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Sandip Foundation’s

Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre

Department of Management Studies, MBA.


Battlefied - 2018
 Dnyaneshwar Udar.
 Swamini Kumthekar.
Team Members
 Manoj Adsare (Leader)

 Vaishnavi Gaikar
 Tanmay Balapurkar
 Shreya Pardeshi
 Mangesh Dambale
 Raksha Jagtap
 Sumedh Abhyankar
 Rani Ahlawat
 Shivam Tiwari
Come Hungry, Leave Happy.
 A crazy crowdy place where people enjoy street style
 Where people love street-style veg sandwiches.
 Where people get healthy with sprout salad.
 Where people get high with Oreo shots.
 Where people feel young with Chocolate Sandwich.
 Knowing the Audience.
 Analysing the average price people would pay for a product.
 Knowing the eatables people would prefer.
 Knowing the crowd flow with respect to time.
 Reviewing Location.

 Deciding Menu and Prices.

 Making list of Grocery.

 Delegation of work.
1. Rani – Purchasing grocery.
2. Vaishnavi – Purchasing other fresh products.
3. Sumedh and Shivam – Purchasing T-shirts.
4. Manoj and Tanmay – Setting up stall.
5. Shreya and Raksha – Preparing for recipes beforehand.
6. Tanmay and Mangesh – Purchasing other essentials.

 Recipes Try-out and Tasting.

 Finalisation of Location.

KBT Circle, Opposite Thunder Point,

In Front of Bank Of Baroda.
 Strategic Planning.

1. Keeping minimum price in order to attract

2. Along with minimal prices, providing quality
and new dishes.
3. Dressing alike in order to draw attention.
4. Keeping hygiene into consideration, as
cheap rates would create doubt regarding
quality and hygiene.
 Cleaning and Decorating Stall.

 Preparing essentials required for recipes before hand.

1. Chopping.
2. Stuffing preparation.
3. Charging our battery.
4. Keeping the utensils ready.
5. Hygiene maintenance.
 The plan regarding who should do what was decided on the basis of skills and also at
times we helped each other in order to complete orders.

 Marketing
1. Manoj
2. Sumedh

 Accounts Handling
1. Shivam

 Oreo Shots and Cold-Coffee Preparation

1. Vaishnavi
2. Mangesh
 Sprouts Salad
1. Raksha

 Sandwich Preparation
1. Rani
2. Tanmay
3. Raksha
4. Sumedh

 Hot Coffee and Maggi

1. Shreya
2. Mangesh

 Advertisement Beforehand
 Marketing and letting people know what
we are doing.
 Conveying our specialities to the
 Execution required a lot of co-ordination
and mutual understanding.
 In order to avoid chaos we decided to
make one person understand and jot
down the orders and remember them.
 Not only did we focus on quality but
also on presenting in a way, our
customers would love to eat more.
 We made necessary changes according
to the feedback provided by customers.
What could have been better?
 We gave preference to customer demands and forgot to keep a track and
control of on the spot expenses.
 On first day, the management was a bit unstable as we did not had a clue of
how much crowd could actually arrive.
 So management or prediction in every angle possible should be done
 We spent a lot and earned too, but profit should’ve been a parameter which
should’ve been considered more.
What did we accomplish?
 We accomplished the main criteria that was customer satisfaction.
 We made our speciality execute successfully.
 We accomplished a team that was full of mutual understanding and co-
ordination, so we actually practised interpersonal skills.
 Even though our profits were not high, but our sales were high.
 We asked for genuine customer feedbacks in order to know where to grow.
 We worked without hesitation and were ready to help.
Few Memories
Crowd at our Stall
Expressing Gratitude
 We are grateful for our College for organising an activity like Battlefield for
us and also towards our principal Prof. Dr. S.T. Gandhe Sir.
 We are grateful for our Department i.e. our faculty for guiding throughout.
 We are grateful for our Mentors for guiding and also sharing their
experiences in order to make us aware about the situations we’ll go through.
 We are grateful for our Leader who kept our group together and let us work
as one.
 We are grateful for our every team member and their efforts through
 Last but not least, we are grateful for our customers for their response and
genuine feedbacks.
Thank You!

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