C 3 Noise and Vibration

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• Occupational Safety and Health Professionals

• Chemical Agents and Chemical Safety Standards

• Mechanical Hazards and Machine Safeguarding
• Falling, Impact, Acceleration, Lifting, and Vision Hazards
• Noise and Vibration Hazards
• Blood-borne Pathogens
• Occupational Stresses:
• Ergonomics
• Emotional Stress
• Hazards of Extreme Temperatures and Pressure
• Electrical and Fire Safety
• Emergency Preparedness
• Workplace Violence
Noise and Vibration Hazards
• Introduction:
• Health effects:
• Measurement:
• Control:
• Standards:
• Exposure assessment:
• Protection:

The noise can be defined as an unwanted

(levels) of sound that can annoy, distract or
harm people and sometimes even the
properties. The noise is a subjective pollutant
because one person's idea of exultant, joyful
music might be another person’s disturbance.
Sound is a vibration that propagates as a
typically audible mechanical wave of pressure
and displacement, through a medium such as
air or water. In physiology, sound is the
reception of such waves and their perception
by the brain. Humans can hear sound waves
with frequencies between about 20 Hz and 20
kHz. Other animals have different hearing
Structure of sound wave:
Sources of noise:
• Transportation:
Automotive and aircraft noises; example vehicles, aircrafts.
• machinery or machine tools, pneumatic equipment, high-
speed rotating or stamping operations, and duct, fan, and
blower systems, grinding, drilling, cutting operations.
• Residential:
• air conditioners, lawn mowers, power saws, dishwashers,
kitchen and laundry appliances, television, stereos, pets,
and children.
Structure of sound wave:
Structure of sound wave:
Important terms:
• Frequency: A measure of the number of
pressure waves that pass a fixed point in one
second (the ‘pitch’). The unit used is the hertz
(Hz); one hertz is one cycle per second. The
human ear is sensitive to noise across a wide
range of frequencies: from 20 Hz (very low
frequencies) to 20000 Hz (very high
• Sound pressure:
• The sound pressure is the force (N) of a sound on a
surface area (m2) perpendicular to the direction of
the sound. Sound Pressure is the difference
between the pressure caused by a sound wave and
the ambient pressure of the media (air and water)
the sound wave is passing through. The SI-unit for
the Sound Pressure is N/m2 (Newton per square
meter) or Pa though in reality the decibel (dB) scale
is used.
• Decibel (dB) – the unit of sound pressure level
(which can be subjectively thought of as the
loudness of the noise). The decibel scale is a
logarithmic scale; this means that relatively
small increases in decibel value actually
represent very large increases in intensity. For
example, an increase of just 3 dB represents a
doubling of sound intensity.
Sound intensity:
Sound intensity is sound power per unit of
area. It indicates the flow of sound through a
specific area. Sound intensity is measured in
• Ultrasound:
Ultrasound are the sound waves with frequencies higher
than the upper audible limit of human hearing. Ultrasound
is no different from 'normal' (audible) sound in its physical
properties, except that humans cannot hear it. Ultrasound
devices operate with frequencies from 20 kHz up to several
• Infrasound:
Infrasound, sometimes referred to as low-frequency sound,
is a sound that is lower in frequency than 20 Hz (hertz) or
cycles per second, the "normal" limit of human hearing.
Hearing becomes gradually less sensitive as frequency
Difference between pitch and loudness:
Pitch refers to the frequency of a sound
waves, while loudness refers to the size
or amplitude of the sound. Every sound
has both a specific pitch and loudness.
The loudness of a sound will also
impact how easy it is for a person to
hear it. A loud noise, one with a large
amplitude, will be much louder and
easier to hear. The higher the
frequency, the more high-pitched a
sound is perceived. The sounds
produced by drums have much lower
frequencies than those produced by a
• Difference between loudness and pitch:
The loudness of the sound depends on the amplitude of the
sound wave. If the amplitude of the sound wave is large, then
the sound is said to be loud. Whereas the pitch of the sound
wave depends on the frequency of the waves. If the sound is
said to have a lower pitch then it has a lower frequency of
vibration. If the frequency of vibration is higher, we say that the
sound is shrill and has a high pitch.
The pitch and loudness differ on the basis of their tone quality.
High pitch sounds carry a sharp penetrating and shrill type of
sound while low pitch sounds carry heavy and bass type sound.
The pitch of a sound depends on the frequency while loudness
of a sound depends on the amplitude of sound waves.
Health Impacts of Noise
Structure of internal ear:
Health effects of Noise pollution:
• Auditory effects:
• Non-auditory effects:
Auditory Effects:
• Acoustic Trauma:
Acoustic trauma is an injury to the inner ear that's often
caused by exposure to a high-decibel noise. This injury can
be related to a single, very loud noise or by exposure to a
noise at a lower decibel over a long period of time.
• Tinnitus:
Tinnitus is the hearing/perception of sound when no
external sound is present. It is characterized by continuous
ringing in the ear.
• TTS: Temporary threshold shift:
A temporary threshold shift is a temporary shift in
the auditory threshold. It may occur suddenly after
exposure to a high level of noise, a situation in which
most people experience reduced hearing. 
• PTS: Permanent threshold shift:
A permanent threshold shift is when the ability to
hear is reduced permanently, which causes
a permanent hearing loss. Interference with
Non-Auditory Effects:
• Psychological: Annoyance, Anger
• Interference: Communication difficulties, distraction
• Sleep Disturbance: Insomnia, sleep satisfaction.
• Stress reactions:
• Cardiovascular problems: Hypertension, Hear rate.
• Endocrine problems: HPA (Hypothalemic Pitutary
Adrenal Axis) function is affected leading hormonal
• Cognitive performance: Memory, recall, learning
effectiveness and learning outcomes
Factors affecting the effect of Noise:

