Wyan Jonathan 2 Newsletter

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By: wyan jonathan

Class: 7j/72/7pr
• Problem= Some SWA students don’t know what happen at SWA.
• client= SWA (Sinarmas World Academy)
• Time= 8 weeks
• Mission= To make a software or an article to tell SWA students what happen at SWA

• Tools: computer
• Materials: paper
• For: all people at SWA

• Unit question= can IT be use effectively to report news.

• My client is the SWA school (Sinarmas world academy). The problem is
that not all students at SWA didn’t Know about what happen at SWA . So
they want me to make a software or poster so all SWA students know
what happen and faster. I will make a brochure to SWA and it must can be
readed by all people.
AOI (areas of interaction)
• This project is related to to community and
service because service is we serve our client
and we make the thing that our client wants.
• What type of news do you want to read?
Some parts of each subject

• What some upcoming events?

maybe only Holidays and fun activities

- How many times to publish my article?

1 a month

- When is the right time to start and publish my news letter?

• 19 November 2010

• Who will I interview?

The teachers will I interview

• Can I insert some pictures?

yes! Maybe pictures help the information to be more easier to be understand.
Client interview summary
• From the interview with the client. Now I know that the client
wants a newsletter that the SWA students can know what
happen at SWA faster. They need some pictures and articles
and upcoming events at the newsletter. The news will
published once a month. I also figure out that I can use
newsletter because it’s much easier to do it and much faster
too. The news letter also need pictures that can decorate the
news letter.
1 2 3

content news
Music, trip, library Events Info
news, Sport
target Kids and parents Kids and parents Students and
and teachers parents
length A4 A4 A4

production 9 September 25 September Sept 24

font 16 Big at title(13.5) but Small(9) title the

small at article (10) same but bold and
Appearance 4 page news letter. 4 page news letter 3 page news letter

color white white white

http://www.hagbourne.oxon.sch.uk/school_ne 3.http://www.brookknoll.santacruz.k12.ca.us/P
2. DFs/Newsletter_pdfs/2010-09-
• After the research I decided to make a 4 page
newsletter with the article about the news
what happen at school and some upcoming
• Microsoft word= It’s good to make a document news and some school project. I already master this
software for along time. Every one also use this software to do their work and do projects.

• Microsoft power point= This software Is good to make slide shows and presentation It’s a little bad to make
newsletter and to make documents

• Pages= This software it’s so good to make newsletters and posters but Not everyone know how to use this
Summary software
• I will pick microsoft word software because I was not
new to use microsoft word. If I use power point It will
become a presentation and its hard to become a
news letter and if I use pages I cant use this software
because I never use this software before.
• Environment: After we print my newsletter, the newsletters will be rubbish
in 2-5 weeks and the whole newsletters will be junk at the dump. In other
way we also waste some inks and it will absorbed the ground and plants
will be poisoned, also we waste papers.
• Society: the newsletter will be read by the SWA students and maybe it will
be read by other people outside SWA. The SWA students will know what is
happen at SWA and the people outside SWA will know what are SWA
Design Brief
• I will make a newsletter with the design cycle method with steps
that is investigate, design, plan, create, and evaluate. The
investigate step is when we collect information for our project. The
next step is design we must design what is the news letter going to
look like by doing designs at paper. Then we must plan our project
step by step so we will not mess up. After that we create the
product based on the design and plan. Finally we evaluate it by
present it to the client to check how is the product if its bad then I
must fix it but if its good then I start to make lots of copies.
Design specification
specification testing
software Use what to make a news letter I will use microsoft word because I
already know how to use this

Time 8 weeks I will not late to make the

newsletter if I make a plan.

