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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Lakhan Singh Sir Mahak Modani
Guide Name: Satyam Patidar
Sushma Verma Mam
1. Traditional Approach of UID
2. Issues with Traditional Unique Identification System
3. Solution using BlockChain
4. What is BlockChain ?
5. Why BlockChain ?
6. System Working
7. System requirement
8. Functional /non functional requirement
9. Digital Signature
10. Ethereum-Solidity
11. Smart contract
Traditional Approach
Issues With Traditional
Unique Identification System

 Security
Security Has always been an important concern for many people such
as bank , industrial system etc

 Forgery
The copy of original document can be easily produced. Therefore it
can be easily duplicated.

 Third Party Involvment

The transaction are not directly between sender and receiver. It involves
the intermediator.
Solution Using BlockChain

Each block contains a unique block number, the data,

previous hash value and hash value of its own block. Thus
it contains two hash value. The hash values are computed
from the data and the previous hash value .In this way,
data is immutable , it can not be modified. It provides
higher security because the new hash value is generated
on behalf of previous. In this way any block can be
appended when it satisfies the constraints of all the
previous blocks.
System Working
What is Block Chain

The Blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of

economic transactions that can be programmed to
record not just financial transactions but virtually
everything of value.” – Don & Alex Tapscott
Why Block Chain
System Requirement
 Platform-Ethereum
 Allows us to Develop Dapps
 Ethereum provides a decentralized virtual machine
 Enables to deploy Smart Contract
 SHA -256
 Transaction Gas : uses own Currency
 Language –Solidity
 Version : 0.5.4
 Solidity is an object-oriented programming language for
writing smart contracts
 Contract oriented
 Verify and Enforce Constraints at Compile Time
Functional Requirement
 The model shall validate the user details.
 The model shall validate the UID’s.
 The model shall verify the user details and UID’s.
 The model shall distribute digital signature and stamp
number stored on the block to several computers using
blockchain technology.
Non functional Requirement
 Security
 User Friendly User interfaces
 Availability
 Scalability
Smart Contract
 Decentralized
 Publicly Available
 Provide trackable and irreversible transactions

Smart Contracts can

 Reduce the risk of registering incorrect information
 Utilize unique digital fingerprint to regulate and control
the workflow, correctness of the document, and the rules
& order of authorization

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