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Blood or brown discharge
• Brown or bloody discharge is usually normal, especially when it occurs
during your menstrual cycle
• If you are not currently menstruating, bloody or brown discharge is
considered to be abnormal. This type of discharge may be
accompanied by pain in the pelvic region.
Cloudy or yellow
• Cloudy, yellow discharge may indicate that you have gonorrhea. It is
often accompanied by urinary incontinence
• A common sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Frothy yellow or green-tinted
• This type of discharge is a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection
called trichomoniasis. It is usually accompanied by a foul smell and
pain during urination.
Thick, white discharge that
resembles cottage cheese
• Thick, cheese-like discharge indicates a vaginal yeast infection.
• It is usually accompanied by vaginal itching, swelling, and pain during
sexual intercourse.
White, gray, or yellow with fishy
• It may look grayish white or yellow. A sign of bacterial vaginosis can
be a "fishy" smell, which may be worse after sex.
• Itching or burning, redness and swelling of the vagina or vulva

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