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• Communication is the transfer of information

from one person to another person or group
of persons. It is a way of reaching others by
transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings.
The process of Communication :-
Decoding->Message--------- > Feedback---- > Sender

• Sender - The person who intends to make contact

with other persons for passing the message
• Message - Subject matter of the communication
which is intended to be passed to the receiver from
the sender
• Encoding – The transmission requires use of
certain symbols such as words, pictures,
gestures etc. The process of converting the
messages into communication symbols is known
as encoding.
• Channel – Message encoded into symbols is
transmitted by the sender through a channel-
written form, personal contact, phone call etc.
Receiver – Receiver is the person to whom the
symbols are transmitted.
Decoding - The receiver receives the subject
matter of communication in the form of
communication symbols in which the sender
has encoded the message. The receiver then
decodes these symbols into messages.
Types of Communication –
Oral Communication : Both sender and receiver
exchange their ideas through oral words either in
face to face communication or through electronic
Written Communication: This type of
communication is through letters, circulars,
notes, manuals, company news-sheets
Non –verbal and pictorial communication :
Besides oral or written form, this type of
communication is through pictures, hand
gestures, graphs, diagrams, body movements,
facial expressions etc.
Formal Communication: Any communication
coming through the formal organisation
structure that is authenticated by designated
authority or manager.
Informal Communication: Also known as
‘Grapevine’ ,refers to communication that is
travelling outside the formal structure of the
organisation i.e. through gossip, mixing at
clubs etc.
Barriers to effective communication:
• Badly expressed message – lack of clarity in
the message makes it due to wrong choice of
words or expressions, incorrect grammar etc.
• NOISE - Any environmental disturbance or
NOISE that hampers or makes difficult the
process of communication.
• Use of jargon – Unnecessary use of jargon or
specialists’ technical terms may confuse the
• Inattention – The preoccupied mind of a
receiver and the resultant non-listening is one
of the major chronic psychological barriers
• Attitudes of superiors – The attitudes of
superiors towards communication from
subordinates is a factor as often managers
ignore or refuse to listen to communication
i.e. feedback and suggestions from
subordinate due to ego
Effective communication: Success of communication
depends on various factors
• Clarity of message – Subject matter of communication
should be clear
• Appropriate Language – The language used for
communication should be understood by the receiver
• Proper attention – The receiver of the sent
communication must be attentive and a good listener.

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