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Presentation outline
• Learning Objectives
• Definition of work
• Kinetic Energy
• Power
• Efficiency
• Definition of potential energy
• Application of potential energy
Learning Objectives
• To be able to define work
• To apply the work-kinetic energy equation to
solve kinetics of particles problems
• To be able to define potential energy
• To apply the work- energy equation to solve
kinetics of particles problems
Definition of work
Definition of work cont’d
• The work done by the force on the particle
shown during a displacement dr is given by:
dU  F  dr dU  Ft ds
Definition of work cont’d
• Reactive forces
• Active forces
• Units of work
• N.m or Joule U   F  dr

   Fx dx  Fy dy  Fz dz 

or U   Ft ds
Work of a spring force

x2 x2
U1 2    Fdx    kxdx
x1 x1

1 2 2
  k ( x2  x1 )
Work and Curvilinear motion
Work and Kinetic Energy
2 s2
U1 2   F  dr   Ft ds
1 s1

2 v2
U1 2   ma  dr   mvdv
1 v1

1 2 2
 m(v2  v1 )

U1 2  T2  T1  T
• The time rate at which a machine does work
or delivers energy
dU F  dr
P 
dt dt

P  F v

• 1 Watt = 1 J/s
• 1 Hp = 0.746kW
• Mechanical efficiency- ratio of the work done
by a machine to the work done on the
machine during the same time interval
em 
• Thermal efficiency and electrical efficiency
e  em et ee
Example 1
Calculate the velocity of the 50kg crate when
it reaches the bottom of the chute at B if it is
given an initial velocity of 4m/s down the
chute at A. The coefficient of kinetic friction is
The free body diagram of the crate is drawn
and includes the normal force R and the
kinetic friction force F. The work done by the
friction force is negative, whereas that done
by the weight is positive.
Solution Cont’d….
The total work done on the crate during motion is:
U  Fs
U1 2  10  50  9.81 sin 150  10 142.1
 151.9 J
The work-energy equation gives:

T1  U1 2  T2
1 2 1 2
mv1  U1 2  mv2
2 2
Solution Cont’d….

1 1 2
 50  4  151.9   50  v2

2 2
v2  3.15m / s

Since the net work done is negative, we obtain a

decrease in the kinetic energy
Example 2
The flatbed truck which carries an 80kg crate , starts
from rest and attains a speed of 72km/hr in a
distance of 75m on level road with constant
acceleration. Calculate the work done by the
friction force acting on the crate during this interval
if the static and kinetic coefficients of friction
between the crate and the truck bed are a) 0.30 and
0.28, respectively, or b) 0.25 and 0.20, respectively.
Example 2 Cont’d

The free body

Solution Cont’d …..
If the crate does not slip on the bed, its acceleration
will be that of the truck which is:
v 2  2as
v 2 (72 / 3.6) 2
a 
2s 2  75
a  2.67 m / s 2
Solution Cont’d….
The maximum frictional force is :
 s N  0.3  80  9.81  235 N
The acceleration requires a force of:
F  ma
F  80  2.67  213 N
The acceleration requires a force which is less than
the maximum frictional force so the block will not
Solution Cont’d….
The work done by the 213N actual friction force is:
U  Fs
U1 2  213  75  16kJ
Case (b)
The maximum possible friction force is:
 s N  0.25  80  9.81  196 N
Which is slightly less than the value of 213N
required for no slipping. Therefore the crate slips
and the kinetic frictional force is:
 k N  0.20  80  9.81  157 N
Solution Cont’d….
the acceleration becomes:
F 157
a   1.96m / s 2
m 80
The distances travelled by the crate and the
truck are in proportion to their accelerations.
Thus the crate has a displacement of:
(1.96 / 2.67)  75  55.2m
And the work done by kinetic friction is:
U  Fs
U1 2  157  55.2  8.66kJ
Example 3
The 50-kg block at A is mounted on rollers so that it
moves along the fixed horizontal rail with negligible
friction under the action of the constant 300-N
force in the cable. The block is released from rest at
A, with the spring to which it is attached extended
an initial amount x1=0.233 m. The spring has a
stiffness k=80 N/m. Calculate the velocity v of the
block as it reaches position B.
Example 3 Cont’d….
The active-force diagram for the system is
shown for a general position. The spring force
80x and the 300-N tension are the only forces
external to this system which do work on the
Solution Cont’d….
As the block moves from x1= 0.233 m to x2 = 0.233+
1.2 = 1.433 m, the work done by the spring force
acting on the block is negative:
U   Fdx
U1 2   80 xdx  80 J
The work done on the system by the constant
300-N force in the cable is the force times the
net horizontal movement of the cable over
pulley C, which is 0.6 m.
Solution Cont’d….
Thus, the work done is 300(0.6) = 180 J. We now
apply the work-energy equation to the system and
U1 2  T
 80  180   50  (v 2  0)
v  2 .0 m / s