• Frequency content or bandwidth:

• Duration:
• Presence of pure tones or transients:
• Intermittency:
• Time of day:
• Location (or activity):
Measurement of Noise
Why noise measurement is important:

• Determining a worker's noise dose whenever a noise

dosimeter is unavailable or inappropriate.
• Aiding in engineering control feasibility analysis for
individual noise sources being considered for abatement.
• Evaluating the suitability of HPDs (Hearing Protection
Devices) for the actual noise level in an area.
• Studying noise levels in working environment. Identifying
and evaluating individual noise sources for abatement
• Exposure assessment studies.
• The temporal pattern of noise - continuous, variable,
intermittent, impulse.
Sound Level Meter (SLM):
• The SLM consists of a microphone,
electronic circuits and a readout
display. The microphone detects the
small air pressure variations
associated with sound and changes
them into electrical signals. These
signals are then processed by the
electronic circuitry of the
instrument. The readout displays the
sound level in decibels. The SLM
takes the sound pressure level at one
instant in a particular location.
Types of Sound Level Meter:
The sound level meters are classified in different types
depending upon their frequency range and accuracy. For
example the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
classifies sound level meters as either type 0, 1 or 2
according to the precision of the instrument. Whereas the
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) has its own
classification for SLM.
Types of Sound Level Meter:
Standards organizations divide sound level meters into
different classes depending upon their frequency range and
accuracy. For example the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) classifies sound level meters as either type
0, 1 or 2 according to the precision of the instrument.
Whereas the IEC (International Electrotechnical
Commission) has its own classification for SLM.
Categories of Sound Level Meter :
Type 0: Type 0 sound level meters are laboratory
grade. Used for precision and specialized research that
require high-accuracy ex- road design planning etc.

Type 1: Type 1 sound level meters have an accuracy of

±1 dBA and are used for precision measurements in
the field like research, work or law enforcement. The
Type 1 SLM is also preferred for the design of cost-
effective noise controls.

Type 2: Type 2 meters have an accuracy of ±2 dBA and

are used for general purpose measurements.
Noise frequency weightings:

A noise weighting is a specific amplitude-vs. -frequency

characteristic that is designed to allow subjectively valid
measurement of noise. It emphasises the parts of the
spectrum that are most important.
Some sound meters allow you to choose the frequency
weighting you want to measure noise at. The three most
commonly used decibel weightings are 'A', 'C' and 'Z' as
defined in the sound level meter standards IEC
61672:2013 (BS EN 61672-1:2013), but which one do
you choose?
Noise frequency weightings:

