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The 14th Dalai Lama

According to the buddhist faith, every being is reborn over and

over again in a cycle, in which most people cannot remember
their past lives.
The Dalai Lama is one of those “special people” who was
able to access his past life. He is a boddhisattva or a person
who was able to achieve enlightenment.
They teach other people how to attain nirvana.
Four Noble
Teaching of
the Elders

The Great
Vehicle Path

Mahayana Buddhism
The religion scholar David Noss (2003)
explains that while Mahayana Buddhists
revere the Tripitaka (which was written in
Pali Language), religious literature about the
life of the Buddha namely: Mahavastu and
the Lalita Vistara were written.
At around 100 C.E, the Buddha Carita of
Ashvaghosa (Biography of Buddha) was
written in verse form.
Mahayana Buddhism
The teaching of buddha spread, took
root, and flourished in Tibet, China, Taiwan,
Japan, Korea, Mongolia and some parts of
Southeast Asia.
As a result, Mahayana Buddhism have
established a Buddhist Order of Monks and
interpreted the discourses (Sutra) and rules
(Vinaya) differently from Theravada
Mahayana Buddhists also believe in the Four
Noble Truths and Eight-fold Path.
However, they also aim for “The Six
• Perfection of Generosity
• Perfection of Morality
• Perfection of Patience
• Perfection of Energy
• Perfection of Meditation
• Perfection of Wisdom
Dana Paramita:
Perfection of Generosity
Generosity is the entry way to the
dharma. It is a virtue wherein the
person aspires for the enlightenment
of all beings. Thus, Dana Paramita is
the “generosity of spirit” characterized
by the sincere desire to benefit others,
without expectation of reward or
recognition. There must be no
selfishness attached.
Sila Paramita:
Perfection of Morality
Mahayana Buddhists believe that an
enlightened being can respond
correctly to all situations without
having to consult a list of rules. Thus, a
morally upright Buddhist is
compassionate and even practices
renunciation of one’s selfish desires.
Ksanti Paramita:
Perfection of Patience

Ksanti literally means “able to

withstand.” Thus, a Mahayana
Buddhist is patient and tolerant to
other people. Also, he or she has the
ability to endure personal hardship and
gladly accepts the truth.
Virya Paramita:
Perfection of Energy

Virya is energy or zeal. It comes from

an ancient Indian-Iranian word that
means “hero” and it is also the root of
the English word “virile.” Hence, virya
paramita is about making a
courageous, heroic effort to realize
Dhyana Paramita:
Perfection of Meditation

Buddhist meditation is a discipline

intended to cultivate the mind. Thus,
Dhyana entails great concentration to
achieve clarity and insight which are
the foundations of wisdom.
Prajna Paramita:
Perfection of Wisdom
In Mahayana Buddhism, wisdom is the
direct and intimate realization of
sunyata, or emptiness. Appreciation for
sunyata can only be achieved through
the practice of the other perfections –
generosity, morality, patience, energy,
and meditation.
Nontheistic God
The Buddha does not believe in the
notion of a Supreme Being or God, the
Mahayana School just like Theravada
follows this belief.
Are your grandparents
living with you in your
“Living Arrangements of the
Elderly in the Philippines”
In the age group 60-64, the largest
percentage of elderly men were heads of
nuclear family households, many were living
in two parent nuclear family household, the
most common living arrangement in 2000
for elderly men in the ages 60-64 years was
to live with their spouse and children as
heads in nuclear family households.
The love and respect for the elderly is
not exclusive in the Filipino culture.
In fact, among the Chinese and
especially for those who adhere to
Confucianism, respect for the elderly
is a virtue and a necessary condition
for a good society.
Master Kong or Confucius
Master Kong was born in the mid-6th
century BCE in the state of Lu in China.
- His scholarly ideas on social and
political harmony through good
governance, proper human relations,
and individual moral development
influenced Chinese thought and history
for many centuries.
Master Kong or Confucius
Master Kong became known as
“Confucius” and his body of thought and
beliefs as “Confucianism.”
- Held a government position in the state
of Lu.
- Master Kong’s teaching have developed
in the centuries after his death.
Sacred Texts
Confucian Classics
- Confucianism became the official
state philosophy.
Sacred Texts
Confucian Classics are composed of
different books:
Book of Documents
Book of Odes
Book of Rites
Book of Changes
Spring and Autumn Annals
Sacred Texts: Confucian Classics
Book of Documents – A compilation of 58 chapters detailing
the events of ancient China.
Book of Odes – A collection of 305 poems dealing with a
range of issues, including love and marriage, agricultural
concerns, daily lives, and war.
Book of Rites – Describes the social norms, governmental
organization, and the ritual conduct during the Zhou
Book of Changes – A book that contains a system of
divination that is centered largely around the principles of
yin and yang.
Spring and Autumn Annals – A historical chronicle of the
State of Lu.
Scaffold #2
Create a Comic Strip that shows a person
exemplifying Confucian Virtues.

Group 1 – Arn, Zyven, Rica, Jo ann, Caryl

Group 2 – Jemuel, Emerson, Joy, Carol, Rhaf
Group 3 – Jervis, Mikko, Gwen, Kyla, Tricia
Group 4 – Joshua, Troy, Lea, Richelle, Chrizell,
Group 5 – Von, Viterbo, Neryl, Elpie, Jessica
Scaffold #2
Standard 3 2 1
Creativity The pictures and captions All but 1 of the pictures All but 2 of the pictures
reflect an exceptional and captions reflect an and captions reflect an
degree of student exceptional degree of exceptional degree of
creativity. student creativity student creativity

Theme All the scenarios are Only 5 scenarios relate to Only 4 scenarios relate
relate to the theme the theme. to the theme.
Characters The main characters are The main characters are The main characters
and Dialogue clearly identified, and clearly identified, and are clearly identified,
their actions and dialogue their actions and dialogue but not well developed
are well-matched to each match most of the time. to their actions and
other dialogue are too

Landscape Directly related to the Directly related to the Generally related to

and Props theme or purpose of the theme or purpose of the the theme or purpose
comic and enhance comic of the comic.
Number of The comic has atleast 6 The comic has 5 The comic has 4
Scene scenarios. scenarios. scenarios.

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