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The Knowledge Of Science Is

Incomplete In The Absence Of The

Knowledge Of Mathematics.

Science: The observation, identification, description, experimental

investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

Mathematics: The study of the measurement, properties, and

relationships of quantities and sets, using numbers and symbols.
 Mathematics is the queen of science. The concepts of
science alone can't help us proceed further to get to
know new things. The laws of science, when molded
into mathematical formulae, help us to predict new
things. Without mathematics, science is just a fairy
tale. Nothing can be predicted on the basis of
concepts only. It's mathematics that gives the proof
and explanation to these concepts. Thus, its
mathematics due to which this electronic age has
become possible.
 Science and technology very much depends
on mathematics . There would not be
subject like physics, chemistry, ecology and
so on if it weren’t for mathematics. To know
how much force you need to apply on an
object you need to do it by using
mathematic formulae and even to know the
law of physics mathematics is needed . Even
to balance and create a mixture we do it
 Mathematics is the language of science as science is
quantitative. Science interprets everything by measurement,
sampling and experimentation to derive a generalized set of
conclusion. Measurement needs numbers and mathematics
set the rules in manipulation of numbers. Simple example if a
pen weighs 5 grams so two pens will weigh 10 grams
(addition). For example for a chemist to make mixture they
need to calculate how much each of the compound should
be mixed. If they don’t calculate in an appropriate amount
needed then it might be dangerous ,like an explosion may
occur or may while inventing something an engineer will
measure everything and then try to fix them in an order like
if inventing a robot the technicians measure everything ,
how much height should be taken for the robot and then
according to it they calculate everything and come to a
conclusion of making the parts like and hand and other part.
 Whatever knowledge we gather by observation or
experimentation the aim is ultimately is to produce a
theory of some phenomena. Most of the theories in
science especially in physical sciences are to be put in
a model.A mathematical model helps us to
summarize the whole theory into a formula or set of
equations.One can now play with these equations to
answer many questions about the phenomena and
also it helps in predicting the new results and if they
are verified by experiment then the theory becomes
established.For example the newtons theory of
gravitation helped to understand the kepler's laws of
planetary motion.It also helped in discovering the
new planets and of course in space programs the
trajectory of space crafts etc.
 In each and every aspect of science ,
mathematics is a must ….
In Physics
 All theories are proven through mathematical
 Whenever you want to calculate the magnitude or
direction of a vector or a magnitude of a scalar you
need to use math's.
In Chemistry
 Chemistry is an exact science since it relies on quantitative models
that can be described and applied by using the mathematical
language. For instance, the theory of chemical bonding and
molecular structure, rates and equilibria of chemical reactions,
molecular thermodynamics, relationships involving energy,
structure and reactivity, modeling of solvation, are swarming with
problems whose solutions require sophisticated mathematical
techniques. Mathematics also plays a central role in many areas of
"applied" chemistry and chemical engineering.
 Important examples include atmospheric chemistry, biochemistry,
and the broad field of computer simulations. The development of
faster and more accurate spectroscopic techniques, the design of
molecular devices, biomolecular computers, and of new empirical
methods to predict reliable chemical data, and the conception of
more efficient chemical reactors are just a few of a vast number of
other topics that have strong links to applied mathematics
In Biology
 We use maths mostly in genetics, where you calculate the
probability of of transferring a certain characteristic-
phenotype,a probability of transferring a disease .
 Mathematics can probably continue to help Biology ( by
focusing, above all, on modelling, computing power and
statistical validation. In thisway, outstanding scientific
results can be obtained, that would eventually contribute
to biological achievements.This is what happened with
what is usually considered as the most significant
biological achievement of the Century, identifying the
structure of DNA. This work was essentially done by
Physicists, Chemists and Crystallographers, using the
techniques with which they were familiar.
In Computer Science
 The computer itself does math's all the time as it can
understand nothing but 0's and 1's.We compute
those machine language and build a logic how to on
process it step by step like solving a math's problem.
Math's is also important in programming. As u can
see programmers use codes in java, visual basic,
visual C++.Webmasters use HTML and CSS codes
while building web pages where math is also
included. For example. Dimension for a picture is
fixed by using width=60pixels x height=60 pixels.
In Ecology
 To calculate birth rate, death rate ,vital
From above points , we can conclude that
knowledge of science is incomplete without
mathematical knowledge . If we lack
mathematical knowledge we can never
understand the concepts of science properly.
So, we all should realize its importance .
Thanks for your attention.
I would like to thank our GP teacher for giving me this
opportunity which helped me to know more about the topic. I
would also like to thank my family who supported me .

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