Why do I need to know the frequency weightings. The human ear is

most sensitive to sound frequencies between 500 Hz and 6 kHz.
When measuring sound pressure level variations, especially for
potentially damaging noise levels for workplace noise, it is important
that the sound level meter is able to give an accurate representation
of what the human ear actually hears. Frequency weightings do this
by giving more weight to different frequencies over others (i.e.
emphasising some frequencies and de-emphasising others). 
Understanding the difference between noise frequency weightings
may be one of the most important things you need to know about
when measuring sound. This is because picking the wrong sound
level meter weighting on your sound level pressure meter could
result in your results being irrelevant for the purpose and at worst
invalid (not legally compliant).
Types of weighting:

• A weighting:
• C weighting:
• Z weighting:
• A Weighting:
The most common weighting that is used in noise
measurement is A-Weighting. Like the human ear, this
effectively cuts off the lower and higher frequencies that
the average person cannot hear. A-weighted measurements
are expressed as dBA or dB(A). (A weighing is like making
the sound level meter hear the way we do)
In the A-weighted system, the decibel values of sounds at
low frequencies are reduced, compared with un-weighted
decibels, in which no correction is made for audio
frequency. This correction is made because the human ear
is less sensitive at low audio frequencies, especially below
1000 Hz, than at high audio frequencies. Using this filter,
the sound level meter is thus less sensitive to very high and
very low frequencies.
The ‘A’€™ weighting filter covers the full frequency
range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz, but the shape approximates
to the frequency sensitivity of the human ear. So the
A-weighted value of a noise source is an
approximation to how the human ear perceives the
•There is a need to assess the risk from any impulsive noise
(very sudden short-lived noises, bangs and crashes). The C-
weighting is used for this to give us the peak sound pressure for
the impulsive noise that the human ear is exposed to dB(C).  
C weighting follows the frequency sensitivity of the human ear
at very high noise levels. At levels 100 dB and above, the ear's
response is flatter across most frequencies. C-weighting is often
used for peak measurements as well as in some entertainment
noise measurement, where the transmission of bass noise can
be a problem. C-weighted measurements are expressed
as dBC or dB(C).
Z Frequency Weighting:
Z-weighted is the flat frequency response of 8Hz to 20kHz
(+/- 2.0 dB), this is the actual noise that is made with no
weighting at all for the human ear (Z for zero).  Often used
in determining environmental noise. Measurements made
using ‘€˜Z’€™ weighting are usually shown with dB(Z) to
show that the information is ‘Z’€™ weighted decibels.
Noise Dosimeters:
A noise dosimeter is a specialized sound level
meter intended specifically to measure the noise
exposure of a person integrated over a period of time.
Noise dosimeters measure and store sound pressure
levels (SPL) and, by integrating these measurements over
time, provide a cumulative noise-exposure reading for a
given period of time, such as an 8-hour workday.
Dosimeters can function as personal or area noise
monitors. In occupational settings, personal noise
dosimeters are often worn on the body of a worker with
the microphone mounted on the middle-top of the
person’s most exposed shoulder.
Noise Dosimeter:
Noise standards:
Noise regulations includes statutes or guidelines
relating to sound transmission established by
national, state or provincial and municipal levels of
A noise regulations restricts the amount of noise
from the source, the duration of noise and the
source of noise. It usually places restrictions on
noise emissions during different times of the day
and different areas of the locality, different durations
in the noise environments.
Types of noise regulations:

• Subjective Emission:
• Subjective Immission:
• Objective Emission:
• Objective Immission:
Types of noise regulations:
• Subjective Emission:
These regulations allow an official/authority
to decide if the output of a sound source is
acceptable without recourse to sound measurements
and without regard to the presence of a specific
• Subjective Immission:
• These regulations allow an official to decide if the
sound received by a listener is acceptable without 
recourse to sound measurements and without regard
for the specific sound power generated by the source.
Types of noise regulations:

• Objective Emission:
These regulations require an official to measure the output
of a sound source to determine whether it is
acceptable without regard to the presence of a specific
listener. Regulations with specific maximum sound output
levels for motor vehicles are examples.
• Objective Immission:
• These regulations require an official to measure the sound
received by a listener to determine whether it is
acceptable without regard to the specific sound power
generated by the source.
OSHA Noise exposure limits:

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health

Administration has established maximum noise levels
for occupational exposure, beyond which mitigation
measures or personal protective equipment is
required. In order to reduce noise impact in recent
years “Buy Quiet” programs and initiatives have
arisen in an effort to combat occupational noise
exposures. These programs promote the purchase of
quieter tools and equipment and encourage
manufacturers to design quieter equipment.
OSHA Noise exposure limits:….continued.

