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Machine Foundation

Soil Dynamics
 Soil Dynamics – Behaviour of soil under dynamic loading
 Dynamic Loading – Earthquake, Vibrations transmitted by
Machines, blast, etc.
 Dynamic forces impart energy to soil grains & changes in soil
structure, internal friction, adhesion, lead to liquefaction &
instability of structures
 Famous book on subject : Vibration Analysis & Design of
Foundation for Machines & Turbines” by Alexander Major
and book by Prof. D. D. Barkan, Handbook of Machine
Foundation by P. Srinivasulu, C. V. Vaidyanathan, IS
Code 2974- Part 1 to 5
Soil Dynamics
 Modes of Vibration:
1. Translation along x-axis
2. Translation along y-axis
3. Translation along z-axis
4. Rotation about x-axis
5. Rotation about y-axis
6. Rotation about z-axis
(yawing or torsional)
Soil Dynamics
Free vibration :
Vibration that occurs under influence of forces inherent in the
system itself, without any external force.
External force or natural disturbance is essentially required to
initiate free vibration
If vibration is undamped by friction, body undergoes free
vibration with frequency known as Natural frequency of the body.
Body can have as many natural frequencies as possible modes of

Forced Vibration:
Vibration set up under continuous application of an external
force (exciting force).
Soil Dynamics
Resonance :
When frequency of exciting force in a forced vibration of a body
equals one of its natural frequencies, amplitude of motion tends
to become excessively large.
This phenomenon is called Resonance
Since resonance produces large amplitudes, it is dangerous for
any structures

A reduction in the amplitude of an oscillation as a
result of energy being drained from the system to
overcome frictional or other resistive forces.
Analysis: Free vibration without damping

Differential Eq. is
d z
  2
n z  0
Analysis: Free vibration without damping
 Solution of differential equation is
 z = C1sinωnt + C2cosωnt
 where C1 & C2 are constants which can be evaluated from
the initial conditions.
 Natural circular frequency of the system:

k 1 k
n  fn 
M 2 M
1 k
Tn   2
fn M k is spring constant
Forced Vibration without Damping
 Mass supported by spring subjected to an exciting
 Exciting force is assumed to be periodic and is
expressed as :
P = Posinωt
Equation of motion is

d z Po
  2
n z  sin  t
dt M
Forced Vibration without Damping
Assuming z = Asinωt

Po Po
A A 
M (n   )
2 2
Mn (1   / n )
2 2 2

Po where Ast = static deflection

but  Ast
Mn 2  ratio ω/ωn=ξ=frequency ratio

1  2
Forced Vibration without Damping
Ratio of dynamic amplitude/static amplitude:

A 1
  magnification factor  ηo
A st 1  ξ 2

 When exciting frequency approaches the natural

frequency of the system (ξ = 1), magnification factor
& amplitude of vibration tends to be infinite.
Free vibration with damping

d z dz
   n z  0
2 α =c/M,
dt dt where c = coefficient of viscous
damping, (force/unit velocity)
Forced vibration with damping
d z dz Po
    2
n z  sin  t
dt dt M
Mn (1   )  4 D 
2 2 2 2 2

Po P0 / k
Amax  
M (2 D 1  2 D )
2D 1  2D 2
Natural frequency of foundation-soil system:
 Soil in machine foundation-soil system which is analogous to
spring, which has finite weight
 Natural frequency of the system is

k Cu A fn 
1 k
n  
M M 2 M

where M = M f + Ms
Mf = mass of machine & foundation
Ms = mass of soil participating in the vibration
Types of Machines:
Those producing periodical forces – reciprocating
machines or engines, compressors
Those producing impact forces – forge hammers &
High speed rotary machines – turbines & rotary
Others miscellaneous types of machines –pumps, rolling
mills, crushing mills, grinding mills, machine tools –
lathes, drilling & boring machines, etc.
Types of Machines:
Based on Operating frequency, machines are divided
into three categories:

