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1. Compare the solidification time for two optimum riser having same volume, one is
cylindrical riser and other is square parellopipe. [15 Marks]
1. Discuss the role of chills and chaplets in sand mould casting. [5 Marks]
2. Discuss about the various conditions in which tapered sprue is not preferred. Also
draw the actual and ideal profile of the sprue. [3 Marks]
3. Discuss the role of friction and velocity distribution on filling time for top gate.
[7 Marks]

2. Volume of a cube of side ‘L’ and volume of a sphere of radius ‘r’ are equal. Both the
cube and the sphere are solid and of same material. They are big cast. Calculate the ratio of
the solidification time of the cube to the same of the sphere. [5 Marks]
1. Compare the solidification time for two optimum riser having same volume, one is
cylindrical riser and other is square parellopipe. [15 Marks]
1. How the pouring basin, strainer core, skim bomb and splash core are helpful in
preventing the impurities and turbulence. Please explain with neat sketch. [8 Marks]
2. Discuss the various types of the shrinkage allowances and how it can be removed.
[5 Marks]
3. Write the various requirement of a good pattern material. [2 Marks]

2. Design a sprue for avoiding the aspiration to deliver a liquid iron at rate of 20 Kg/s.
Neglect the frictional and orifice losses. Take density of the molten material as 7800 kg/m3.
The height f the pouring basin is 9 cm and height of the sprue is 25 cm.
[5 Marks]
1. Compare the solidification time for two optimum riser having same volume, one is
cylindrical riser and other is square parellopipe. [15 Marks]
1. Discuss the role of the allowances on final size and shape of the casting.
[5 Marks]
2. Discuss about the various conditions in which aspiration effect play a major role.
[5 Marks]
3. With neat sketch, discuss about the pressurized and unpressurized gating system.
[5 Marks]

2. Two solid workpiece (a) sphere with radius R, and (2) cylinder with D=H, have to be sand
cast. Both the workpiece have the same volume. Compare the solidification time and find the
workpiece which will solidify first. [5 Marks]
1. Compare the solidification time for two optimum riser having same volume, one is
cylindrical riser and other is square parellopipe. [15 Marks]
1. With neat sketch, discuss about the pressurized and unpressurized gating system.
[5 Marks]
2. Discuss about the various factors that affects the selection of the pattern material.
[5 Marks]
3. Derive a relation for the aspiration effect. [5 Marks]

2. Three pieces being cast have the same volume but different shapes. One is a sphere, one
a cube, and the other a cylinder (d=h). Which piece will solidify the faster and which one
the slowest? [5 Marks]
1. Compare the solidification time for two optimum riser having same volume, one is
cylindrical riser and other is square parellopipe. [15 Marks]
1. Explain the function of core, runner, core print, runner extension and ladle.
[5 Marks]
2. Discuss the various design criteria used for the selection of the pattern material.
[5 Marks]
3. For production of the multiple small parts in one go, which type of pattern is
required? Also explain the role of pattern material on size of production. [2+3=5

2. A cylindrical riser must be designed for a sand-casting mould. The casting itself is a steel
rectangular plate with dimensions 7.5 cm x 12.5 cm x 2.0 cm. Previous observations have
indicated that the total solidification time (T) for this casting = 1.6 min. The cylinder for the
riser will have a diameter-to-height ratio=1.0. Determine the dimensions of the riser so that
it’s T = 2.0 min. [5 Marks]

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