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ROLL NO. 017
Imagine you went to sleep and woke up to a work day
in 1960. How different is your work life today,
compared to what it was 40 years ago? Clearly, there
would not be a Starbucks on every corner or a cell
phone in every pocket—but what else has changed and
In today's world, the structure, content, and process of
work have changed. Work is now:
more cognitively complex
more team-based and collaborative
more dependent on social skills
more dependent on technological competence
more time pressured
more mobile and less dependent on geography.
So, in this changing work environment, have the
relationships at the workplace changed?
Has it become more complex?

The answer is YES!!!

Today, a manager plays not only the role of a

leader, but also of a coach, mentor and
Let’s see what are the new factors that have
changed the workplace…
Competition between Personal and Work Life:
Today, due to intense competition, people rarely find
time to live their personal life. They come to the
workplace, work for 16 hours, spend 2 hours in
travelling, and… no personal life. This takes a toll on
their work life, and they tend to lose their sharpness.
These people tend to pick up fights with their peers,
superiors and they tend to destroy the group morale.
Here’s where a manager has to step in. He has to have
an eye on all people working under him. If he finds
anyone’s performance below par, he should consult
that person and if necessary counsel him. He should
extend his full support to the employee. He can ask the
person to take a break or give him a transfer to his
place, so that his productivity is not lost.
In today’s business world, an employee who
brings in good business for the company, or
an employee who is more productive than
the others are considered as assets…no…

But, what if these employees don’t adhere to

the team rules, work by their rules, gives a
public dressing down to the other
employees? How to deal with these
According to experts, such kind of people
should be immediately called for a one-on-
one counselling, before it’s too late. They
should not be left free, behaving ill with
the co-workers. If the manager shows his
authority there, the team spirit will get a
wonderful boost.
Another issue is the issue of the
unproductive employees. Earlier, these
people used to get away because of the
lenience policy followed by the
But nowadays, the policy has changed.
Managers call these people for a
counselling, tell them bluntly that they are
not meeting the expectations, send them
for additional training, and if the problem
persists, issue the PINK SLIP.
That makes it for the workplace relationship. Now,
let’s shift our focus to the Customer Relationship.
Till a decade and a half ago, the customer
used to purchase or consume whatever
the business used to produce.

They used to consume the product even if

it was not of their liking, because they had
no other choice.
No amount of complaints used to work, as
the business considered the customer as
a handicapped poor fellow.
But, now the scenario has changed.
The business produces what the customer
wants. The customer has the money, and
the business has to come up with a
product that matches the customer’s
And, here comes the need for an effective
CRM policy.
The purpose of a business is to create customers.
Research by Frederick Reichhold and Earl Sasser of
the Harvard Business School show that most
customers are only profitable from the second year
they so business with the organization.
Initially, the customers cost you money. Money spent
on advertising, money spent on learning what they
want, and teaching them how best to do business with
By CRM, we can ensure that customers
remain brand loyal to the business and
bring in money.
It’s a weapon or a tool if it’s in the hands
of a correct person.
Not only are there the best employees,
but there are the customer information
anlysed and processed.
If the business has a good CRM strategy,
then the business is dealing with many
potential pots of gold.
A strategy that gets in the way of a good
CRM policy, is taking the organization in
the wrong direction.
CRM is not only about the salespeople behaving good
with the customers. It is the duty of every employee in the
business to imbibe the CRM strategy as envisioned.
Nowadays, CRM is not an option. It is a compulsion for
every business as they have to remain competitive.
CRM is an investment, and, a big one.
It is about finding new ways to add value.
CRM is all about understanding what the
consumer is expecting, how the business
takes pains to deliver it and same.
It is about what ways and means the
business takes to deliver value to the

So, as Customer is the King, CRM should

be like the BIBLE of the Sales people….

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