OSHA allows 8 hours of exposure to 90 dBA but only 2

hours of exposure to 100 dBA sound levels.
OSHA requires employers to implement a hearing
conservation program when noise exposure is at or
above 85 decibels averaged over 8 working hours, or an
8-hour time-weighted average (TWA).
Hearing conservation programs strive to prevent initial
occupational hearing loss, preserve and protect
remaining hearing, and equip workers with the
knowledge and hearing protection devices necessary to
safeguard themselves.
• Noise control:
A noise problem generally consists of three inter-
related elements- the source, the receiver and the
transmission path. The control of noise pollution
involves dealings with these three aspects of noise.
This includes control of noise pollution at the source,
in transmission and at the receiver, explained below
in detail.
Control of noise at the source:
The control of noise pollution at source is the first
step in noise pollution control it involves the control
and reduction of noise at the source of its generation
which involves employment of various techniques
such as reduction of noise levels, maintenance of
automobiles, control of vibrations at source,
prohibition on usage of loud speakers, maintenance
of machines, lubrications of machines and covering
of noisy machines these are the techniques
employed at source to control the noise pollution. If
noise pollution is not controlled substantially at
source then it is controlled in the path of
Control of noise at source:

• Mechanical Impacts
• Reduce High Velocity of Fluid Flow
• Mufflers and Silencers
• Reduce Pneumatic and Compressed Air Systems
• Damping
• Substitute for the Source
• Process modification
• Maintenance
• Mechanical Impacts:
A worker can bend a piece of metal by hitting it with a
hammer and applying a large amount of force over a short
period of time or by applying the same force with the pliers
over a longer time period, thereby reducing the noise.
Rotating parts: Bearing change, lubrication, slow the speed
of rotating part or find out other alternatives.
• Reduce High Velocity of Fluid Flow:
• Fluid (whether air or liquid) that moves through
vents, valves, and piping at high velocities can
generate noise due to turbulence.
Figure below shows that installing softer bends in
the pipe and increasing the distance between the
valves will reduce the turbulence in the line and,
consequently, reduce the noise generated.
• Mufflers and Silencers:
• Mufflers (also called silencers) can be used on noisy,
pressurized air equipment to reduce noise at the
source. A muffler is a device that reduces the noise
level from a moving air or gas stream, such as one
found in a pneumatic tool (Figure next slide). Like
the muffler on an automobile, it absorbs some
noise before it can reach the receiver (in this case,
the ears of the worker who is exposed to the noise).
• Reduce pneumatic and compressed air systems:
A special case of high-velocity fluid flow is compressed air,
which is used widely for many purposes such as Spraying
paint and other substances etc. Compressed air causes
noise exposure in most major industry sectors. Because
compressed air is so common (and loud), it accounts for a
large percentage of all workplace noise exposure.
Noise from compressed systems can be controlled by
pressure regulator by regulating pressure, Replacing noisy
air nozzles, Adjusting the angle of air jets so that lower air
pressure is needed to move products . Updating workplace
policies to reduce reliance on compressed air where it is
unnecessary. For example, vacuuming instead of using
compressed air for cleaning.
Noise reducing compressed air nozzles:
• Damping:
• Reduce Response of Vibrating Surfaces by Vibration
Damping is another means of noise reduction. It dissipates
energy associated with vibration, often using a coating
applied to the surfaces of the noise source. For example, in
parts manufacturing, metal parts are transferred via metal
chutes, causing excessive noise from the impact of metal on
metal. When the chute is coated with a damping material
(e.g., mastic, asphalted felt), the noise level is reduced.
Figure next slide shows a steel plate covering a moving part
on a piece of equipment. A sheet of plastic foil is placed
between the two steel plates, providing a damping effect.
Damping effect:
Process Modification:
Reducing Structure-Borne Noise by Vibration Isolation:
• Substitute for the Source:
One way to reduce noise at the source is to replace
noisy equipment with a quieter alternative.

