Environmental Liability May 2009: Tom Hillier Senior Underwriter - UK & Ireland

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Environmental Liability
May 2009

Tom Hillier
Senior Underwriter – UK & Ireland

ACE European Group


 Environmental Market Focus

 Operational Pollution Risk
 Traditional Insurance Solutions
 ACE Environmental Solutions
 Considerations

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Environmental Market Focus (1)

 UK industrial history
 Legacy of contaminated land
 Significant unknown pollution conditions
 Transactional business – key market driver
 Property Development
 M&A / Corporate Investment
 Commercial Lending
 Pension / Investment Funds
 Typical ‘EIL’ Solutions
 Long-term policies
 Cover for legacy liabilities

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Environmental Market Focus (2)

 Issues Created
 High premium costs
 Complex wordings
 Difficult placement process
 The Result
 Limited access for the client majority
 Slow market growth
 Lack of innovation in products and distribution
 Environmental insurance not on the broker/client radar

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What’s driving our focus on this?

 Public awareness & media – Reputation

 Financiers
 Corporate Governance
 UK Legislation
 Part IIA of Environmental Protection Act
 Water Resources Act
 European Legislation
 Numerous EU Directives – waste, water, hazardous substances – and
the most important:
 EU Environmental Liability Directive (ELD)

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Am I exposed to environmental risk?

 Environmental risk is often associated with:

 Contaminated land and our industrial past
 ‘Heavy’ industries like chemicals, metals & waste
 Large-scale disasters
 In reality, few companies have no such risk:
 If you own or operate or buy and sell property
 If you redevelop ‘brownfield’ land
 If you use or produce potentially contaminative materials
 If you create waste (solid, liquid or gaseous)

…then you have an environmental risk

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Operational Pollution Risk

 EU Environmental Liability Directive (ELD)

 Transposed into English law through new regime -
Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) March
2009 – Wales and Scotland to follow soon
 Prospective only – operational risks
 Reinforces ‘polluter pays principle’
 Damage to land and water
 Damage to natural habitats & protected species (Biodiversity)
 Main implications
 Strict Liability for ‘regulated’ industries
 Imminent threat & preventative measures
 Reporting requirement for operators
 Reporting opportunity for ‘interest groups’
 Complementary & Compensatory Remediation

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What if I’m not a ‘regulated’ business?

 Focus is on significant environmental damage

 Only ‘regulated trades will be strictly liable, but
 these regulations do not introduce environmental liability – it already
 Existing environmental legislation:
 is wide-reaching and well established;
 covers impacts to land, water, air and natural resources already;
 is more stringent in many areas than the new regs;
 includes both historical and operational pollution impacts;
 can hold any type of business liable
 can already impose significant clean-up costs

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So what are the consequences?

 Civil/tort liabilities
 Claims for damages from third parties
 Bodily injury & property damage


….can result in compensation payments & legal costs

 Regulatory action
 Government bodies have enforcement powers
 Human health & Local Authorities
 Land, air and water - Environment Agency

….can lead to significant clean-up costs and associated expenses

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Am I not already insured against pollution?
 ABI Pollution exclusion early 1990s
 Property Insurance
 No cover for historical pollution

 Land is not usually ‘insured property’

 No contaminated soils in debris removal

 Possible ‘buy back’ of land cover:

 Still no cover if gradual

 Still requires physical loss – no DISCOVERY

 Liability Insurance
 No cover for historical pollution

 No cover for gradual pollution

 No cover for damage to own property

Expressly excluded under standard liability forms.

Vast majority of pollution incidents will result in clean-up of the
company’s own site
 No cover for Environmental Liability Directive

 No cover for clean-up costs imposed by regulators

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Traditional Insurance Solutions

 Bartoline vs. RSA & Heaths

 Background:
 Manufacture/packaging of solvents and adhesives

 Significant fire at UK site

 Fire-fighting foam washed solvents and adhesives into

adjacent watercourse
 EA responded undertaking emergency remediation works

on the river
 Invoice issued to Bartoline, plus notice served for onsite

works – total cost c. £700k.

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Traditional Insurance Solutions

 The Outcome:

Bartoline claimed under their PL policy
written by RSA and placed by Heaths

RSA disputed claim so were sued for
breach of contract

The court ruled in favour of RSA -
liability to repay expenses incurred by
the Environment Agency and liability
to pay damages in tort are “quite
different animals.”

Appeal was due to be heard in October
2007, but case settled out of court
shortly before.
Precedent set – S&A pollution, but still
not insured

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Can these risks be insured currently?

 Many insurers have attempted to amend public liability policies to

include ‘Bartoline’ cover, but:

Still no cover for clean-up of own premises;

Still no cover for gradual pollution;

Still fails to meet liabilities arising under the new Environmental
Damage Regulations:

flora and fauna exclusion

clean-up coverage falls well short of Complimentary and
Compensatory Remediation requirements

Liability underwriters lack understanding and experience of
environmental risks

 Uncertainty therefore prevails……

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ACE Environmental Solutions

 Specialist Policies – Key Benefits

 Pollution conditions – no dispute between what is S&A or
 Based on ‘discovery’ of pollution – no physical loss
 Site-based policies or contractor coverage
 Third-party ‘tort’ liabilities for S&A and gradual pollution
 First-party regulatory clean-up for S&A and gradual pollution
 Can include first-party business interruption – loss of profit,
loss of rent.
 Multi-year policies available
 Policies designed to respond to claims under ELD

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Can these risks be insured currently?

GL or PL
  ELD scope Available cover

Accidental pollution     
Gradual pollution      
Financial, material
Legal liability losses /    
Bodily injuries
Protected species and
Imposed remediation habitats
   
Water / land  
Primary Natural resources    
Compensatory Prevention costs  
  Clean up costs on
your own property 
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General Client Considerations

 Existing Property & Casualty pollution coverage is

 Client does not need to handle chemicals or waste to have
 Disclosure and Financial Reporting requirements
 Contract conditions are starting to address environmental
 Awareness of Financiers
 Future regulations are uncertain, but they WILL be more

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