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By Iwan, S.Pd
The study of the relationship between
A term sociolinguistics is a language and the context in which it is used.
derivational word. Two words that It also study the relationship between
language and society. It explains we people
form it are sociology and
speak differently in different social contexts.
linguistics. Sociology refers to a It discusses the social functions of language
science of society; and linguistics and the ways it is used to convey social

refers to a science of language. A meaning. All of the topics provides a lot of

information about the language works, as
study of language from the
well as about the social relationships in a
perspective of society may be community, and the way people signal
thought as linguistics plus aspects of their social identity through their
language (Holmes, 2001)
A system of (verbal) signs embedded in
social and cultural reality of language
users. CULTURE : integrated human
knowledge, belief and behaviour, which
depends on the capacity of symbolic
thought and social learning (pan-human
or shared by different groups).

Standar language is a variety of language that is used by

governments, in the media, in schools and for international
communication. For example: Indonesian in Indonesia.
There are different standard varieties of English in the world, such as
North American English, Australian Engliah and Indian English.
Although these standar varieties differ in the terms of pronunciation,
there are a few differences in grammar between them. In contrast, there
are non-standard forms of language that are used, for example, in
different regional dialects and these non-standard varieties are different
from each other.
 LANGUAGE  2. Dialect
 Dialect is comes from a group of users in
one particular place, region or area. It is
1. Idiolect
usually called regional dialect or
 Idiolect is the language variation that is geography dialect. The users of a dialect
individual in nature. It has his own have certain features that mark them as
language variation or his own idiolect. people who have the same dialect
This idiolect variation is concerning with although they have their own idiolect. The
the colours of voice, choice of words, study of dialects is called dialectology.
language style, sentence order, etc.  Example: People who use Javanese with
The colours of voice is the most dialect of Solo have their own particular
dominant aspect in language variation, features that are different from others
because we can recognize someone who have the dialect of Surabaya or
just by listening to voice without seeing Banyumas.
the person.
3. Sociolect (Social dialect)
Holmes (2001:134) states that social dialects are the language
that reflects the groupings of people that based on similar social and
economic factors. He adds that a person’s dialect reflects his social
background. It also based on age, social strata etc.
For example: social dialects in Java and the ways used by
Javanese speakers. Every time a Javanese person talks to a different
person, he has to choose the right words and pronunciations because
almost every word is different and they fit together in patterns or
JAVANESE (Ngoko – krama – krama alus/inggil)
omah – griya – dalem

(Age/ social strata) Younger – older / lower – higher strata

(krama alus/inggil)): Ask for someone’s house

“Nuwun sewu, kulo badhe nyuwun pirsa, dalemipun Pak Joko puniko,
pundi nggeh?

 1. Acrolect. It is more formal and prestigious from  6. Colloquial. It is used in daily conversation, it
a speech. It actually refers to the language of the means the language used in speaking and not in
power politicians. For example: Javanese (krama writing. For exp: don’t for the words do not, I’m for
inggil) I am
 2. Mesolect. It is intermediate variety. We say the  7. Jargon. It is used by a certain group of people
variety spoken by private sector in a respective which usually concerns with a certain field of
country. For example: Javabese (krama alus) occupation or particular profession. For example:
 3. Bacilect. It refers to most colloquial and least The director wants to stop an cat of an actor, he
prestigous form of speech. It is spoken by ordinary will say Cut!
people. For example: Javanese (ngoko alus)  8. Argot. It is limited to certain proffession only
 4. Vulgar. It contains features that are used by and secretly in nature by using special vocabulary.
people that are less educated or even uneducated. For exp: in the crime world of thieves and pick-
For exp: Languages in Romans age up to the pocketers uses word “Kaca Mata” --- polisi
Middle age.  9. Cant. It means the certain social variation that is
 5. Slang. It is consists of very informal words and used to show poverty that is usually used by
phrases. It is more common speech than in beggars (to beg), just like the expression the cant
writing, and often used in particular group of of beggars which means the language of beggars.
people. For example: O Gee, bullshit, hangout etc.
4. Temporal dialect (Cronolect)
It means the language variation that is used by a certain social group
in particular time. For example, in the development of English. English
had began from the Old English in the year of 600 to 1100, the Middle
English in the year of 1100 to 1450, the Early Modern English in the
year of 1450 to 1700 until the Modern English in the year of 1700 up
to now.
The other example: Ancient Indonesian – modern indonesian / ancient
Javanese – modern Javanese
1. Style
Holmes (2001:223) states that style is related more with the
situations than with the speakers themselves. When we want to talk
about style, it means that we talk about the same speakers who talk
in different ways on different situations.It refers to language
variation which reflects changes in situational factors.
1. Frozen style. It is the most formal style used in formal situations and
ceremonies. Exp: In written form (historical documents, and formal
2. Formal style. It is used in formal speech, formal meeting, office
correspendence, lesson books for school, etc.
3. Consultative style. It ordinary conversation held at school, in meeting or
conversation that leads to result and production. It is the most operational
one between casual and fromal.
4. Casual style. It is used to speak with friends, family or relatives, during
the leisure time, while break or recreation, etc.
5. Intimate style. It used with people who have close relationships with the
speaker. By using this style those people do not need to use complete
sentences with clear articulation, they just simply use short words.
2. Register
Holmes (2001:246) states that it refers to the language of groups of
people with common interests or jobs, or specific situations. The
different registers can be seen in the language used by legalist,
auctioneers, race-callers, sports commentator, airline pilots, criminals,
financiers, politicians, disc jockeys, in the courtroom and the classroom,
Language of journalism (journalistic) has specific characteristics, it is
simple, communicative and brief. The language is simple because it has
to be understood easily, communicative because it has to deliver news
appropriately, and brief because of the limited space (in printed media)
and limited time (in electronic media).

