All About Phobias

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1 What are
2 3 How do
phobias? Symptoms Erikson
phobias and
develop? Phobias
Difference in
Types of Fear and
Phobias? Phobia Fun Facts

5 6 7
Bandura Takeaway
Case study Note

 A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational
fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object. When a person has a phobia, they will
often shape their lives to avoid what they consider to be dangerous. The imagined threat is
greater than any actual threat posed by the cause of terror.
 Phobias are diagnosable mental disorders.
 The person will experience intense distress when faced with the source of their phobia. This can
prevent them from functioning normally and sometimes leads to panic attacks.

This is an intense, irrational fear of a specific trigger.
This is a profound fear of public humiliation and being singled out or judged by others in a social situation.
The idea of large social gatherings is terrifying for someone with social anxiety. It is not the same as
This is a fear of situations from which it would be difficult to escape if a person were to experience extreme
panic, such being in a lift or being outside of the home. It is commonly misunderstood as a fear of open
spaces but could also apply to being confined in a small space, such as an elevator, or being on public
transport. People with agoraphobia have an increased risk of panic disorder
Symptoms of phobias
The most common and disabling symptom of a phobia is a panic attack. Features of a panic
attack include:

 Pounding Or Racing Heart  Trembling Or Shaking

 Shortness Of Breath  Pain Or Tightness

 Rapid Speech Or Inability To Speak  A Choking Sensation

 Dry Mouth  Dizziness Or nausea

 Upset Stomach  Profuse Sweating

 Nausea  A Sense Of Impending Doom

 Elevated Blood Pressure

How phobias are different from fears, according to psychology

 Normal fears exist in all of us, but when these fears start interfering in someone’s
daily life, making it unbearable and difficult to lead, they become phobias.
 Fear is a normal reaction when facing an apparent threat, but phobias are an
exaggerated and maximized reaction to what is considered by the person as a
 Normal fear is feeling anxious and nervous on a plane during takeoff, while a phobia
is a
 Normal fear is feeling stressed and frightened in the presence of a dog, while phobia
is staying home whenever there is a minimum probability of seeing a dog outside.
Voiding and refusing the option of traveling because of an extreme fear of flying.
 Normal fear is feeling scared and dizzy in an elevator, while phobia is rejecting a job
because of the necessity of using an elevator in the workplace.


It is unusual for a phobia to start after the age of

30 years, and most begin during early childhood,
the teenage years, or early adulthood.
They can be caused by a stressful experience, a
frightening event, or a parent or household
member with a phobia that a child can 'learn.'
It is unusual for a phobia to start after the age of
30 years, and most begin during early childhood,
the teenage years, or early adulthood.
They can be caused by a stressful experience, a
frightening event, or a parent or household
member with a phobia that a child can 'learn.'

• Phobias are more serious than simple fear sensations and

are not limited to fears of specific triggers.
• Despite individuals being aware that their phobia is
irrational, they cannot control the fear reaction.
• Symptoms may include sweating, chest pains, and pins and
• Treatment can include medication and behavioral therapy.
• 19 million people in the United States have a phobia

 Phobias usually develop in early childhood. Specifically between the ages of 3-6 years.
 According to Erik Erikson’s theory this is a transition between two stages.
i- Early childhood (2-3yrs) ii- Preschool (4-6 yrs)
 When a particular fear is instilled, an unresolved conflict always remains within a person
 With time and age one thinks their phobia has subsided (which is possible too) but usually
that’s not the case. The fear returns when there is a direct contact or a trigger. This can also be
categorized as relapse.

According to Albert Bandura children observe the

people around them behaving in various ways. Many at
times children tend to copy the adults around them
because they are inspired and want to be just like them.
In this process they start disliking what is disliked by
their parents and they ‘learn’ a phobia.
Two things are established here:
i- Phobias are not always due to nature/
genetics but also develop because of how a child is
ii- Bandura’s observational theory actually holds
true. (Bobo Doll experiment)

Phobias can be a source of genuine and ongoing distress for an individual. However, they are
treatable in most cases, and very often the source of fear is avoidable

We must be considerate towards people. That person, who we just labeled as rude because
s/he doesn’t talk to anyone during breaks or lame because s/he doesn’t attend any social
events might be suffering from social phobia. Your comments just add to the problem. So try
helping those who are struggling with communicating rather than just picking on them.

In corporate environments, managers must keep in mind that not everyone is a front man.
Each person should be designated a task according to the individual’s capacity.

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