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Debugging Techniques

Debugging Techniques 1
• Bugs
• How to debug
• Using of debugger provided by the IDE
• Exception Handling Techniques

Debugging Techniques 2
• Main types
– Syntax error
– Logic error
– Runtime error

Debugging Techniques 3
Syntax Error
• A syntax error refers to a mistake in a sta
tement's syntax.
• A fatal error that the programmer must cor
rect before being able to fully compile the
• Can be indicated by the compilers
• Some IDEs are able to display syntax erro
rs in real-time.
Debugging Techniques 4
Logic Error
• A Logic Error is a bug in a program that causes
unexpected results or operation but not failure.
• Cannot be checked by the compilers, as the
program is syntactically valid.
• Logic errors are usually the hardest to debug
because they do not cause the program to fail
• A common technique in solving logic errors is to
print the program's variables to a file or the
console in order to isolate where the problem is.

Debugging Techniques 5
Runtime Error / Exception
• A Runtime Error (Exception) is a problem
that arise when the program is executed.
• E.g. divide by zero, array out of bounds

Debugging Techniques 6
How to Debug?
• Debugging is a methodical process of finding and
reducing the number of bugs, or defects, in a computer
• The basic steps in debugging are:
– Recognize that a bug exists
– Isolate the source of the bug
– Identify the cause of the bug
– Determine a fix for the bug
– Apply the fix and test it
• Tools
– Walk through your program
– Display the variables at certain points, trace the program
– Use of professional debugger

Debugging Techniques 7
Testing Methods (1)
• Exhaustive testing
– Test a program with all possible data values
– Not feasible
• Black box (functional) testing
– Treat the unit of testing as a Black Box (with inputs
and outputs) only, and test its function
– Black box testing takes an external perspective of the
test object to derive test cases. The test designer
selects valid and invalid input and determines the
correct output. There is no knowledge of the test
object's internal structure.
– The key is to devise sample data that is
representative of all possible data
Debugging Techniques 8
Testing Methods (2)
• White box (structural) testing
– Make use of knowledge of how the program works, its
– White box testing uses an internal perspective of the
system to design test cases based on internal
structure. It requires programming skills to identify all
paths through the software. The tester chooses test
case inputs to exercise all paths and determines the
appropriate outputs.
– Test all execution paths
• Inspections and Walkthroughs

Debugging Techniques 9
Visual Studio .NET Debugger

Debugging Techniques 10
Stepping through Code
• Modern debuggers usually allow you to step through your program
and look at the values of variables
• Also the debugger will allow you to set breakpoints, which are
statements in your programs that you mark and tell the debugger to
suspend program execution when it gets there
• Tools
– Start, Stop, Break, Restart
– Step Into
• Executes the next statement even if it’s inside a new procedure
– Step Out
• Finishes executing the current procedure and stops when control returns to
the calling procedure
– Step Over
• Executes the next statement. If that statement is a procedure, the procedure
is executed without stopping
• Autos, Locals, Watch windows
• Call Stack window
Debugging Techniques 11
Exception Handling
• Syntax errors can be caught by the compiler and signaled by the
• Runtime errors (exceptions) are problems that arise when the
program is executed
– E.g. result = x / y
– This is a valid statement but what if y = 0?
– The program will be interrupted, and an exception will be thrown
– An Exception is an object of a special data type (Exception) that is
generated as a result of the error and it contains information about the
runtime error
• Your program should handle the exceptions, instead of letting it
• Two exception handling approaches
– Unstructured Exception Handling
– Structured Exception Handling

Debugging Techniques 12
Unstructured Exception Handling
• An older technique of dealing with
• In previous versions of VB, an global
object named Err is used to indicate the
• An error handler is a statement that tells
the runtime what to do if an error occurs
• Or using If statements to check for errors
Debugging Techniques 13
Unstructured Exception Handling
Module Module1

Sub Main()
Dim i, j As Integer

On Error Goto Main_Failed

Exit Sub

If err.Number = 11 Then ‘ DivideByZeroException
Resume ‘ re-execute the same statement
ElseIf err.Number = 10 Then
Resume Next ‘ ignore the offending statement and continue
End If
End Sub

End Module

Debugging Techniques 14
Structured Exception Handling (1)
• A modern approach to Exception Handling
• Try-Catch statement
• Try block consists of the statement(s) that you believe m
ay cause exceptions to be thrown
• Catch block is the exception handler which specifies wha
t to do in case of error
• If an exception occurs while executing the code in the Tr
y block, the program execution is interrupted, and the co
ntrol is passed to the appropriate Catch handler
• There may be more than one catch block, each for a spe
cific type of exception

Debugging Techniques 15
Structured Exception Handling (2)
Dim i As Integer = 5
Dim j As Integer = 0
Dim result As Integer
result = i \ j
Catch e As DivideByZeroException
MsgBox("We caught a divide by 0 exception")
End Try

Debugging Techniques 16
Structured Exception Handling (3)
• Can have multiple Catch blocks (Example ExceptionExample)

Dim i As Integer = 5
Dim result As Integer

result = Integer.MaxValue * i
Catch e As DivideByZeroException
MsgBox("We caught a divide by 0 exception")
Catch e As Exception
MsgBox("We caught generic exception")
Throw ‘ re-throw for some other handler to deal with it
End Try

Debugging Techniques 17
Structured Exception Handling (4)
• Exceptions are propagated on the call stack (Example ExceptionExample2)
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim result As Integer

result = MultiplyInts(Integer.MaxValue, 5)
Catch e As DivideByZeroException
MsgBox("We caught a divide by 0 exception")
Catch e As Exception
MsgBox("We caught generic exception")
End Try
End Sub

Function MultiplyInts(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer) As Integer

Dim result As Integer

result = i * j

Return result
End Function
End Module
Debugging Techniques 18
Structured Exception Handling (5)


‘ Code that will always be executed
End Try

Debugging Techniques 19

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