 Accent  Bilingualism and multilingualism

Accent is the way of pronunciation The use of language in a situation of

bilingualism and/or multilingualism often
particular to a speaker of group. All
involves the problems of who speaks,
languages are spoken with several
what language, to whom and when.
different accents. There is nothing
Bilingualism is an individual’s ability to
unusual about English, and not
use two language variety. Individual
everyone who comes from the same bilingualism use of more that one
place speaks in the same. In any languages or competence in more that
place there is a variety of accent. For one languages.
example: Britis (United Kingdom) and While multilingualism is an individual’s

American (United States) ability to use many languages

 Pidgin and Creole
 Lingua Franca
Pidgin is basically contact language.
Lingua franca is language of wider
They envolve between in different culture
community, is used as a means of
who speak different languages and need
communication among the some way of communicating with each
speakers of other languages. It is other to carry out trade or work. The
called bridge language, or vehicular vocabularies are mix structure as the

language in certain place with many consequence of mixing two culture. Exp:
trader in Bali communicate with the
different speaker and language.
For example: Malay or Indonesian
in Asia (Asia tenggara), or English Creole is pidgin which has run long time
as international language in the so that the structure and the vovabularies
world become better and better. It also used by
new generation
•Code Switching and Code Mixing
•Code- Switching is switching the situation from one code to another. If
a speaker firstly uses code A (for example Indonesian Language) then
she/he changes the code to code B (Toraja Language). For example:
Kamu sudah pulang? Menna Musolan?

•Code Mixing is used when the speaker mix two language or use both
language together to in single utterance. For example:
1. Saya tidak bisa berfikir, otakku blank (Indonesian – English).
2. Kuliah kok sambil chatting (Indonesian – English)
 A speech community:
Definition: a group of people who
 A community: share similar ideas,
uses, and norms of
group of people with language.
a shared set of Language variety:
refers to a set of
activities, practices, communicative forms
beliefs, and social and norms for their use
that are restricted to a
structures. particular group,
community or activities
Social network

 Another way of describing a particular speech

community in terms of relations among its
individual members.

 Tight community: all members of one group

interacting with each other.

 Looser community: little interaction among

the members of a group
Five Key Elements for the Speech Community

 Foundational  Improving
condition condition
 -Population  -Facility
 -Area  -Identification
 -Interaction
What aspects may cause you to belong
in a speech community & not in
 “Sociolinguistic variables”

 Age
 Social Class
 Education
 Occupation/Hobbies
 Region/Space
 Family
 Religion
 Gender
 Ethnicity/Race
Intersecting Communities
 People do use expressions indicates that
they have some idea of how a
 „typical‟ person from each place speaks

-> to be a member of a particular

speech community somewhat loosely
 E.g.: New York speech, London

speech, South African speech

Network Relationships
 open network: provides open access to its
users. Information is often new and of
importance, a (serious) blogger and visitors
of blog.
 closed network: mostly strong ties.
 Information that flows in those networks

tends to be redundant and inefficient.




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