Describe Thing. English Kelompok 3 Rabbit

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Describing Things,Feeling,people,and
Flaces Lenguage

Kelompok 3
1. Budiman NIM 18.039
2. Intannia Nur Fadilah NIM 18.047
3. Karelita Selvera Noyan NIM 18.049
4. Maulanny Augustina NIM 18.052
5. Muhammad Fakhri N NIM 18.055
6. Nadia Rosalinda K NIM 18.056
7. Nyai Ranti NIM 18.057
8. Pipih Pirdayah NIM 18.059
* Describing Things
Describing Things menjelaskan sesuatu seperti bentuk,
warna, ukuran, dan sebagainya. Bagian dari describing things:
Language Fuction
Use adjective can be in the form adjective clauses
For example :
• A brown chair
• A large bag
• A thick book
Tabel 1

Color Size

Red Big

Brown – stained Small

Bright – yellow Medium


* Tabel 2

Question Possible Answer

What is it? It is wardrobe

What color is it? It is brown

What’s it made out of ? It is made of wood?

How much does it weight? It is very heavy

What size is it? It is very big

3. Opinion
Wonderful, beautiful, expensive, cheap, good, love, etc.
Examples :
• My bag is expensive and i love it so much
• This book is so cheap but it is good to read
* B. Describing Feelings

Describing Feelings adalah cara untuk menuangkan

perasaan dalam bahasa inggris. Dengan itu, maka untuk
mengungkapkan perasaan tersebut bisa menggunakan
format berikut :

I + Am + Adjective (+Prepositions +Object) Atau I’am

Feeling + Adjective
Contohnya :
1. I’am really proud of your achievement ( aku sangat
bangga atas pencapaian mu)
2. I’am confused about mr. Darwin’s explanation ( aku
bingung soal penjelasan mr. Darwin
Contoh-contoh kosa kata atau vocabulary untuk
mengetahui seputar emosi :
1. Scared : Takut
2. Jealous : Cemburu
3. Nervous : Gugup
4. Angry : Marah
5. Bored : Bosan
* C. Describing People
* Describing People adalah mendeskripsikan orang dengan
jelas mulai dari bentuk badannya, mata, hidung, pekerjaan
dan lain-lain.
* Example
Suzy is an old woman. She is short and she is plump. She
has got short, curly, grey hair. She is wearing necklace.
She is a beautiful singer. She isn’t very tall and she has
blonde hair. She was born in colombia and currently she is
married with / to footballer
Describing Face Describing Hair Describing
Personality and
Roung Long patient
Oval Short Polite
Triangle Shoulder length Popular
Square Straight Reserved
Long Wavy Tidy
Beard Curly Shy
Freckles Dark Friendly
* Describing Places adalah mendeskripsikan
Describing places membutuhkan 3 langkah atau
yang biasa kita sebut dengan generic structure,
yaitu :
1. Introduction ( Pengenalan )
2. Main Body ( Inti )
3. Conclusion ( Kesimpulan)

*Describing Places
Kosa kata yang dapat digunakan pada discribing
places :
* Beautiful : indah
* Boring : membosankan
* Popular : terkenal
* Ancient : kuno/langka
* Natural : alami
* Traditional : tradisional
* For example :
1. Indonesia is a tropical country
2. it has 2 seasons only : dry and rainy

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