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The Lost Boy

Luke 15:7
 Inheritance: Come into possession of
something as a right.
 Prodigal: A person who spends money in a

recklessly extravagant way.

 Repent: Feel or express sincere regret or

remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin

 Forgive: Stop feeling resentful towards

someone for an offence, flaw or mistake.

Story main points
 The young son wanted his inheritance before
his father’s death.
 The young son took his inheritance and went

far away and spent his money loosely.

 The lost boy had to find employment feeding

the swine.
 This was the lowest form of employment

because Jews call swine unclean animals.

 He was so hungry he ate pig food.
 The boy began reflected on his fathers house

that was full of food and had servants.

 He then got up and returned home to his

 His father saw him coming and ran to meet

him with hugs and kisses along with other

items .
 The son then repented his sin towards his

father and Heaven.

 The eldest son complained that he never had
a party even thou he was always good.
 The father then explained that he was happy

because it is like a dead son had returned.

The meaning of the gifts
 A kiss: Welcome and forgiveness
 Robe: Honour
 Ring: Authority
 Shoes: Sonship
 Party: celebration of new beginning.
Meaning of the parable
 The prodigal son was an abuser of grace.He
had a loving father, a good home, provision,
a future, and an inheritance, but he traded it
all in for temporal pleasures. We are the
prodigal son. It points to the heavenly joy
over every sinner who repents from sin and
turns to Jesus.
What are the 4 steps of repentance?
 Feel the need to go back to God.
 Have a blessed grief about sin and regret

doing it.
 Take the decision to go back to Jesus and

never sin again.

 Confess.

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