Low frequency : < 500 rpm

Large reciprocating engines,
compressor, blower

Medium frequency : 300 to 1000 rpm

Diesel & gas engines,

High Frequency : > 1000 rpm

High speed I.C. Engines, electric motors, &
turbo generators
Machine Foundations

Block type

Box or caisson type

Wall type

Frame type
General Requirements of Machine Foundations

 Foundation should be able to carry superimposed load without

causing shear or crushing failure
 Settlements should be within permissible limits
 Combined C. G. of machine & foundation should as far as
possible in vertical line as C. G. of base plane
 Eccentricity ≤ 5 % of length of corresponding side
 No resonance should occur, natural frequency of foundation-soil
system should be too large or too small compared to operating
frequency of machines
 Amplitude under service conditions should be within permissible
limits. Permissible limits are generally prescribed by machine
General Requirements of Machine Foundations
Permissible Amplitudes

Type of machine/foundation Permissible amplitude  

Low speed machines (500 rpm) 0.20 -0.25 mm
Hammer foundations 1.00 – 1.20 mm
High speed machines  
(a) 3000 rpm  
i) vertical vibrations 0.02-03 mm
ii) Horizontal vibrations 0.04-05 mm
(b) 1500 rpm  
i) vertical vibrations 0.04-05 mm
ii) Horizontal vibrations 0.07-0.09 mm
General Requirements of Machine Foundations

 Where possible, foundations should be planned in such a

manner as to permit subsequent alteration of natural
 Ground water table should be as low as possible ( ¼ B below
base plane)
 Machine foundations should be separated from adjacent
building components by means of expansion joints
 Any steam or hot air pipes, embedded in foundation must be
properly isolated
 Machine foundation should be taken to a level lower than level
of foundations of adjoining buildings
 Mass of foundations shall be greater than that of machines
Method of Analysis :

1.Mass-spring-dashpot model – Soil Parameters Reqd.

(spring constant & damping ratio)

2.Elastic half space model (Soil parameters required are

shear modulus (G) and Poissons ratio (ν) of soil
Soil Parameters required Soil Parameters required

Primary parameters
1.Shear Modulus
2.Poisson’s Ratio
3.Damping factor
Secondary Parameters
1.Coefficient of Elastic uniform compression Cu
2.Coefficient of Elastic uniform shear Cτ
3.Coefficient of Elastic non uniform compression CØ
4.Coefficient of Elastic non uniform shear Cψ
How to determine the Soil Parameters?

Field Tests :
1.Cross Hole Test ( CHT)
2.Down hole test (DHT)
3.Spectral Analysis of Shear wave ( SASW)
4.Block Vibration Tests

Laboratory tests:
1.Resonant Column test
2.Cyclical Triaxial Test
Block Vibration Test (IS 5249)
 A plain cement concrete block of M-15 concrete should be
constructed in the test pit
 The size of the block should be selected depending upon the sub-soil
 In ordinary soils it may be 1 m x 1 m x 1.5 m and in dense soils it
may be 0.75 m x 0.75 m x 1 m. In boulder deposits the height may be
increased suitably.
 The concrete block
should be cured for at
least 15 days before
 Foundation bolts should
be embedded into the
concrete block at the
time of testing for fixing
the oscillator assembly.
Block Vibration Test
 The vibration exciter should be mounted on the block such that it
generates purely vertical sinusoidal vibrations and line of action of
vibrating force passes through the centre of gravity of the block.
 The vibration pick-ups should be fixed at the top of the block, such
that it senses vertical motion of the block.
 The exciter is operated at a constant frequency.
 The signal of the vibration pick-ups are fed into suitable electronic
circulatory to measure frequency and amplitude of vibration.
 The frequency of the exciter is increased in steps of small values,
(l-4 cycles/sec) up to maximum frequency of the exciter and the
signals measured.
 The dynamic force should never exceed 20 percent of the total mass
of the block and exciter assembly.
 Amplitude versus frequency curve shall be plotted for each
excitation level to obtain the natural frequency of the soil and the
foundation block tested
Block Vibration Test

