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SS-II Presentation

Theme:Six Thinking
Hats On COVID-19
Done By:
M.Monica Reddy-18FMUCHH010395
J.Harshith Sai-18FMUCHH010463
Vaishnavi Reddy-18FMUCHH010650
V.Poojitha Reddy-18FMUCHH010549
1.)White Hat:-)
COVID-19 is corona virus 2019 which is identified in late 2019 and was
declared it as pandemic on march 11.COVID-19 is an disease which is
found in animals and rarely can be transmitted from animals to humans and
then spread through one person to another person.The symptoms of COVID-
19 Symptoms are:-)
-Shortage Of Breathing
It takes 2-14 Days after exposure for the symptoms of the COVID-19
And it can be affected through the certain bodily fluids like droplets in an
cough and it can be spread through the touching the person who is
infected by the COVID-19
2.)Red Hat:-)
3.) Yellow Hat:
4.)Green Hat:
5.)Blue Hat:
6.)Black Hat:
The potential risks for the people faces people mainly like people who is having
weakly immune system may develop more serious symptoms like pneunomia and it
most of the children affected through the symptoms of COVID-19 and mostly it
affects the adults throat into sore throat and it affects the breathing of the
persons and makes their noses into running noses and diarrhoea can be occur
and it affects the functioning of the liver and kidney and kidney failure and
severe cough and pneumonia and headache for the children and adults.

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