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 He was born in Batangas on May 6, 1898 of a family of good standing.

 His heart for the poor has led him to live a very simple life

 He highly dedicated himself to learning and education for he dreamed

to be an educator
 He studied in several universities in Manila and finished several degrees

including :

Associate arts

Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education

Bachelor of Science in Education

Bachelor of Laws

•He also finished his Master of Arts degree in Education at the Arizona Sate
university in USA.
 He believed that the young boys and girls is the key for golden and

brighter future that could make a better place, far much more
better than when he found it.

 For this, he asked god for help and with God’s magnanimous

blessing, this was answered when he had his informal meeting

with Atty. Jesus Lorenzo A. Arguelles.

 They come up with the idea of putting up an educational institution

and went to the venerable priest, Rev. Fr. Vicente R. Catapang.

 Mr. Juan Javier was appointed as the Dean of the College of

Education. He was the vice president when Fr. Catapang

resigned as the president and Mr. Juan assumed the duties of
the president.

 He was a reconstructionist, pragmatic and is humanistic.

 He died on January 12 1964 at the age of 65.

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