Cost Rupiah (free) Don’t charge my computer until it

But we also use electricity almost run out of battery

target We do this project to the SWA Find information what happen at

students and other people. SWA school.

aesthetic The words at the news letter must Make it much bigger words and not
can easily read by other people. to fancy. To test it I will let a person
see my words is too small or not.
specification testing
function To let know what happen at SWA Let client see it
to SWA students and staffs

purpose Make people at SWA know what Let my client see it is perfect or
happen at SWA. not.

safety Get a USB to copy my work so my Make copies.

work will not lost and not let the
charger wire not go any where.

durability The newsletter must be good Check update

Investigation summary
• I will do a newsletter about what happen at Swa to the students and staffs
at SWA.
• At the software research I will use microsoft word because I am master to
use a software and I can do it in easy.
• The product will I use is A newsletter because its much easier then others
for me.
• The impact to the environments is in some couple weeks the newsletter
will be rubbish. If for the society the peoples will know what happen at
• in the specification I will do the same thing with the design specification
to be organized when I do the newsletter.
Work cited
• . http://www.hagbourne.oxon.sch.uk/school_newsletter.htm

. http://www.sau83.org/news/documents/msnewssept.pdf



Design cycle power point

design cycle specification

I like style and how the image and the info inserted to the news letter.

What I don’t like from from this design is this newsletter is better to become a
poster to everyone to see.
Front page Back page

-Its handy to be carry
-can contain a lot of info
-I can only give small pictures to the news letter
-Can contain enough info
-Can have big pictures

-Not so handy
-No events info
-almost like brochure
-can contain enough info
-Can contain big image
-Has event schedule

-Not so handy
-can contain enough info
-A little handy
-Have event info
-It cannot has to much picture
-The style is cool
-has event info
-Can have image
-can contain less image
-Like a poster
-Can only hold little image
Evaluation against specification
specification Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4 Design 5 Design 6

software      

time      

cost      

target      

aesthetic      

function      

purpose      

safety      

durability      
Evaluation specification

• Design 1: This design can be on time cheap and I can use the software easily but this design is not so
functional and durability because this design is not handy at all and its more perfect to do it as poster. It’s
also the design can only have little information, images and also there are no event schedule in it.
• Design 2: This design is too hard to be on time but if I can do this on time this design will be perfect
because it’s handy, functional, and can contain lots of information and images also can contain events
schedule. When we do this its cheap, safe, and can do this easily at the software.
• Design 3: This design can be on time, safe, cheap, and can do it easily with the software. This design can
contain enough info and images. The function not so good to because this news letter also almost like a
poster and there is no event schedule.
• Design 4: This design also cheap, safe, and on time. It can contain lots of info and image with the events
schedule. It’s almost also like a poster and it’s hard to get the logo to the newsletter.
• Design 5: This design it’s also handy can contain lots of information and pictures. It is also cheap, safe,
but a little possibility ti not be on time.
• Design 6: It’s cheap and safe but its only can contain little info, not handy, little image, and its too hard to
use the soft ware.
Evaluation against specification
Design 2
specification Comments

Software I can use the software easily with this design. I will do it without trouble to make this
design with the software.

Time In this design I need lots of info so I need more time to do the research.

Cost To do this its cheap we just need paper and ink to print it. When we make the
newsletter at our computers maybe we waste some electricity.

Target This design can be read by all people (children, staffs, adult, etc)

Aesthetic The words at the news letter will be big enough for the readers read

Function It will be functioning well. The newsletter will be given to all SWA people to be read

Purpose Ok! By do this design it will be a good newsletter

Safety It’s safe enough to do the newsletter

Durability The design its handy and can contain lots of info. It will be a perfect newsletter when it
Final design evaluation

This is the final design that I will use to make the final product. This will be a perfect
design to make it as a news letter. The design is have a lot of info, images, and also
contain introduction and content at the first page. The design is also handy to keep.
investigate / collect infor...
0 50 Gantt chart
100 150 200 250 300

open microsof...

create the...

create introd...

create c...



take some pi...

create and explain ev...

make event...
Evaluation of the plan
-Is your plan smart?
Yes this plan is going to work well to become a newsletter because its
handy and can contain lots of information and it need little time to do this.
-Does the plan seem to be in logical steps?
Yes it will be in a good order/ steps to make this news letter.
-Modifications to the designs
I already modified the old design to be more specific and I already add what
I will write to the news letter, the font size, the text style, the paper, and
the image.
-Concluding the evaluation of my step by step
The step by step plan is already perfectly good to make the SWA newsletter.
3 2

1 I will make this product step by step. The first step is

I must investigate what happen at SWA by searching
at the internet and read. In picture no.1 you can see
that I am reading to investigate. Then I start to take
pictures. The picture no.2 is when I try to take the
rare flower plant at SWA. The final step is I must
create the final product in my laptop using Microsoft
word. In picture no.3 is when I type my newsletter.

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