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Toefl Preparation


Count and Non-Count Nouns

 Count noun is a thing that can be counted, Example : book, student,

 Non-Count noun is a thing that cannot be counted, Example : milk,
 To count the non-count noun is needed some determiners, such as :
1. one glass of milk
2. a cup of sugar
Some determiners can be used only
in Count and Non-Count Nouns

With count noun With non-count noun

 A(an), the, some, any  The, some, any
 This, that, these, those  This, that
 None, one, two, three,…..  None
 Many  Much
 A lot of  A lot of
 A large number of  A large amount of
 A great number of
Some determiners can be used only
in Count and Non-Count Nouns

With Count Noun With Non-Count Noun

 A few  A little
 Fewer….than  Less….than
 More….than  More……than
Irregular Noun count

Singular Plural
 Person  People
 Foot  Feet
 Woman  Women
 Child  Children
 Mouse  Mice
 Tooth  Teeth
 Man  Men
Articles in English

 There are three articles in English that precede the noun, those are :
1. A
2. An
3. The
 A and An precede only a single noun, Exemple : A ball, a person
 A and An uses in the general statement or to introduce a subject which
has not been previously mentioned.
 An is used before words that begin with the vowel sound.
 A is used before words that begin with the consonant sound
Article ‘the’

 Article the is used to indicate the words that have been mentioned
before or something that we know about or common knowledge.
Example : The earth is round
 Article the is used to talk about a specific term.
Example : The ciwidey’s tea is quite popular right now
The use of article the

Use The No the

 Oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, plural  Singular lakes
lakes  Mounts
 Mountains  Planets, constellations
 Earth, Moon  Schools, colleges, universities when
 Schools, Colleges, Universities when the phrase begins with a proper
the phrase begins with school nouns
 Ordinal Number before nouns  Cardinal numbers after nouns
 Wars
The use of article the

Use The No The

 Certain countries or group of  Countries preceded by new or an adj
countries with more than one word such as direction
 Countries with only one word
 Continent
 States
 Historical Documents  Sports, Abstract noun, General area
of subject matters, Holidays
 Ethnic Groups

With count noun With non-count noun

 An + other + Singular noun = one
more + singular word
 The other + singular word = the last
+ singular word present
 Other + non- count nouns = some
 Other + Plural noun = some more +
more + non – count nouns
plural word
 The other + non count noun = the
 The other + plural word = all
remaining + non – count nouns
remaining + plural word
Thank you

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