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• Introduction
• History
• What is spintronics ?
• Why we need spintronics !
• Basic principle
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
• Gaint magnetoresistance
• Spin valves
• Applications
• Conclusions
• Spintronics meaning “spin transport
electronics”, therefore it is also known as
spinelectronics or fluxtronics.
• It is an emerging technology exploiting both
the intrinsic spin of the electron and its
associated magnetic moment.
• Spintronics emerged from discoveries in the
1980s concerning spin-dependent electron
transport phenomena in solid-state devices .

• The use of semiconductors for spintronics can

be traced back at least as far as the theoretical
proposal of a spin field-effect-transistor by
Datta and Das in 1990.
What Is Spintronics ?
• In conventional electronics,
electron charge is used for
manipulation, storage, and
transfer of information .

• Spintronics uses electron

spins in addition to or in
place of the electron
Why We Need Spintronics !

 Moore’s Law states that the number of

transistors on a silicon chip will roughly double
every eighteen months.
 But now the transistors & other components
have reached nanoscale dimensions and further
reducing the size would lead to:
1.Scorching heat making the circuit inoperable.
Basic Principle

• In Spintronics , information is carried by

orientation of spin rather than charge.
• Spin can assume one of the two states related
to the magnetic field, called spin up or spin
• These states, spin up or spin down, can be used
to represent ‘1’ and ‘0’ in binary logic.
Advantage Spintronics
• The Disadvantages of Spintronics:
• Controlling the spin for long distances.
• Combining techniques between the
semiconductor and magnetic Recording
• Silicon causes electrons to lose their spin
Gaint Magnetoresistance (GMR)
 The basic GMR device consists of a layer of non -magnetic metal between two
magnetic layers.
 A current consisting of spin-up and spin-down electrons is passed through
the layers.
 Those oriented in the same direction as the electron spins in a magnetic layer
through quite easily while those oriented in the opposite direction are scattered.
 If the orientation of one of the magnetic layers be changed then
the device will act as a filter, or ‘spin valve’, letting through more
electrons when the spin orientations in the two layers are the same
and fewer when orientations are oppositely aligned.
 The electrical resistance of the device can therefore be changed
• The existence of four, rather than two, defined
states for a logic bit in spintronics translates
into higher data transfer speed, greater
processing power, increased memory density,
and increased storage capacity.
• Hence it can be used in mass storage devices
like hard drives, ssd’s, pendrives.
• Spin property of electron is yet to be
• Researchers and inventors are taking keen
• Potential of the field is collosal and
continuous development is required.
• Span of last two decades major milestones.

• Nanomagnetism and Spintronics

- by Teruya Shinjo.
• IEEE Papers on spintronics.
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