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Processing System

 Introduction
 History
 Definition
 Types of processing system
 Characteristics
 Advantages
 Disadvantages
 Conclusion

 A Transaction Processing System or Transaction Processing

Monitor is a set of information which process the data transaction
in database system that monitors transaction programs.
 The essence of a transaction program is that it manages data
that must be left in a consistent state.
 Essentially, transaction processing is a model for various
transactions, including both financial transactions and other
processes like verifications.

 The first transaction processing system was SABRE.

 SABRE means S-Semi-automated B-Business R-Research E-
 It became operational in 1970.
 Designed to process up to 83,000 transactions a day.
 The system ran on two IBM 7090 computers. 

 A transaction process system (TPS) is an information processing

system for business transactions involving the collection,
modification and retrieval of all transaction data. Characteristics
of a TPS include performance, reliability and consistency.
 Eg:- sales order entry, airline reservations,
Types of Processing system

 Batch Processing :-
Transactions will be collected and later updated as a batch
when it's convenient or economical to process them.
 Real-Time Processing:-
This is the immediate processing of data. It provides instant
confirmation of a transaction. It may involve a large number of
users who are simultaneously performing transactions which
change data. 

 RAPID RESPONSE- Fast performance with a rapid response is critical.

Input must become output in seconds so customers don’t wait.
 RELIABILITY- Organizations rely heavily on their TPS with failure
possibly stopping business. Back-up and recovery procedures must
be quick and accurate.
 INFLEXIBILITY- A TPS wants every transaction processed in the same
way regardless of user or time. If it were flexible there would be too
many opportunities for non-standard operations.
 CONTROLLED PROCESSING- The processing must support an
organization's operations.

 Provide timely information.

 Reduce Transportation cost.

 Reduce operating expenses.

 Increases in productivity and customer satisfaction.


 High setup cost.

 Hardware and software incompatibility.

 Information overloaded.

 Requires training.

 To ensure that an organization can reach their goals effectively

and efficiently ,Transaction processing system plays a specific

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