Swa News: Lidya Sukandi/7J/7.2 2010-2011

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SWA News

By: Lidya Sukandi/7J/7.2

Make it clear, modern and simple.

Time Allowed : 8 weeks

Specification and Limitation:

- Computer and Software

- Young people

- Not a hard word, proper pronouns.

Unique Question: Can IT be used

effectively to report the news?

My client, Swa want a simple, creative, and modern

project they want us to make a SWA NEWS for everyone to
see it. They no need to much information but they need our
creativity. They want we to make it because they want
everyone to know what happen to this school and what
events that going to be in this month.
AOS (Areas Of Interaction)

This product is related to community and service because we need the community to
search for the information and picture and other stuff that we need.
Client Interview

- Do you want the poster to be colorful? Yes

- How big is the size? No to big at least people ca see it from the far.

- Do you want me to put many pictures? Yes

- What information should I put on the poster? SWA news.

- What color of the paper should I use? White

- I have to use a pencil/ permanent black marker/ marker? why? Marker because
it make the text more clear.
Client Interview Summary

From the interview with my client, I know what she

want for me to making the poster. She want me to make it
colorful so the one who see my project will not fell bored.
She also don’t want the size of the paper too big and she
also don’t want the paper too small so she want the paper in
medium size at least people can see it clearly, she need
more information with pictures but she also want more
pictures than the information because if there is too much
information the project will be not interesting, she need
many information about SWA news, she want me to do it in
a white paper and do it with a marker.
1 2 3
Content Ballet Food festival Cultural day
Target Group everyone Student, teacher, Student, teacher
Length 1 page 1 page 1 page
Production Microsoft word Microsoft excel Microsoft excel
Font 24 32 18
Appearance Simple and colorful crowded
Color Pink and brown Red and yellow Green, pink,
Research Summary

I have been research for 3 different ideas, and I think I will choose the ballet
news because ballet competition will not be bored and everyone can join it. I
will do this in Microsoft word and I also will put some pictures and it will be
colorful. I have to do it simple but modern because my client want it to be like
that. I think the price to make this will be so cheap and the size of the paper will
be not too big, at least people can see it clearly.

Microsoft word Microsoft excel

Microsoft word is software Microsoft excel is

that can help us to make a also can make a
poster. And it will be so poster and it will
easy for me to make it help us because
they have a line so
it was easier to
make a table for a
Software Research Summary

From my previous research, I decide to choose to make a website. I

choose that because I can make it more modern and can make it
complicated. If I make a poster I have to do it so simple and maybe it will
have only some text with no picture because the paper is too small to
make a SWA news. So, to making a website I will make it on webs
because it was free!!!
Impacts on the environment and the society
Impacts on the environment

If I make a website, I need an electricity in the power station. And I need

Wi-Fi in my house and it will spent a lot of money.

Impacts on the society

If they want to open my website, they have to get laptop and they have to
use an electricity that was so expensive and they also have to use a internet
connection that also expensive. If they don’t have laptop they can buy it but it
spent a lot of money. And they have to go to the factory and it take oil and that
causing pollution and it was bad for our health.
Design Brief

I will make a website. I will make it in WEBS so I can make a free

website. I am choosing to make a website because I think I feel more
comfortable on it and I can put as much information and pictures easily. To
make it, first time, I will research for some idea, information and pictures.
Second, I will design what it’s going to be. Third, I will I will make the first
design. Fourth, I will make another design. Fifth, I will choose which one I’m
going to present. And I will decorate it.
Title Specification/ why? Test
Software I will use webs.com to make I will make sure that the
my project. software that I choose is
comfort for me.

Time 8 weeks I’ve make everything in 8

Cost Free I will check in webs.com.
Target Audience Everyone I will make sure that the
content is relevant to
Aesthetic Not really colorful but I will not make it colorful so it
modern. will no be a weird project.
Function To make everyone know, what I will take more information
happen in this school. from other people idea.
Purpose To tell everyone about SWA
Safety I will duplicate the document. I will make duplicate in my
Durability Unlimited Show to one person and ask
them for their ideas
Investigation Summary
From the interview with my client, I know what she want for me to making the
poster. She want me to make it colorful so the one who see my project will not fell
-Software research
I have been research for 3 different ideas and I think I’m going to choose between
Website and poster.
It’s impact our environment. If I make a website, I need an electricity in the power
station. And I need Wi-Fi in my house and it will spent a lot of money.
-Design brief specification
I am choosing to make a website because I think I feel more comfortable on it and I
can put as much information and pictures easily.
Work Cited






-Can be colorful

-Make people feel bored
-Using paper and it
needed to cut down.
-Using many inks.
Design 2

-Free for the software
-Can put anything inside it.

