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Sign of Covenant
The Test
 Covenant-an agreement made between two
or more people.

 Circumcision-the physical act of surgically

removing the foreskin of the penis.

 Sacrificed- to willing give up something that

is valuable to you.
 Hagar was Sarai’s slave.
 Saria wanted a child so bad that she gave her

slave to Abram’s.
 Hagar became pregnant and started to mock

Sarai’s barren situation.

 Sarai treated Hager so badly that she ran

 The angels told Hagar to go back to Sarai.
 Abraham was 86 years old when Ishmael was
 Abram named him Ishmael which means God

hears (because God heard the cry of Hagar in

 He was not the son of the promise.
 God told Hagar that he would make Ishmael

into a great nation, he would be mighty as a

The Covenant
 God changed Abram’s name to Abraham
which means Father of Nation.
 He was now 99 years old.
 God promised Abraham that his many

descendants would be God’s special people

forever and the land of Canaan would be his
and his descendants.
 To complete the contract, Abraham had to be
obedient to the following terms:
 Personally see that all males in his family and

slaves were circumcised on the 8th day after

 The covenant of circumcision must continue

for all generations to come.

 This act was the physical sign that God

covenant with Abraham was everlasting. Any

male not circumcised was not God’s people.
 Sarai’s name changed to Sarah( princess), she
would be mother of many nation.
 God told Abraham Sarah would bear a son to

be called Isaac which means laughter.

 The covenant was for the son of Sarah.
 Isaac would be Abraham’s heir.
 Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 years

old when Isaac was born.

 Sarah asked Abraham to send Hagar and
Ishmael away because of family feud and
his inheritance.
 Abraham was sad because he loved his sons

but God told him to listen to his wife.

 Hagar and Ishmael went away but God kept

his promise and made Ishmael a great nation

also he found a wife among the Egyptians.
The Test
Genesis 22: 1-18
 God asked Abraham to demonstrate his
obedience by taking Isaac to Mount Moriah
and sacrifice him.
 Abraham trust God because he had faith.
 God sent an angel to stop Abraham and told

him to use a ram instead of Isaac.

 Because of his faith Abraham’s children will

rule over their enemies and all nations of the

earth would be blessed.
Home work
 Draw Abrahams Family Tree in the
 10 marks.

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