Regular maintenance like lubrication, cleaning etc.
helps reduce the noise from the source.
• Control of noise during transmission:
The control of noise pollution during transmission is
the second in noise pollution control and it involves
trapping/ absorbing/ refracting or radiating the noise
waves to reduce its intensity and effect in the
surrounding environment. The available techniques
for controlling the noise pollution in transmission
phase includes installation of barriers such as trees,
walls etc., installation of panels, enclosures,
employing architectural changes in surrounding.
Control of noise during transmission:

• Sound Absorption
• Reducing Reverberation.
• Acoustical Enclosures
• Shields or Barriers
• Sound Absorption:
Reflected sound (sound reverberating from the walls,
ceiling, and floor) will add to the sound wave
propagating directly from the source to the receiver,
thus increasing the overall noise level within a room.
Acoustical absorptive materials are used to reduce
this reflected sound; installed on the walls or ceiling
(Figure next slide), they absorb and dissipate the
sound before it can be reflected. Materials used for
sound absorption are usually porous or fibrous (e.g.,
fiberglass, mineral wool, felt, polyurethane foams).
• Reducing Reverberation:
As acoustic tiles, in strategic places on the walls and
ceiling surrounding the noise source. Reverberation can
be greater when the room surfaces are hard (e.g.,
concrete, cinder block, corrugated metal); in these
environments, sound-absorbing materials can be
beneficial. This is a common treatment in theaters,
broadcast studios, and sound-recording booths. This
engineering control will do nothing to reduce the noise
level from the noise source but will reduce the reflection
of noise back into the room.
• Acoustical Enclosures :
Acoustical enclosures are the most popular path treatment
used in industry. Such an enclosure is composed of a dense
outer casing, often with a sound-absorptive material on the
interior surfaces to help dissipate the acoustical energy.
Enclosures can present difficulties for the production
process. Using them can involve many challenges, such as
interior heat buildup, limited physical and visual access to
the equipment, difficulty getting the product in and out of
the enclosure without sacrificing some noise reduction, and
maintenance personnel needing to disassemble the
enclosure when repairing equipment. It is not unusual for a
reassembled enclosure to lose much of its effectiveness
due to poor fittings and small gaps or openings in the
Shields or Barriers:
Control of noise at the receiver:
Control of noise pollution at the receiver is the last
step in the noise pollution control it involves
exposure reduction by job rotation (administrative
control), confinement in enclosures/, isolation
booths and use of personal protective equipments
such as ear muffs, ear plugs to ward off the harmful
effects of noise pollution.
PPEs for Noise:

A hearing protection device, also known as a HPD,

is an ear protection device worn in or over the ears
while exposed to hazardous noise to help
prevent noise-induced hearing loss. HPDs reduce
(not eliminate) the level of the noise entering the
ear. HPDs can also protect against other effects
of noise exposure such as tinnitus and hyperacusis.
There are many different types of HPDs available
for use, including earmuffs, earplugs.
Ear plugs:
Earplug style hearing protection devices are
designed to fit in the ear canal. Earplugs come
in a variety of different subtypes. The
attenuation offered by these devices can be
measured through hearing protection fit
Types of ear plugs:

• Pre-molded earplugs have a preformed shape and a

push-to-fit design.
• Formable earplugs are pliable and take the form of an
individual's ear canal.
• Roll-down foam earplugs are one of the most commonly
used earplugs, and are made from slow recovery foam
which expands after it has been "rolled-down" and
inserted in the ear canal, creating a tighter seal.
• Custom Earplugs are made individually for each user
following ear impressions. Typically custom earplugs are
purchased from an audiology clinic or hearing healthcare
Ear plugs:
Advantages and Disadvantage of Ear Plugs
Ear muffs:

Earmuff style hearing protection devices are

designed to fit over the outer ear, or pinna. Earmuff
HPDs typically consist of two ear cups and a head
band. Ear cups are usually lined with a sound-
absorbing material, such as foam. The cups should
be fit so that the center of the ear canal aligns with
the ear canal opening. The soft cushions seal around
the pinna of the ears. The head band, centered at
the top of the head, applies force/pressure to seal
the ear cups over the ears.
Ear muffs:
of Ear Plugs
Occupations at the risk of noise:

• Construction workers – as a result of plant and machinery

operation, such as concrete-breakers.
• Uniformed services – such as army personnel exposed to
noise from small arms and artillery fire.
• Entertainment-sector workers – such as nightclub staff
exposed to loud music.
• Manufacturing-sector workers – exposed to industrial
machinery noise.
• Call-centre staff – exposed to loud nose and acoustic
shock from the use of headsets.
• Mining industry, traffic police are among other.
Vibration is often associated with noise. Vibration is a
mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations with slight
shaking movements occur. The vibrations may be periodic
(ex-machine) or random (truck on a gavel road). Vibrations
from the machines can be passed on to anyone in contact
with it.
Environmental conditions and worker habits can exacerbate
the problems associated with vibration. For example,
working with vibrating tools in a cold environment is more
dangerous than working with the same tools in a warm
environment. Gripping a vibrating tool tightly will lead to
problems sooner than using a loose grip.

