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Cycle 1

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6

AMRAP 14min 4 Rounds for Time
Banded Back Squat Banded Bench Press
12 Push Press Aslt Bike 20 min at 10 Hang Power
5x5 moderately 5x5 moderately Tabata Aslt Bike Cal
95/65lbs 80% effort Clean 135/95lbs
heavy heavy
12 Cal Aslt Bike 10 Burpees
Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10 Session 11 Session 12
Every 3min on the
Banded Sumo AMRAP 12min Aslt Bike Cal
30-20-10 Aslt Bike 20min min for 15min
Deadlift 3 Front Squat Tabata
Box Jump 24/20in 1min on/ 1min off 3 reps of (1 Clean
5x5 moderately 225/155lbs Rest 4min
Pull Ups Moderately hard +2 Jerks)
heavy 3 Bar MU Tabata
moderately heavy
Session 13 Session 14 Session 15 Session 16 Session 17 Session 18
3 Rds for Time
50 Deadlifts for Aslt Bike 25min 1min each move Aslt Bike Cal
Banded Back Squat
Strict Press 5x5 time 275/185lbs 5 sets of 3min on / Wall Ball 30/20lbs Tabata
5x5, add 10lbs to Burpees
moderately heavy *every break = run 2 off Rest 4min
session 1 Pull Ups
200m Moderately hard 2 min max effort
Rest 1min
Session 19 Session 20 Session 21 Session 22 Session 23 Session 24
For Time
5 Rds for Time Aslt Bike Cal 20min Banded Sumo
Banded Bench Press 50 Cal Aslt Bike Aslt Bike Cal
9 Thruster 95/65lbs moderately hard Deadlift 5x5 add 10
5x5, add 5 lbs to 50 Front Squat at 10min for max cal
9 Ring Row aim for 105% of lbs to session 7
sessions 4 bodyweight
9 Burpees sessions 3
Cycle 2
Session 25 Session 26 Session 27 Session 28 Session 29 Session 30
Every 2min on the For Time:
Every 3min on the Aslt Bike Cal 50 Reps Each Move at Aslt Bike Cal
min for 10min Strict Press 5x5, add
min 3 reps of (2 20min of 30sec on / bodyweight Every 3 min on the
Run 200m 5 lbs to session 13 Deadlift, Front Squat,
Snatch + 2 OHS) 30 sec off at 80% min for 30min
15 Hang Power Push Jerk
effort 30 sec max effort
Clean 95/65lbs *reps done any order
Session 31 Session 32 Session 33 Session 34 Session 35 Session 36
AMRAP 20min Aslt Bike Cal
Aslt Bike Cal Banded Bench Press 30-20-10
Banded Back Squat Row 500m Every 3 min on the
25min of 30sec on / 5x5, add 5 lbs to Wall Ball 30/20lbs
5x5, add 10lbs to 20 Pull Ups min for 30 min 30
30 sec off at 90% session 19 Dips
session 16 20 Power Snatch sec max effort
effort Air Squats
95/65 *beat session 6
Session 37 Session 38 Session 39 Session 40 Session 41 Session 42
Every 3min on the min Every 2min on the Aslt Bike Cal
5 Rds for Time Aslt Bike Cal for 15min
Banded Sumo DL min for 12min Every 3 min on the
5 Snatch 30 min of 30 sec 3 reps of (1 Clean +2
5x5, add 10 lbs to Jerks) Run 200m min for 30min, 30
155/105lbs on / 30 sec off at
session 22 *add 10lbs to session Max reps deadlift at sec max effort
10 Toe to Bar 90% effort
10 275/185lbs *beat session 12
Session 43 Session 44 Session 45 Session 46 Session 47 Session 48
5 Rds for Time
Strict Press 5x5,
Banded Back Squat 10kb Swing Aslt Bike
same weight as Death by Pull Ups Aslt Bike 30 min at
5x5, same weight as 53/35lbs Tabata
session 13 70% effort
session 1 10 Goblet squat
Cycle 3
Session 49 Session 50 Session 51 Session 52 Session 53 Session 54
Fight Gone Worse Aslt Bike For Time
1min each move, 5 cycles Run 800m Aslt Bike
Weighted Dips Every 3min on the
Thrusters 95/65 Banded Back Squat 20 Power Clean 5 sets of 3min on /
(banded down) Pull Ups min for 15min 135/95lbs
6x3 AHAP 2min off at 80%
5x5 AHAP Aslt Bike Cal 30 sec max effort 20 Muscle Ups
Rest for cal Run 800m
Session 55 Session 56 Session 57 Session 58 Session 59 Session 60
AMRAP 10min Aslt Bike
Death by: Aslt Bike
Banded Sumo 3 Front Squat Every 3 min on the
min for 15min