Co-efficient of Elastic Uniform compression of soil, Cu

Block Vibration Test
Dynamic Properties of Soil

Cu = 1.5 to 2 Cτ
CØ = 3.46Cτ
Cψ = 1.5Cτ
Vibration Isolation
 If a machine is rigidly bolted to floor – vibration of the machine is
reduced, but vibration transmitted to floor will be large
 This may produce harmful effect even at large distance
 If a flexible support is provided under machine or its foundation,
vibration transmitted to floor will be reduced, but may cause
significant motion to machine
 Some compromise to be reached between two requirements
 Achieved by selecting suitable natural frequency for machine
 To avoid excessive vibration due to working of a machine the
following points should be considered:
1. Selection of Site: Vibration causing machines should be located far
away from the region which is meant for precision work
2. Balancing of dynamic load
3. Adopting suitable foundation
4. Providing isolation
Active & Passive type Isolation
 Active Isolation: Isolation required against vibration caused
by machine itself
 Passive Isolation : Foundation of delicate machinery is
protected from floor vibration

Active Passive Isolation

Active & Passive type Isolation
 Transmissibility: (for Active isolation)
Ratio of force transmitted to the foundation to the vibratory force
developed by machine itself.

  Transmissibility: (for Passive isolation)

Ratio of amplitude of the sensitive instrument to amplitude of the

1  4D  2 2
(1   )  4 D 
2 2 2 2

where ξ is frequency ratio and D is the damping factor

Active & Passive type Isolation

Active & Passive type Isolation
 Neglecting damping, simplified expression,

1 f
T  2 n

1  2
f m  f n2

 It is obvious from the above expression, that for ξ>√2, T

will be less
 Hence for effective isolation, value of ξ should be as high as
possible i.e. natural frequency of the isolated system should
be as low as possible
 It is recommended that frequency ratio, ξ> √2 in all cases
of vibrations.
Methods of Isolation in Machine foundations

 Counter Balancing the Exciting Loads: In case of

rotating machinery, it is possible to counter-balance
the exciting force, done by Mechanical Engineer
 Stabilization of soils: Increase rigidity of the base &
therefore, increase the natural frequency of the
foundation resting directly on soil.
 Possible in sandy soil for which chemical or cement
stabilization is generally adopted.
 Nature of vibration determines the limits of stabilized
zones of soil.
Methods of Isolation in Machine foundations

 Use of Structural Measures

i) Increasing base area or mass of foundation :
 If ωm<ωn (for over-tuned type found.), ωn is increased by
enlarging base area of the foundation
 For under-tuned foundation (ωm> ωn), desired purpose is
achieved by increasing foundation mass
 If vibrating foundation lies close to another foundation, it
may be helpful to connect two foundations so as to increase
rigidity as whole.
 In doubtful cases, reinforcement left projected from
foundation block to facilitate increasing base area or mass.
Methods of Isolation in Machine foundations

ii. Use of Slabs Attached to Foundation:

Dimensions of this slab are so chosen that amplitude of vibration
in rocking mode of foundation-slab system is reduced to
required limit.
Methods of Isolation in Machine foundations
iii. Use of Auxiliary Spring-mass Systems
Methods of Isolation in Machine foundations
iv. Isolation by Trench Barriers

 Experience has shown that trenches are not suitable for general
application, less effective for isolating low-frequency vibrations
 According to Barkan , for effective isolation, depth of trench
should be 1/3 of wave-length of vibration.
 Thus, if velocity of vibration in soil = 200 m/sec & frequency of
vibration is 10 cps,
 Wave length = 20 m and trench would be at least 7 m
o Foundation should be concreted in horizontal lifts.
o Concreting of superstructure should preferably be done in a single
operation and care taken to avoid cold joints in the body of foundation.
o Cement grout with non-shrinkable additive should be used under the
machine bed-plate and for pockets of anchor bolts.
o Reinforcement should be used on all surfaces, around openings, cavities,
etc. In block type foundation and in the base-slab of frame foundation, the
reinforcement should be used in three directions.
o Min. reinforcement = 25 kg/m3 for block foundation,
= 50 kg/m3 for base slab of framed foundations.
o Reinforcement usually consist of 16-25 mm bars kept at 200-300 mm
spacing in both direction and also on the lateral faces of the foundation.
Concrete cover shall be 75 mm at bottom and 50 mm on sides and at top.
 Expansion joints
 Machine foundation should be invariably separated from adjoining
structural elements to prevent transmission.
 When direct contact with adjoining structural parts is unavoidable,
two layers of felt or other resilient packing may be used at
 Connecting elements: Machines are fixed to foundation through
base plates and anchor bolts.

 Provision of tuning:
 By tuning is meant changing the natural frequency of the
foundation system as may be found necessary at later stage.

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