Oscillation motion or—in short—oscillation

(vibration) is a process that periodically changes any
physical quantity specific to this process. This
chapter focuses on mechanical system vibrations. A
mechanical system is a set of interconnected solid
bodies; an acoustic system is an area filled with gas,
or sometimes liquid, and limited by surfaces (such
as room walls). Mechanical and the acoustic
systems often form a whole unit, referred to as a
vibroacoustic system.

• From the perspective of occupational safety

and health protection, mechanical oscillations
(vibrations) are a set of phenomena observed
at workstations, constituting the transmission
of energy from the vibration source to the
human body through various body parts that
come into contact with the oscillating source
while performing work tasks.
Effects of vibration on body:

Long-term occupational exposure to vibration may

lead to many disorders and cause permanent
pathological changes. The type of changes and the
pace of their development depend to a great
extent upon the point of penetration on the
human body. In this regard, two types of
mechanical vibration can be distinguished:
1. Whole-body vibration Effects:
2. Hand-arm vibration Syndrome:
Whole-body vibration (WBV):
Whole body vibration (WBV) is a generic term used when
vibrations (mechanical oscillations) of any frequency are
transferred to the body. The main groups of employees exposed
to whole-body vibration are car drivers, tram drivers, engine
drivers, and construction and road machine operators. In these
cases, vibration is transmitted to the body from the vehicle seat
through the pelvis, the back, and the sides. However,
occupational exposure to whole-body vibration often affects
persons who handle fixed equipment and machines operated in
various work areas in a standing position. In such cases,
vibrations penetrate the employee’s body through the feet from
the vibrating base of the workstation. The common sources of
WBV are oscillating platforms, seats of vehicles and machines
(ex-soil compacting machine),
Whole body vibration sources:
Health effects of Whole-body vibration (WBV):
After daily exposure over a number of
years, whole-body vibration can
affect the entire body and result in a
number of health disorders
depending on the susceptibility of an
individual. However
musculoskeletal problems, spinal
degeneration (spondylosis) and
increased risk of shoulder, neck and
low back disorders, alimentary
system organs, mainly the stomach
and the oesophagus, are significant
occupational health problems
associated with WBV.
Hand and arm vibration:
Hand arm vibrations (HAVs)
are a specific type of
occupational hazard which can
lead to hand arm vibration
syndrome. The hand arm
vibration is a condition that
specifically affects the hands
and arms as a result of a
significant vibration dose to
the upper limbs and hands.
Operators of manual vibration
power tools are the main
group exposed to hand-arm
Hand and arm vibration sources:
• Pneumatic, hydraulic, or electric hand-held impact
tools (e.g. pneumatic drills, moulding hammers and
concrete tampers, riveting hammers, hammer drills,
• Electric- or diesel-powered hand-held rotary tools
(drills, grinders, chainsaws)
• Hand-operated control levers of machines and
• Technological process sources (hand-held or hand-
guided components Processed by grinding,
smoothing, polishing, etc.)
Hand arm vibration sources:
Health effects of HAV:
The HAV’s affects mainly affect
• Circulatory system
• Nervous system and
• Osteoarticular system (bones and joints).
HAV and circulatory system
The vascular form of vibration syndrome is the most frequent and
is characterized by changes mainly in peripheral blood circulation
in the form of vasospastic disorders of the upper extremities (white
fingers/blanching). Paroxysmal vasospasms are indicated by one or
more fingertips turning pale with signs of numbness. This form of
vibration syndrome is often confused with Raynaud’s disease.
HAV and Nervous system
• Vasospastic disorders are often accompanied by nervous
disorders and osteoarticular changes. Changes in the
nervous system caused by exposure to hand-arm vibration
mainly include apselaphesia (loss of sense of touch), loss of
sense of temperature,
and associated problems
such as numbness or
tingling of fingertips. If
exposure to vibration
continues, these changes
develop further,
decreasing the ability to
work and perform other
life functions.
Osteoarticular system (bones and joints)

