberative body

 Composed of all members

 One country one vote

 Considers, discusses and makes recommendations

 Initiates studies
 Receives and considers reports from UN bodies
 Considers and approves the budget
 Admits new members
 Elects members to UN organs
 Appoints the Secretary General
Security Council
 Responsible for international peace and security

 15 members-5 permanent 10 elected

 5 Permanent Members of the UN Security Council

 United States
 Russian Federation
 Peoples Republic of China (PRC)
 United Kingdom
 France
The Economic and Social Council
 54 members serving 3 year terms
 Coordinates economic, social and related work
 The central forum for related matters
 Makes/initiates studies/reports and makes
 Assists/organizes major international
 Coordinates activities of specialized agencies
The Trusteeship Council

 The organ to supervise 11 Trust Territories

 To prepare the Territories for self-


 Mission completed

 Being abolished
The Secretariat
 Office of the organization
 Headed by the Secretary General
 Chief administrative officer

 Symbol of UN ideals

 Appointed by GA on SC recommendation

 Renewable five year term

 Has a staff from 170 countries
International Court of Justice

 The principal judicial organ

 Composed of 15 judges [9 year term]

 Settles legal disputes between states

 Gives advisory opinion

 Only states may be parties

International Non Governmental
Objectives and the role of INGOs
 Provide relief and development aid to developing countries.
 Provide services that the state is unable or unwillingly to provide at a specific time.
 INGOs play many different roles ; Humanitarian relief, social and economic
development, poverty alleviation, public education ,environment conservation and
natural disaster relief, sanitary and medical work.
• Not for profit organizations, Independent from governments.
• Systems of operation are highly structured with clearly-defined goals and sustainable
• Members join voluntarily and their time and money contributions are offered under
free will
• Receive funds from a wide variety of sources: donations from individuals, states,
corporations, foundations and trusts.
Types of INGOs

2 types based on their primary purpose

1) Operational INGOs – foster the community- based organizations within each
country via different projects and operations.
2) Advocacy INGOs – Promote awareness and influence the government in policy
making regarding certain issues.

Different types based on the sector they focused in

 Humanitarian Aid – Ex; Care International, Oxfam, International Red Cross.
 Health care – Ex; Doctors without Boarders, Charity water

 Children and Youth- Ex; Save the children, SOS children village

 Human Rights- Ex; Amnesty International , Humanists International

 Environment- Ex; World wide fund for nature (WWF), Greenpeace

 Space and technology- Ex; Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)

Building up co-operation with UN

 Article 71 of Chapter 10 in the 1945 United Nations Charter provided for the
emergence of Non Governmental Organizations.

Associating with the United Nations Department of global communication.

An INGO must follow certain criteria to be associated with it, such as;
• The NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;
• Must be of recognized national or international standing;
• Should operate solely on a not-for-profit basis and have tax-exempt status.
• The NGO should provide an audited annual financial statement, indicated in US currency, and
conducted by a qualified, independent accountant;
• Should have an established record of continuity of work for a minimum of three years and
should show promise of sustained activity in the future.

Consultative status in the United Nations economic And Social Council.(ECOSOC)

 Greenpeace is one of the largest and most influential international environmental
organization in the world.

Main goal- Prevent any sort of harm that could come to the environment that human survival
depends on and bring about harmony between men and nature.

Greenpeace’s Agenda.
 Attempts to stop toxic chemicals from polluting the environment.

 Condemn the use of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy.

 Climatic changes and global warming.

 Problems concerning the Ozone layer.

 Protecting the marine environment and primary forests.

 Opposing to genetically modified (GM) foods

 Greenpeace(initially called as ,Don't Make a Wave Committee) was established in 1970
 Greenpeace emerged in pursuit of a nuclear-free world through advocating anti-nuclear and
anti-war ideas
 They became known after a group of small activists set sail to the Amchitka Island off Alaska
to stop the American nuclear weapons test.

Organizational Structure.
 Greenpeace is a global network of 27 independent national /regional Greenpeace
organizations (NROs) and Greenpeace International as a coordinating organization.
 Headquarters- Amsterdam, Netherlands.
 Staff of 2400 members with more than 15,000 volunteers globally.

They do not accept money from governments, corporations or political parties. Individual
contributions, together with grants from foundations, are the only source of funding (Value of
How do they work?
 Greenpeace is famous for its ‘non-violent direct action’
 In terms of direct action, the protests organized by Greenpeace members are always
thrilling, of individual heroism, dramatic, creative and bizarre.
 Since Greenpeace was founded, seagoing ships have played a vital role in its
 They utilizes the Internet to promote its activities by using lots of pictures and images
with great sensational effect to capture readers’ attention.
Recent and ongoing projects.

 Save the Arctic Campaign.

 Plastic free future toolkit campaign

 ‘Restore Forests, Restore Hope.’


 Save the bees campaign.

 ‘Project; clean water’

Multinational Corporations
What is a Multinational corporation?
 An enterprise that engages in foreign direct investments (FDI) and which
owns or, to a certain extent, controls value-added activities in several

 Aim is to exploit a monopolistic advantage in foreign markets.

 Headquarters play a predominant role in the definition of corporate
strategies and the management of business activities
History of multinational corporations
 History of MNCs are linked with the history of colonialism.

 The fist arose multi national corporation was The East

India Company in 1660founded by British.

 Headquartered in London

 Took part in international trade and exploration, with

trading posts in India
 To expand the business beyond the boundaries of the home country,

 Minimize the cost of production, especially labour cost,

 Achieve greater market efficiency by producing in local market and then

exporting products.

 Make the best use of technological advantages by setting up production

facilities abroad.
Overview of MNCs

 There exist about 82,000 multinational companies in the world, which own
810,000 subsidiaries located in various countries. (UNCTAD (2011))

 In the past, MNC rankings were dominated by MNCs from Triad nations
(North America, Western Europe, Japan).

 Recent years that MNCs from emerging economies have gained strong
positions on the global market.
Leading MNCs in the world
Rank/Company Country Industry
1. Wal-Mart USA Retail
2.State Grid China Energy
3. Sinopec China Petroliam
4. Chinese national petroleum China Petroliam

5. Royal Dutch Shell Netherlands Petroliam

6.Toyota Motor Japan Automobile
7. Volkswagen Germany Automobile

Source: Based on data provided by Fortune Global 500

Merits of MNC

 Increase the income and employment in host country

 Innovations happens due to the investments made by MNCs

 The import export market is present

 Occurrence of capital inflows

 Local infrastructure improves with the presence of MNCs

Demerits of MNC
 Destroy competition and acquire monopoly power

 Threaten the sovereignty of the host countries

 Cause harm to the environment

 Put small holder enterprises out of business

 Undermine the local cultures and traditions and change the consumption
patterns for their benifits
Thank You……

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