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Mode of Transmission of

Cholera (causes diarrhoea)

1) Contaminated water
Figure shown
-Infected people pass out large numbers of bacteria in their faeces which may contaminated water supplies
estuarine shellfish bed
-This faecally-contaminated water is used to prepare food and drink, or even to wash utensils , the infection is
likely to spread to others
2) Infected food handlers
-Food may be contaminated by infected food handlers who do not wash their hands adequately after using the toilet

3) Plankton, Estuarine Shellfish bed or bound to chitin (component of crustacean

-In many parts of the world, sewers discharge straight into the sea
-Filter feeders(Eg. Oysters and mussels) will thus have high concentrations of cholera bacteria
-Shellfish is often eaten raw or partially-cooked, resulting in more cases of cholera

*Plankton: Planktonic organisms which are include bacteria, archaea, algae,  protozoa and drifting or floating animals (Eg. Jellyfish)
*Crustacean: include crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill and barnacles

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