Osteoarticular effects of HAV include joint

damages, the deformity of articular spaces,
calcification of articular capsules, and changes in
the periosteum (membrane on bones) and the
leading to the emergence of characteristic cysts in
the small bones, particularly in the wrist.
Operators of manual vibration tools are the main
group exposed to hand-arm vibration.
Musculoles weakening:

Grip strength and manual

dexterity reduce.
Functional effects of HAV and HBV on body:
The biological effects of hand-arm and whole-body vibrations on the
human body are usually accompanied by functional effects, which
include the following:
Prolonged motor response time
Prolonged visual response time
Movement coordination disturbances
Excessive fatigue
Sleep disorders
Muscle weakening, reduced grip and dexteirity
Numbness, loss of sensitivity of affected part
Adverse functional changes lead to a decrease in the effectiveness
and quality of the work performed, sometimes making it impossible
to work at all.
Factors affecting the effects of vibration:
• Applied forces like grip
• Magnitude vibration
• Distance traveled by vibration
• Acceleration and speed of vibration
• Frequency of vibration (measured in vibrations per second
or Hertz-Hz);
• Direction vibration
• Exposure duration/ time
• The body posture used during exposure
• Location of body contacts
• Ergonomics of the seat or workplace area or equipment
• Physical fitness, gender and age of individual
Machine Vibration Emission Values:

Information concerning the machine vibration

emission is valuable for designers, manufacturers,
users, and inspection authorities, and is necessary
for the comparison of vibration emissions generated
by various machines and for the assessment of
vibrations in order to comply with the requirements
of occupational health and safety.
Exposure assessment for Vibrations:
Employees who are exposed to the vibration are susceptible for
occupational disorders. Therefore employer must be able to
protect workers from such dangerous levels, and must know
what the actual vibration levels associated with equipment are,
and also how long employees are exposed to it. There must be
an assessment of both the vibration level and the duration of
exposure; then a reasonable assessment can be made of the
likelihood of employees suffering damage, such as HAVS or
whole-body vibration effects. With this information, the
employer can put suitable measures in place to control
exposure to vibration.
Need of vibration exposure assessment:
• Assessment helps screen the employees affected
due to prolonged vibration exposure.
• It provides information about sources of vibration,
its levels.
• It helps employees take proper control measures
based on risk levels.
• It helps finding risk zones, equipments in the
workplace and
• It also help employers to know the amount of
training and information employees need.
Measurement of Vibration:
• Frequency (f): Hertz (Hz)
• Wavelength: in Meters (m)
• Velocity (v): meters per second (m/s)
• Acceleration (a): Meters per square m/s2
Exposure to vibration is determined by measuring
acceleration in the units of m/s2. Acceleration is often
used as a measure of vibration exposure because…
• Measuring acceleration can also give information
about velocity and amplitude of vibration.
• The degree of harm is related to the magnitude of
Vibration exposure limits:
Occupational vibration exposure is subject to
statute law in many countries. However basically
vibration exposure limits are the following two
types. Each type of value sets specific legal
requirements on the employer.

Exposure Action Value (EAV)

Exposure Limit Value (ELV):
Daily Exposure Action Value (EAV)
• A Daily Exposure Action Value (EAV) is the limit of occupational
exposure to vibration/noise, when these values are exceeded,
employers must take action to monitor the exposure levels.
Hand arm vibration: 2.5m/s-2 A(8)
Whole body vibration: 0.5 m/s-2 A(8)
m/s-2 = Meter per second squared
A (8) = Average over 8 hours
At this value, the employer must:
Carry out a vibration assessment.
Reduce exposure to the lowest level reasonably practicable.
Provide information, instruction and training to employees.
Carry out health surveillance.
Daily Exposure Limit Value (ELV):

A Daily Exposure Limit Value (ELV) is the maximum limit of

occupational exposure to vibration. Legally it is not allowed to
exceed this value.
Hand arm vibration: 5.0 m/s-2 A(8)
Whole body vibration: 1.15 m/s-2 A(8)
m/s-2 = Meter per second squared
A (8) = Average over 8 hours

At this value, the employer must:

– Carry out a vibration assessment.
– Immediately reduce exposure below the exposure limit value

(There can be different values for juveniles and pregnant women)