-Hard to make
-Using much electricity
Design 3

-Easy to make

-Cut many tree to make the paper
-Use many inks
Design 4

-Easy to make
-Only use 2 of inks

-Cut down many tree for the paper
Design 5


-Hard to make
-Use many inks
-Cut down many trees
Design 6

-Free for the software

-Use a lot of electricity
Evaluation Against

Specification Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4 Design 5 Design 6

Material      
Time      
Size      
Aesthetic      
Target Audience      
Function      
Purpose      
Weight      
Processes and tools      
Safety      
Durability      
Summary of the Design
Design 1 - It will be interesting and colorful but it was so expensive, need to cut down
many tree for the paper, use many inks, and this design easily can make people feel bored.

Design 2 - It was free for the software, interesting, and we can put anything inside. But we
need at least one laptop that belong to one person and it cause a lot of money and it can
also break out eyes. And to make this design is so hard to make, it also using much

Design 3 - This design is easy to make, simple, and also cheap. But this design is needed a
paper so we must cut down many trees for the paper only. And we use many inks for this

Design 4 - Easy to make, simple, cheap, and also only using black and white inks. But we
still needed to cut down many trees for the paper.

Design 5 - Colorful, modern. But this design is hard to make, use many inks, and cut
down many trees for the paper.

Design 6 – Free for the software, Interesting. But use many electricity and really
expensive to see this design because you need a laptop to open this design.
Evaluation Against Specification – Final Chosen Design

Specification Comments
Software I will use Webs on this design. Because it is free.
Time It take 8 weeks to work on this design. Although it take a long time to
do this design but this will an interesting design.
Costs No cost for this design, because the software is given or can be use
for free.
Aesthetic This design will be colorful, modern but simple. I will use some of
bright color so it will be interesting and people who see my design
will not feel bored.
Target Audience Anyone can see. This can for children because this website is using
not really hard English word. But, parents, teacher, and staff can also
read this. Because, this is a news to everyone in this school.
Function The function is to make everyone know about what going to happen
in this school.
Purpose To tell the news in the school to everyone.
Safety I will make duplicate of this document in my hard disk and USB.
Durability It will be not destroyed because this is a website and I already make
the duplicate.
This is the first page of my design project. I change some part because some of the
part no look really need. I also change the color and font in my new first page.
This is the second page of my design project. This is the page that have all of
the pictures that happening so far in this last 4 months. In this page I change the
design and I make the pictures folder in each part.
This is the third page of my design project. In this page I
change everything that I have done before. In the left and right
side of this paper is the information of each events. In the middle
I make something like an advertisements.
Gantt Chart
Evaluation of the plan
-Is your plan SMART?
My plan is SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, fits the time frame). It tells you
what the exact material or tool you will be using to do certain steps. Building this product is not
beyond my abilities so it is achievable and realistic to complete it. Also this is planned with some
spare time just in case something goes wrong and have to spend extra time fixing whatever needs
to be fixed or change.

-Does the plan seem to be in logical steps?

My step by step is focused on the safety, design, and Gantt chart is a detailed version of
step by step so if someone want to see my Gantt chart they can easily see it. This stage is just
planning the product that I have design. I start to making the product earlier and finish it faster, so
if something went wrong I will easily catch up and do new one.

-Modifications to the design

The plan I’ve used the modified version of the design so I don’t think I have to make further
modifications to the design, I may change the design as I make it because of time management and
how effective I work every class.

-Concluding the Evaluation of my step by step plan

So in this project I will focused on the design step and the safety.
Document Evidence
I make this product for 2 weeks. I make my product in
webs.com. It cost free to make a website from this link.
They quite hard to understand some of the important tolls
to use. But I can find all things that I want to make for
my product. First step I need to input my information to
make the website. Second step we need to choose which
product from 3 program we want. Third step we have to
write opening word for the HOME slide. Fourth slide we
need to upload some photo. Fifth we need to wait for 5-
30 minutes for the photo to upload perfectly. Sixth we
need to add a caption to each photo. Seventh step we
need to write information about SWA. Seventh step we
just need to add a post for each event that happening in

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