The Temptation of Eve Eve: Who Is There? Satan: I, A Friend

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The Temptation Of Eve

Eve: Who is there?

Satan: I, a friend.
Of all the fruit that ye see hang
In Paradise, which eat ye not?

Eve: We may of them all but one,

That tree over there.

Satan: And why that tree?

Eve: For our Lord God forbids us it,

­ The fruit thereof, Adam nor I,
To nigh it near;
And if we did, we both should die,
He said, and cease our solace here.

Satan: Ah, Eve, take heed, and thou shalt hear

Why he said that my dear.
He said that you should not eat the fruit
So that you would not get the virtues that lie within.
- For wilt thou see?
Who eats the fruit of good and ill
Shall be as knowing as he.

Shem: Sir, here are lions, leopards in,

Horses, mares, oxen, and swine;
Goats, calves, sheep, and kine
Here sitten thou may see.

Ham: Camels, Asses men may find,

Buck, doe, hart, and hind;
And beasts of all manner kind
Here be, as thinketh me.

Japheth: Take here cats and dogs too,

Otter, fox, fulmart also;

Noah’s wife: And here are bears, wolves set,

Apes, owls, marmoset,
Weasels, squirrels, and ferret;
Here they eat their meat.

Ham’s wife: And here are fowls, less and more: small and big
Herons, cranes, and swans.
In this ship men may find.

Noah: Wife, come in! Why stands thou there?

Come in, on God's half! Time it were,
For fear lest that we drown.

Noah’s wife: Yea, sir, set up your sail,

And row forth with evil hail,
For without any fail,
I will not out of this town.
Row forth, Noah, whither thou list,
And get thee a new wife.
Noah’s Flood

Noah: Lord, I thank thee,

Thou sparest me and my house.
Thy bidding, Lord, I shall fulfill,
And never more thee grieve.
(To his family)
Help, for aught that may befall,
To work this ship, chamber and hall,
As God hath bidden us do.
Shem: Father, I am all ready.
An axe I have,
As sharp as any in all this town,
Ham: I have a hatchet wondrous keen
To bite well, as may be seen.
Japheth: And I can well make a pin,
And with this hammer knock it in.
Noah's Wife: And we shall bring timber to,
For we have nothing else do;

Japheth’s Wife: And I will gather chips here

To make a fire for you when you come in.
All : Now, in the name of God, we will begin
To make the ship that we shall in,
That we be ready for to swim
At the coming of the flood.
These boards we join here together,
To keep us safe from the weather,
That we may row both hither and thither,
And safe be from this flood.
The Nativity

The Stable.

Shepherds : Lully lullay thou little tiny child.

(All kneel)

1st Shepherd : Hail, young child!

Lo, merry he is!
Lo he laughs, my sweeting!
Have a bob of cherries.

2nd Shepherd : Hail, sovereign saviour,

for thou hast us sought!
Hail! I kneel and cower.
A bird have I brought to my bairn.

3rd Shepherd : Hail, little darling dear, full of Godhead!

I pray thee be near when that I have need.
Hail, sweet in they cheer.
(All stand)
King 1: I hope to see that child today in all of
his array.
But, I’m afraid lords, that,
The star it standeth still.

King 2: That is a sign that we be near.

But a magnificent hall see I none
For a child of such power
This stable standeth low.

Shepherd 1: Whom seek ye, sirs?

Here dwells a woman with her
But her husband is no longer

King 1: We seek a bairn

And his mother, a maiden mild.
Here hope we now to find them two.

Shepherd 1: Come near, good sirs, and

Your journey is at an end.
King 3: What present will suit him best?
Even though he lie in an ox’s stall
He is important and deserves the

King 1: I can see by this place

That his mother has very little
Therefore to help her in this case.
Gold present shall I.

King 2: And I will offer through God's grace

Incense that noble savour has.

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