Potential Energy
we will introduce the concept of potential energy to
treat the work done by gravity forces and by spring
Gravitational Potential Energy
We consider first the motion of a particle of mass m
in close proximity to the surface of the earth, where
the gravitational attraction (weight) mg is essentially
constant . The gravitational potential energy Vg of
the particle is defined as the work mgh done against
the gravitational field to elevate the particle a
distance h above some arbitrary reference plane
(called a datum), where Vg is taken to be zero.
Gravitational Potential Energy Cont’d

This work is called potential energy because it

may be converted into energy if the particle is
allowed to do work on a supporting body
while it returns to its lower original datum
Gravitational Potential Energy Cont’d….
In going from one level at h = h1 to a higher level
at h = h2, the change in potential energy
Vg  mg (h2  h1 )  mgh
The corresponding work done by the
gravitational force on the particle is mgh. Thus,
the work done by the gravitational force is the
negative of the change in potential energy.
Elastic Potential Energy
The second example of potential energy occurs in the
deformation of an elastic body, such as a spring. The
work which is done on the spring to deform it is
stored in the spring and is called its elastic potential
energy Ve.
This energy is recoverable in the form of work done
by the spring on the body attached to its movable
end when released.
For the one-dimensional linear spring of stiffness k,
the force supported by the spring at any deformation
x, tensile or compressive, from its undeformed
position is F = kx
Elastic Potential Energy Cont’d…..
Thus, we define the elastic potential energy of the
spring as the work done on it to deform it an amount
x, and we have:
1 2
Ve   kxdx  kx
If the deformation, either tensile or compressive, of a
spring changes from x1 to x2 during the motion, then
the change in potential energy of the spring is its final
value minus its initial value or
1 2 2
Ve  k ( x2  x1 )
Elastic Potential Energy Cont’d….
We now modify the work-energy equation to
account for the potential-energy terms. If U12 ' stands
for the work of all external forces other than
gravitational forces and spring forces, then
U1 2 ' ( Vg )  (Ve )  T
U1 2 '  V  T
T1  V1  U1 2  T2  V2
Conservative force fields
•Work done against a gravitational or an elastic force
depends only on the net change of position and not
on the particular path followed in reaching the new
position. Forces with this characteristic are
associated with conservative force fields.
•Consider a force field where the force F is a
function of the coordinates, the work done by F
during a displacement dr of its point of application is
dU = F.dr. The total work done along its path is:
U   F  dr   ( Fx dx  Fy dy  Fz dz )
Example 1
The 10-kg slider moves with negligible friction up the
inclined guide. The attached spring has a stiffness of 60
N/m and is stretched 0.6 m in position A, where the
slider is released from rest. The 250-N force is constant
and the pulley offers negligible resistance to the motion
of the cord. Calculate the velocity vC of the slider as it
passes point C.
Example 1 Cont’d…….
•The slider and inextensible cord together with the
attached spring will be analyzed as a system. The only
nonpotential force doing work on this system is the
250-N tension applied to the cord.
•While the slider moves from A to C, the point of
application of the 250-N force moves a distance of 1.5
- 0.9 = 0.6 m.
U AC '  250  0.6  150 J
The change in kinetic energy of the slider is :
Solution Cont’d….
1 2 1
T  m(v  v0 )  10  v 2  5v 2

2 2
The change in gravitational potential energy is:
Vg  mgh  10  9.811.2  sin 30 0  58.9 J
The change in elastic potential energy is:
2 2 1
 2

Ve  k ( x2  x1 )   60  1.2  0.6  0.6 2  86.4 J
Substitution into the work-energy equation:
U1' 2  T  Vg  Ve
150  5v 2  58.9  86.4
v  0.974m / s
Example 2
The 3kg slider is released from rest at position 1 and
slides with negligible friction in a vertical plane along
the circular rod. The attached spring has a stiffness of
350N/m and has an unstretched length of 0.6m.
Determine the velocity of the slider as it passes
position 2.
Example 2 Cont’d…..
The work done by the weight and the spring force on
the slider will be treated as changes in potential-
1 2 1
T  m(v2  v1 )   3  v22  1.5v22

2 2
Vg  mgh  3  9.81   0.6  17.66 J
2 2 1
 
Ve  k x2  x1   350  0.6 
  2
2  1  0.6 2 
Ve  52.2 J
Solution Cont’d
U '
1 2 0
T  Vg  Ve  0
1.5v22  17.66  52.2  0
v2  6.82m / s


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