6x3 Snatch at 75% Deadlift 155/105lbs 5 sets of 3 min on /
Deadlift 225/155lbs Burpee
30 sec max effort for of 1RM 2 min off at 90%
6x3 AHAP 7 Toe to Bar Each move every min
cal, beat session 51 effort
11 Burpees
Session 61 Session 62 Session 63 Session 64 Session 65 Session 66
Aslt Bike
Weighted Dips For Time Aslt Bike
5 Rds for Time Every 3 min on the
Dumbbell Press 5x8 (banded down) 75 Wall Balls 5 sets of 3 min on /
7 Clean 185/125lbs min for 15 min 30
AHAP 5x5 AHAP, beat 30/20lbs 2 min off max effort
Row 250m sec max effort for
session 49 75 C2b Pull Ups
cal, beat session 57
Session 67 Session 68 Session 69 Session 70 Session 71 Session 72
For Time
Row 1k then, Aslt Bike Banded Sumo AMRAP 12 min
Banded Back Squat Aslt Bike 5 min max
5min to work to 20min moderate Deadlift 80 Double Under
6x3 beat session 52 heaviest OH Squat effort
effort at 6x3 beat session 55 40 Push Ups
then, conversational pace 40 Sit ups
Cycle 4
Session 73 Session 74 Session 75 Session 76 Session 77 Session 78
Aslt Bike
Death by 5 Rounds for Time Aslt Bike
6x3 Snatch at 80% 3 x 5 min at max Dumbbell Press
Row Cal 5 Muscle Ups Every 2min on the
of 1RM beat session Front Squat 185/125lbs effort 6x8 AHAP beat
10 Box Jump min for 20min 15
58 *both moves each minute 5 min rest between session 61
30/24in sec max cal
Session 79 Session 80 Session 81 Session 82 Session 83 Session 84
3 Rounds for Time: Row 1k Aslt Bike
Weighted Dips Aslt Bike
1min: Wall Ball 24/20lbs Banded Back Squat *every minute on Every 2min on the
(banded down) 1min: Power Snatch 4 x 4 min at max
6x3 beat session 67 the minute perform min for 20min 15
5x5 AHAP, beat 75/45lbs effort 5 min rest
3 Deadlifts sec max cal, beat
session 64 1 min Rest between efforts
315/225lbs session 78
Session 85 Session 86 Session 87 Session 88 Session 89 Session 90
Aslt Bike
50 Reps bodyweight Aslt Bike Death By
Banded Sumo 6x3 Snatch at 85% Every 2min on the
bench (.75x women) 5 x 3 at max effort 5 1 rep equals 1
Deadlift *every break equals of 1RM beat session min for 20min 15
min rest between Power clean + 2
6x3 beat session 70 12 DB Snatch 50/35lbs 73 sec max cal, beat
efforts Jerks 155/105lbs
session 84
Session 91 Session 92 Session 93 Session 94 Session 95 Session 96
Death By Increasing
Dumbbell Press Weight Deadlift Weighted Dips
5 Reps each weight on Aslt Bike Run 800m Aslt Bike
6x8 AHAP beat the min (banded down)
10min Max Cal 50 Pull Ups 5 min max cal
session 76 95,135,155,185,205,225, 5x5 AHAP, beat
Row 1k
245,275,295,315,335,365 session 79
Accessory Movements
Strength Technique Conditioning
Upper Body Pressing Strength Overhead Squat Practice
Death by Aslt Bike Cal
Weighted Dips: 4 x 12 AHAP Work on shoulder mobility movements,
pass throughs, and dislocates. Work on
upright chest during the squat. Perform 20 Min Tempo Run 80% effort
Upper Body Pulling Strength 50 reps as close to perfect as you can
Ring Rows: 4 sets max reps with the bar

Snatch Technique 5k Row

Burgener warm up. Work on keeping 500m on, 500m off 80% effort
Core Strength the bar close to the body, and work on
4x15 Hollow Rocks slow movements from bar below knees,
up to the hip crease. Practice extending 10 min Aslt Bike for Cal at 90% effort
hips all the way. 3 full Burgener warm
Hinge Strength ups
4x8 Stiff Leg DL moderately heavy Muscle Up Technique 30min Easy Jog
Set up rings on rig at face height. Hang
from rings and jump into the bottom dip
Squat Strength position. Rings need to stay close
4x5 each leg Bulgarian Split Squat together, and you need to “trace your 30 min Easy Aslt Bike
ribs” as you push your face forward. 30
Perfect reps of practice.

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