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By Aj, Bass, First, and Marc

- Famous philosopher
- Credited with set up the fundamentals of modern Western philosophy
- (born c. 470 bce, Athens [Greece]—died 399 bce, Athens)
Formal Education
● Socrates was a fifth century BC Greek philosopher
(known for being a foundational thinker of Western
● Many of his thoughts and ideas were written down by his
pupils, including Plato and Xenophon, and other writers
● Very little formal education due to his rank in society
during his youth
● Was train like a stone mason
Socrates quote
“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.”

Socrates says how he didn't teach people. He told them his ideas like a friendly
conversation. He doesn't do this in a style where he is only right but he merely
talked to people about what he thought and gave them the opportunity to think
about it.
Socrates accomplishments
● According to Plato, Socrates served in the
armored infantry known as the hoplite with
shield, long spear and face mask.
● He participated in three military campaigns
during the Peloponnesian War, at Delium,
Amphipolis and Potidaea,
● He saved the life of Alcibiades, a popular
Athenian general
● Socrates was known for his fortitude in battle
and his fearlessness.
Public response
● Socrates wasn’t loved by everyone by any means.
● His unorthodox political and religious views gave the leading citizens of Athens
the excuse they needed to sentence him to death for corrupting the morals of
the youth of the city.
● In 399, he was ordered to drink a brew of poison hemlock, which he did in the
company of his students.
● The event is documented in Plato's Apology.
● Where there any outcomes to your
philosopher’s work?
- Creating Socratic irony and the Socratic method (elenchus)
- Socratic irony - a pose of ignorance assumed in order to entice others
into making statements that can then be challenged.
- Socratic method - Using your critical thinking, reasoning, and logic to
answer the question
- Socratic problems :
- There is no prove that Socrates ever wrote anything
- Most of Socrates story came from Plato, Xenophon and other writers
How do we use their philosophy today
1. They have never been rendered obsolete
2. He taught us to question everything
3. He taught us that life is worthless without happiness
4. He taught us to ask if there’s such a thing as a just war
5. He advocated true freedom of speech
6. He invented philosophical ethics
7. He was a champion of human virtue
8. He warned us of the follies of materialism
9. He taught us the value of civil disobedience
10.He taught us to stand up for what we believe

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