Dynamics 3

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equations of work and energy are obtained by
integrating the equation of motion F = ma with
respect to the displacement of the particle.
Integrating the equation of motion with respect to
time leads to the equations of impulse and
momentum. These equations greatly facilitate the
solution of many problems in which the applied
forces act during extremely short periods of time
(as in impact problems) or over specified intervals
of time.
Consider the general curvilinear motion in
space of a particle of mass m
Linear Impulse and momentum Cont’d….
The basic equation of motion for the particle
can be written as:
  𝑑 ( 𝑚𝑣 )
∑ 𝐹=𝑚 𝑣˙ = 𝑑𝑡
∑ 𝐹= 𝐺
the product of mass and velocity is defined as the
linear momentum (G) of the particle. The above
equation states that the resultant of all forces acting
on a particle equals its time rate of change of linear
The SI the units are kgm/s or Ns
Linear Impulse and momentum Cont’d….
The equation is one of the most useful and important
relationships in dynamics, and it is valid as long as the
 mass m of the particle is not changing with time.

The Linear Impulse-Momentum Principle

We now describe the effect of the resultant force ΣF
on the linear momentum of the particle over a finite
period of time simply by integrating
Linear Impulse and momentum Cont’d….

  Fdt  G
2  G1  G

The product of force and time is defined as the

linear impulse of the force.
The above equation states that the total linear
impulse on m equals the corresponding change in
linear momentum of m.

G1    Fdt  G2
Linear Impulse and momentum Cont’d….
The impulse integral is a vector which, in general, may
involve changes in both magnitude and direction during
the time interval. Under these conditions, it will be
necessary to express ΣF and G in component form and
then combine the integrated components.

  F dt  (mv )
x x 2  (mvx )1


  F dt  (mv )
y y 2  (mvy )1


  F dt  (mv )
z z 2  (mvz )1
Conservation of linear Momentum
If the resultant force on a particle is zero during an
interval of time, its linear momentum G must remain
In this case, the linear momentum of the particle is
said to be conserved. Linear momentum may be
conserved in one coordinate direction, such as x, but
not necessarily in the y- or z-direction.
G1  G2
G  0
Example 1
A tennis player strikes the tennis ball with her racket
when the ball is at the uppermost point of its
trajectory as shown. The horizontal velocity of the ball
just before impact with the racket is 15.24m/s, and just
after impact its velocity is 21.34m/s directed at the 15-
degree angle as shown. If the 57g ball is in contact with
the racket for 0.02 sec, determine the magnitude of
the average force R exerted by the racket on the ball.
Also determine the angle made by R with the
Example 1 Cont’d….
We construct the impulse-momentum diagrams
for the ball as follows:


( mvx )1    Fx dt  (mvx ) 2
Solution Cont’d…..
 (0.057  15.24)  ( Rx  0.02)  (0.057  21.34 cos 150 )

(mvy )1    Fy dt  (mvy ) 2

(0.057  0)  ( Ry  0.02)  0.057  9.81

 (0.057  21.34 sin 150 )

Rx  102 N
R y  16 N
Solution Cont’d…..
R  Rx2  R y2  103N
 Ry 
 
  tan    9
1 0

 Rx 
Example 2
The loaded 150-kg skip is rolling down the incline
at 4 m/s when a force P is applied to the cable as
shown at time t = 0. The force P is increased
uniformly with the time until it reaches 600 N at t
= 4 s, after which time it remains constant at this
value. Calculate (a) the time at which the skip
reverses its direction and (b) the velocity v of the
skip at t = 8 s. Treat the skip as a particle.
Example 2 Cont’d….
The impulse momentum diagrams of the skip
are drawn.
Solution Cont’d….
The skip reverses direction when its velocity becomes
zero. We will assume that this condition occurs at t =
4 + ∆t s. The impulse-momentum equation applied
consistently in the positive x-direction gives:

(mvx )1    Fx dt  (mvx ) 2
150  (4)   4  2  600  2  600  t
 150  9.81 sin 300  (4  t )  150  0
t  2.46s
t '  4  2.46 s  6.46s
Solution Cont’d
Applying the momentum equation to the entire 8-s
interval gives

(mvx )1    Fx dt  (mvx ) 2

150  (4)   4  2  600  4  2  600
 150  9.81 sin 300  8  150  (v2 ) x
(v2 ) x  4.76m / s
Example 3
The 50-g bullet travelling at 600 m/s strikes the 4-kg
block centrally and is embedded within it. If the
block slides on a smooth horizontal plane with a
velocity of 12 m/s in the direction shown prior to
impact, determine the velocity of the block and
embedded bullet immediately after impact.
Since the force of impact is internal to the system
composed of the block and bullet and since there are
no other external forces acting on the system in the
plane of motion, it follows that the linear momentum
of the system is conserved. Thus,
G1  G2
0.05  600 j  4  12  (cos 30 0 i  sin 30 0 j )
 (4  0.05)v
v  10.26i  13.33 j m / s
v  16.83m / s
  52.40
Angular Impulse and angular momentum

The moment of the linear momentum vector mv

about the origin O is defined as the angular
momentum Ho of P about O and is given by the
cross-product relation for the moment of a vector
H O  r  mv
The angular momentum then is a vector
perpendicular to the plane A defined by r and v.
The sense of Ho is clearly defined by the right-hand
rule for cross products.
The scalar components of angular momentum may
be obtained from the expansion
i j k
H O  r  mv  m x y z
vx vy vz
Angular momentum is the moment of linear
momentum and must not be confused with linear
momentum. In SI units, angular momentum has the
units kg  m 2 / s  N  m  s
If ΣF represents the resultant of all forces acting on the
particle P, the moment Mo about the origin O is the
vector cross product

∑ 𝑀 𝑜=𝑟×∑ 𝐹=𝑟×𝑚 𝑣˙

We now differentiate the angular momentum

equation with respect to time using the rule for
differentiation of a cross product

The term v x mv is zero since the cross product of

parallel vectors is identically zero. Substitution into
the expression for ΣMo gives:

∑ 𝑜 𝑜𝐻
= ˙
The above equation states that the moment about the
fixed point O of all forces acting on m equals the time
rate of change of angular momentum of m about O.
The angular impulse – momentum principle

O dt  ( H O ) 2  ( H O )1  H O

The product of moment and time is defined as

angular impulse, and the above equation states
that the total angular impulse on m about the
fixed point O equals the corresponding change in
angular momentum of m about O.

( H O )1    M O dt  ( H O ) 2
The previous equation states that the initial angular
momentum of the particle plus the angular impulse
applied to it equals its final angular momentum.
The units of angular impulse are clearly those of
angular momentum
As in the case of linear impulse and linear
momentum, the equation of angular impulse and
angular momentum is a vector equation where
changes in direction as well as magnitude may
occur during the interval of integration. Under
these conditions, it is necessary to express ΣMo
and Ho in component form and then combine the
integrated components.
Conservation of angular momentum
If the resultant moment about a fixed point O of all
forces acting on a particle is zero during an interval of
time, then its angular momentum about that point
remain constant. In this case, the angular momentum
of the particle is said to be conserved.
Angular momentum may be conserved about one axis
but not about another axis.
H O  0
( H O )1  ( H O ) 2
Example 1
A small sphere has the position and velocity
indicated in the figure and is acted upon by the force
F. Determine the angular momentum about point O
and its time derivative.
H O  r  mv
 (3i  6 j  4k )  2(5 j )
  40i  30k  N  m / s

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