Vibration prevention and control measures:
Eliminate the source:
Completely remove the vibration source, (perhaps) by mechanizing the
use of tools (e.g. using a concrete-breaker mounted on an excavator
arm rather than hand-operated). Or the change of work methods
(automate the process and remove the need of manual work).
  Substitute the source:
Change the vibration source for something else that does the same job
but generates less vibration. This can be done by changing the type of
equipment or tool being used, but can often be achieved by using the
same type of tool but simply buying a low-vibration magnitude model.
  Change work techniques:
There may be ways of doing the work that do not produce as much
vibration It may also be possible to modify the equipment to improve
the grip on the tools, change in body posture while working.
Vibration prevention and control measures:
Machinery often produces vibration because it is in need of
maintenance. Bits, in particular, should be kept sharp.
Vibration arrestors:
Vibration arrestors Interrupt the pathway from source to receiver.
vibration is transmitted through solid materials by direct contact (e.g.
from the two-stroke motor of a chainsaw to the chassis supporting that
motor to the handles to the hands). Isolation involves separating
vibrating parts from the user’s hands using anti-vibration mountings.
This breaks the transmission pathway. This approach can be applied to
hand-tools such as chainsaws, and to vehicles - the suspension of a seat
in a vehicle cab is isolating the driver from vehicle vibration.
  Limit exposure time:
There is a direct relationship between vibration dose and duration of
exposure: halve the time; halve the dose. This can be used by either by
job rotation, rest periods, imposing time limits by calculating dosage.
Vibration prevention and control measures:
• Use of jigs, clamps, counterweights to reduce the
need to grip tool.
• Changing work techniques: Reduce & push force
• Job rotation
• Information and training on the nature of risks
• Isolation of vibrating parts.
• PPEs are not particularly helpful however anti-
vibration gloves can be used.
• Periodic maintenance of machines
• Proper work environment like temperature etc.
Vibration prevention and control measures:
• Select low vibration equipment
• Select ergonomically designed equipment.
• Periodic maintenance of equipment’s
• Use high quality, standard and certified material
• Consider features like weight, size, innovative design
• Hire proper employees not from vulnerable groups
(pregnant women, juvenile, physically weak etc.)
• Introduce health surveillance and check ups
• Promote safe work practices.
• Check exposure limits and take action if the exposure
limits exceeded the predefined value.
• Information, Instruction, Training and Supervision.
Safe Work Practices:
Along with using anti-vibration tools and gloves, workers can reduce
the risk of hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) by following work
• Use a minimum strength hand grip that still allows the safe operation
of the tool or process.
• Wear sufficient clothing, including gloves, to keep warm.
• Avoid continuous exposure by taking rest periods.
• Rest the tool on the work piece whenever practical.
• Do not use faulty tools.
• Maintain tools properly. Tools that are worn, blunt or out of alignment
will vibrate more.
• Consult a doctor at the first sign of vibration disease and ask about the
possibility of changing to a job with less exposure.
• Operating conditions: speed, temperature, weight etc.
• Operator training, experienced workers.
Vibration risk assessment factors to be considered:
• Workplace: Hazardous workplaces and areas
• Equipment: Information about vibration hazard equipment’s,
their model numbers, technical specifications that can give
details about (vibration, frequency, acceleration, speed,
amplitude, direction) their condition (new or old), state of
repair, maintenance record’s.
• Job /activities details: Details of activities, tasks, jobs, postures,
exposure duration.
• Vulnerable employees: Their age, sex, physical strength,
exposure timings, health status data.
• Health surveillance records:
• Complaints and suggestions:
• Employee opinions:
• Exposure limits: Vibration exposure limits.
Health surveillance in vibration control: important factors:

• Examine the hands to identify the signs of HAVS.

• Consult with workers about lower back pain to
know signs of WBV
• Detect and predict adverse health effects from
vibration exposure.
• Provide medical assistance to stop the progression
of diseases.
• Appoint person to information and advice on
related health issues.
Myths management:
• PPE there is no effective PPE for HAV.
• Manufactures declared values:
Lab data can not always be used for exposure
• Maintenance data:
Most maintenance data provide no useful
information on tool condition or HAV risk.
• Exposure assessment:
Mistakes in measurement and exposure assessment
Occupations at risk:

• Construction:
• Manufacturing 
• Mining:
• Agriculture:
• Forestry:
• Transportation (Drivers)
• Maintenance
• Automotive industry:
Thank You

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