Uniform Accelerated Motion (Horizontal)

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Uniformly Accelerated

Definitions and Motion

Definitions and Motion

total distance traveled
Average Speed 
time taken

vav 
vector displaceme nt
Average Velocity 
time taken

 s
vav 
change in the velocity vector
Average Accelerati on 
time taken
 
 v f  vi v
aav  
t f  t i t
What are the units for acceleration?
Uniformly Accelerated Motion
Along a Straight Line
 In this case…
• acceleration is a constant
• and the acceleration vector lies in the
line of the displacement vector.
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Horizontal Dimension
 If a body maintains a constant change in its
velocity in a given time interval along a
straight line, then the body is said to have a
uniform acceleration.
 Consider an airplane on a runway preparing

for takeoff. Positions taken at equal time

intervals are indicated in the figure below.
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Horizontal Dimension

 The change in an airplane’s position for each

time interval is increasing as shown in Figure
thus, it is moving faster and faster. This
means that the plane is accelerating.
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Horizontal Dimension
 Now you will use those basic equations to
derive formulae used in Uniformly
 Accelerated Motion(UAM). Using the

following equations on velocity, average

velocity, and acceleration, you can derive
other equations.
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Horizontal Dimension
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Horizontal Dimension
 where: v = velocity
 v = final velocity
v = initial velocity

v = average velocity
d = displacement
 t = time

 a = acceleration
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Horizontal Dimension
 To find out how displacement changes with
time when an object is uniformly
accelerated, rearrange equation A to arrive
at d = vt.
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Horizontal Dimension
 Sample Problem 1:
 An airplane accelerates from rest on a

runway at 5.50 m/s2 for 20.25 s until it

finally takes off the ground. What is the
distance covered before takeoff?
 Sample Problem 1:
 An airplane accelerates from rest on a

runway at 5.50 m/s2 for 20.25 s until it

finally takes off the ground. What is
the distance covered before takeoff?
a = 5.50 m/s

t = 20.25 s

vi = 0 m/s

d = ?
 Sample Problem 1:
 An airplane accelerates from rest on a

runway at 5.50 m/s2 for 20.25 s until it

finally takes off the ground. What is
the distance covered before takeoff?

d = vit + ½ at2

d = (0 m/s)(20.25 s) + ½ (5.50 m/s2)

(20.25 s)2
d = 1130 m
 Sample Problem 2:
 From rest, a jeepney accelerates

uniformly over a time of 3.25 seconds

and covers a distance of 15 m.
Determine the acceleration of the
 Given:

 vi = 0 m/s

 d = 15 m

 t = 3.25 s
 Find:

 a= ?

d = vit + ½ at2
15 m = (0 m/s)(3.25 s)+ ½ a(3.25 s)2
15 m = (5.28s2)a
a = (15 m)/(5.28 s2)
a = 2.8 m/ s2
 Solving this…
 A train accelerates to a speed of 20

m/s over a distance of 150 m.

Determine the acceleration (assume
uniform) of the train.

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