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Marketing Plan

Fresh Alert
Product: air freshener inside of a fire
Market Targets
 for fire alarms
 for carbon monoxide detectors
 for security systems
 for air fresheners

 Contractors and End Users

Growth Targets
 Target market Targets
takeover would be
15% on only fire Fire alarms
 Target market size for Target 20
fire alarms and carbon market 15 alarms
monoxide would be in % 10 Home alarm
20% of market 5 systems

 Target market size for 0

all 3 systems would be Each target
30% by system
Threats of Competitors
 No other company produces an air
freshener in combination with smoke
alarm, security system, or carbon
monoxide detector
 Possible competitors
 Fire alarm producers
 Carbon monoxide producers

 Security system producers

 Air freshener producers

Quantified, Quantifiable,
 The two major brands, glade and
renuzit, are both owned by
 One is a publicly traded German
company Henkle and one is a private
company SC Johnson
 Both have been in business for several
years offering a variety of products
making the home cleaning product
market very profitable
Internal Strengths and
 Strengths
 Production development
 Market ability

 Quick distribution capability

 Weaknesses
 New business
 High research and development costs

 Capturing of market shares in a mature

Product Life Cycle
 Product life cycle
 Market introduction
 Market growth

 Market maturity

 Sales decline
Market Introduction
 Customers not familiar with new product
 Sales low
 Use informative promotion
 Tell customers about product
 Introduce advantages of our product

 Company will see loss during intro. due

 Cost for promotion
 Product development
 Place development
Market Growth
 Stage for biggest profits
 Rapid sales
 Wide marketing mix
 Competition will enter
 We will continue growing product
and increasing benefits
Market Maturity
 Sales level off
 Competition begin creating variations
 Profits will decline through this stage due
 Rising promotion costs
 Competitors cutting their prices

 Persuasive very important at this time

 Competitors products becoming so similar to
 Price sensitivity due to this
Sales Decline
 New products introduced to replace
 Strong product to create profits until
the end
 Successfully differentiating our product
 Customer loyalty
 New home construction from 2000-
2004 is 25,188
 House formation going to rise at an
average of 1% per year to reach
384,000 households in 2010
 485 single family housing
constructions permits given in 2005
 11 multi-family new construction
permits given in 2005
# of local builders
 Classic Design Homes
 Cougar Construction
 Dan Fluery Construction
 Dan Lowe Construction
 Kw Signature Homes
 McDadden Construction
 Skyline Builders Montana
 Wells Built Homes
Segment Strategy
 Homogeneous- target customers should be
as similar as possible (all are homeowners,
renters, etc.)
 Heterogeneous- customer in different
segments should be as different as possible
with respect to their likely responses (wide
variety of people, backgrounds, income, etc.)
 Substantial- Segment should be big enough
to be profitable
 Operational- segmenting dimension should
be useful for identifying customers and
deciding marketing mix variables
 Needs- economical, functional
 Benefits Sought- Continence for homeowners
 Brand Familiarity- recognition- this is an
advantage because there are many room
deodorizers in the market
 Thoughts-
 Favorable- length of time between replacements,
possible remote adjuster to control amount of
scent release
 Unfavorable- difficulties switching cartridges,
regulating strength of smell
 Rate of use- heavy because it is always on
 Purchase relationship- intermittent due to
time between replacement cartridges
 Kind of shopping- new unsought products
 Type- or problem solving- limited problem
 Information required- medium due to new
 Region of world- North America
 Region In country- Pacific,
Mountain, West North Central, West
South Central East, North Central,
East South Central, South Atlantic,
Middle Atlantic, New England
 Size of City- any size, all consumers
 Income- any income, all consumers
 Sex- Sex neutral
 Age- 18 and up
 Family Size- any size of family
 Family Life Cycle- any family life cycle
 Occupation- No occupation preference; all
renters, homeowners, emphasis on
 Ethnicity- no ethnical boundaries
 Social Class- any and all social classes
Decision Making Process
 Identify the problem- Consumers needs are to protect
home while giving home a refreshing scent
 Gather Information- Consumers will gather
information through yellow pages, internet,
newspaper, home magazines
 Evaluate Alternatives-
 Smoke detector only – low costs
 Air freshener only- low cost
 Smoke detector & air freshener- intermediate costs
 Make Decision- Consumers will choose combo
because they get more for their money
 Evaluate Decision- Consumer will be satisfied because
product gives them sense of safety and freshens home
Means End Chain
 Product
 Smoke detector/air freshener
 Attributes
 Two in one system provides convenience,
safety and comfort within a reasonable price
 Consequences
 Physical- safety device, refreshining odor
 Psychological- comfort of working safety
device, convenience in two of two in one
 Value
 Reasonable price, convenience, safety
Perceptual Map
Luxury Priced
General Specialty
*ReNuzit *Fresh

*Oust *Vapor Plug

*Glade Economically Priced
Promotion Objectives-
 Attention
 Strategy- Newspaper advertising, internet
advertising, yellow page advertising, home
magazine advertising
 Information
 Strategy- Convenience, word of mouth,
sponsorship if demonstrations
 Desire
 Strategy- Coupons, rebates, warranties
 Action
 Strategy- Inform customer of additional products,
Inform customer of changes in product
Place Objectives
 How to manage channel relationships
 Producers (ourselves) will lead our channel
 We will also have a channel captain to take care of
any and all conflict that may get in the way
 Customer Service level desired
 Inventory Level- level to meet sales + 10%
 Transportation Arrangements- will ship directly
from our warehouse to customer
 Facilities needed- Factory, warehouse, office
 Information technology needed- need to know and
keep up with the safest detection ways possible
and ways to keep freshener quiet and leaving a
continuous smell
Place Objectives-Medium
 Channel Systems
 Will be sold using multi-channel
distribution to customers (builders,
consumers, etc.) in order to get our
product out there and being used.
 Degrees of market exposure desired
 Intensive distribution
 Types of middlemen needed
 Retail store, building contractors, home
cleaning services
Price Objectives-Sales
 Current “hardwired” smoke detectors run
from $15-$130
 Automatic air fresheners can be purchased for
 Objectives: A sales oriented approach focused
on unit sales growth
 Competition: Although there are no current
competitors, success of our product would
spurn rapid copying and we could not match
the resources of big name brands. Fire alarm
companies and Fragrance manufactures could
form alliances.
Brand Positioning
 “Fresh Alert” produces
specialized room deodorizers
installed inside smoke detectors,
fire detectors, and carbon
monoxide detectors. We protect
your home while delivering a
refreshing scent that is easy and
convenient to maintain at a very
economic price.

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