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Presented by

Srikanth Rajan
Who said what about Etiquettes..

 One of the greatest victories you can gain

over someone is to beat him at politeness. –
Josh Billings (U.S Humourist [1818 – 1885])

 Don't reserve your best behaviour for special

occasions. You can't have two sets of
manners, two social codes - one for those you
admire and want to impress, another for
those whom you consider unimportant. You
must be the same to all people. - Lillian Eichler
Meaning and Need for Etiquettes
 The customary code of polite behaviour in society or
among members of a particular profession or group.

Need :
 The way you interact with your superiors, parents, fellow
workers, friends speak a lot about your personality and
up- bringing.
 Etiquette enables the individuals to earn respect and
appreciation in the society
 Etiquette helps individuals to value relationships
 Establishes an Identity
Types of Etiquettes

 Eating Etiquettes

 Telephone Etiquettes

 Etiquettes at Meetings

 Email Etiquettes

 Social & General Etiquettes at Work Place

Eating Etiquettes

 Wait to be served
 Don’t make noise while eating and Chew with your
mouth closed
 Don’t reach out
 No Talking!
 Ask to be “excused”
 No elbows on the table
 Wait for the others
Telephone Etiquettes

 Don’t make the person guess who is calling

 Check if it’s fine to talk
 If you dial up a wrong number, apologize don’t just hang
 Use courteous words like “Hello”, “thank you”, “bye”
 Listen and don’t interrupt
Etiquettes at Meetings

 Never be late for Meeting

 Never enter meeting room without a notepad and pen.
 Never Dominate. Listen
 Pay attention
 No Mobiles
 If you are conducting the meeting, thank the people for
attending and request for feedback. Else, If you are a
participant provide feedback politely when asked for.
Email Etiquette

 Subject line should be short and specific

 Avoid jargon and abbreviations – “lol, Rofl, :)”
 Use short paragraphs
 Read for content and grammar before sending
 Don’t “Copy – Paste” at all times
 Be consistent with format
 Review
 While sending a mail to everyone make sure the content
of mail is for everyone to view and not offensive
Social & General Etiquettes at
Work Place

 Don’t gossip
 Treat your everyone with respect and courtesy
 Show respect for each others workspace, knock before
 Take responsibility for your mistakes
 Keep your work area tidy
 Always give respect to people older than yourself even if
they are junior to you in position
 Speak softly, clearly with good eye contact to people
To Summarize lets go through
some pictorial examples..
Thank you!

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