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Monno International School & college

Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college



Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college


Ibrahim Khalil
Assistant Teacher
ID -1011
Monno International
School and College

Class : Eight
Subject: Islam and Moral Education

Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college

Today’s Topic is on
Chapter-5, Lesson-5

“The Life of Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.)”

Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college

After readingthis

get the introduction oh Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.)

know the characteristics of Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.)

understand the simple life-style of Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.)

Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college
Hazrat Ayisha (R.) was the youngest oneon
of the holy Prophet’s (Sm.) wives. She was
the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bak’r (Ra.), the first Caliph of Islam. She was attributed
with ‘Siddika’ and ‘Humayra’. Her nickname was ‘Ummul Muminin’ and ‘Ummul
Abdullah’. She was born in Mecca in 613/614AD. According to the custom of the
Quraish tribe, the responsibility of her bringing up was handed over to the wife of a
man namely ‘Owael’. She possessed sharp intellect. Her education began at her early
age. Her behaviour, manners, conducts, merit and mode of speaking amazed all. She
was always childlike. Like other children, she loved to play, make fun and run.
Her marriage with the great Prophet (Sm.) was solemnized after the death of Hazrat
Khadiza (R.) at the 10th years of Prophethood. Hazrat Khaola Binte Hakim (Ra.) was
the match maker of this marriage. 480 Dirham was the amount which was pledged to
be paid to the bride for the marriage. The marital life of Rasul (Sm.) and Hazrat
Ayisha (Ra.) started after three years of their marriage. Hazrat Abu Bak’r (Ra`.) was
the ‘Kazi’ of the marriage ceremony.

Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college

In the then Arab society, there was hardly any opportunity of
study. Indeed, Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.) started her education from
her father. She acquired knowledge on poetry, literature and
history. She was very meritorious. She could memorize
anything she heard only once. She was expert in household
works other than achieving bookish knowledge

Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college

The Incident of
In the year 6 hijri when a battle was fought with the ‘Banu Mustaliq’, Hazrat
Ayisha (Ra.) accompanied the great Prophet (Sm.) in his march against the
enemies. On the way she lost her necklace. In search of this lost necklace she
fell behind the companions. When it was late for her return, the Munafiqs
(hypocrites) started spreading scandals against her. At this she was very much
mortified. Her life became unbearable. But she did not lose her patience and by
the name of Allah, she faced firmly. In this circumstance, Rasul (Sm.), too,
could not reach any decision. He got worried. Hazrat Ayisha’s (Ra.) parents
were also in grave apprehension, anxiety and tension. At last, Allah revealed
the Ayats; 11-12 of Sura "Nur’,declaring the chastity of Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.).
The conspiracy of the Munafiqs failed. Rasul (Sm.) shed his worries. The grace
and purity of Hazrat Ayisha’s (Ra.) character spread out.

Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college

Contribution to Education
Hazrat Ayisha (R.) was judicious, intelligent and possessor of an uncommon
knowledge and scholarship. She achieved an extraordinary proficiency in
every sector of knowledge. Her knowledge of Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Arabic
literature and the events that happened in Arabia was beyond any measure.
Her advice was taken in different theological and ethical matters. Indeed,
among the women-folk, though she was comparatively young she was the
narrator of the great number of Hadith. Many companions and followers of the
Prophet (Sm.) retold the Hadith on her authority. She narrated as many as
2210 sayings of the holy Prophet, of which 174 sayings were compiled in the
‘Bukhari’ and ‘Muslim’. 54 Hadiths were compiled in the ‘Imam Bukhari’
while 69 Hadiths were in the ‘Imam Muslims’. She was next to none in
explaining the holy book of Allah and Sunnat. Ibne Shihab Juhuri says, "She
(Ayisha Ra.) was the greatest scholar of all human beings." (Tahzibut Tahzib)
Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college

The Dignity of Hazrat Ayisha:

Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.) was Rasul’s (Sm.) much beloved wife. She was
held in high estimation and honour than the other wives of the great
Prophet (Sm.). Rasul (Sm.) says – "Ayisha’s superiority rests above all
other women as Sarid (food) was superior to other food." (Bukhari and
Ibn Majah) ‘Sarid’ is the best kind of Arabian food which is a mixture
of bread, meat and juice. Rasul (Sm.) also states – "Ayisha is the patron
of women" (Kanzul Ummah).
Once the Prophet (Sm.) addressing her said, "O Ayisha! Look! Gibrail
(As.) is paying respect to you." (Bukhari). Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.) earned a
high estimation for her own intelligence, ability and worth. If today’s
women contemplate like Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.) they will also be
honoured and dignified.
Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college

Death of Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.):

In the 58th ‘Hejira’ on 17 Ramadan, corresponding to

English calendar, on July 678 AC, Ummul Muminin
Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.) died at the age of 58. After the death
of Rasul (Sm.) she lived for 40 years. She was buried in
the graveyard ‘Jannatul Baqi’. Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.) is a
source of inspiration to us for her patience, wisdom
,devotion for knowledge, loyalty to husband and grace of

Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college


Write 15 short questions with answer from the

life of Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.) in your HW copy.
Memorize the life of Hazrat Ayisha (Ra.)

Ibrahim Khalil
Monno International School & college


Ibrahim Khalil

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