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A Presentation on

Face Recognition using

Deep Convolutional Network
and One-shot Learning
Under the supervision of
Professor Dr. Paresh Chandra Barman
Dept. of Information & Communication Engineering

Submitted By

Md. Mehedi Hasan Md. Rijoan Rabbi

Roll: 1318008 Roll: 1318013
Reg: 1308 Reg: 1313

Dept. of Information & Communication Engineering

Islamic University, Kushtia - 7003

• Introduction
• Biometrics
• Our proposed model
• Methods
• Experimental Result
• Real life applications & Future works
❏ Face recognition is a technology capable of identifying or verifying a person
from a digital image, video frame.

❏ Much used in network security, content indexing and retrieval and video

❏ Improves human-computer interactions.

❏ Makes hackers almost impossible to steal one’s password given by face


❏ A biometric is a unique, measurable characteristic of a human being

that can be used ti automatically recognize an individual or verify an
individual’s identity.

❏ Biometrics can be both physiological and behavioral characteristics.

Type of biometrics

Physiological Behavioral

❏ Finger Scan ❏ Keystroke Scan

❏ Face Recognition ❏ Signature Scan
❏ Iris Scan ❏ Voice Scan
❏ Retina Scan
❏ Hand Scan
Why Face Recognition

❏ It requires no physical interaction on behalf of user.

❏ It can use existing hardware infrastructure existing cameras and image

capture devices will work with no problems.

❏ Identify a particular person from large crowd.

❏ Verification of Credit card, Personal ID, Passport.

Our proposed model
Project structure:
Benefit of our proposed model

❏ Can work with small dataset.

❏ Can give prediction using one photo.
❏ Can be installed in low memory devices.
❏ No need of multiple image of a same person.

CNN architecture
Triplet loss function
Triplet loss is a Learning Algorithm or Artificial Neural Network where a
baseline (anchor) input is compared to a positive (truthy) input and a
negative (falsy) input.
One-shot Learning

❏ One Shot Learning translates to learning from a data, where the

number of training samples per class is very low.

❏ The Intuition is that if deep neural nets are analogous to the Human
Brain, how is the human brain able to learn to classify an object without
seeing it a thousand times.

❏ Learning a class from a single labelled example.

Experimental Result

❏ Pose variation changes accuracy.

❏ Lighting condition affect output result.
❏ Very small dataset.
❏ Determining threshold level manually.
❏ Works good only with small dataset.
Real life applications & Future work

❏ Real time students/employee attendance system.

❏ Reduce using fingerprint in security purpose.
❏ Criminal identification on CCTV cameras.
❏ Reducing complexity in immigration.
❏ Automatic access control.
Thank you

for your valuable time

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