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• Globally, there are an estimated 78 millionTrusted Source new cases

of gonorrhea diagnosed each year. In the United States alone, there
are an estimated 820,000Trusted Source new gonorrhea infections
each year. However, not all cases are diagnosed and reported; only
333,004 cases of gonorrhea were reported in the U.S. in 2013.
• Gonorrhea is easily treated but can cause serious and sometimes
permanent complications. Pelvic inflammatory disease occurs in
women when the gonorrhea infection affects their uterus or
fallopian tubes. The most serious complication associated with
pelvic inflammatory disease is infertility.
• Complications in men with gonorrhea include epididymitis (an 
inflammation of the tube which carries sperm) and infertility.
• Gonorrhea is caused by the
bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
• Gonorrhea can be passed from mother to
baby during delivery.
• Gonorrhea and chlamydia can be experienced
• If untreated, gonorrhea can increase a
person's risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV.
• Symptoms may be absent despite an active gonorrheal infection. Symptoms
can appear anywhere from 1-14 days following exposure to the infection.
• Men and women experience slightly different symptoms; these can include:
• Men:
• white, yellow, or green urethral discharge, resembling pus
• inflammation or swelling of the foreskin
• pain in the testicles or scrotum
• painful or frequent urination
• anal discharge, itching, pain, bleeding, or pain when passing stools
• itching, difficulty swallowing, or swollen neck lymph nodes
• eye pain, light sensitivity, or eye discharge resembling pus
• red, swollen, warm, painful joints
• Women:
• painful sexual intercourse
• fever
• yellow or green vaginal discharge
• vulvar swelling
• bleeding in-between periods
• heavier periods
• bleeding after intercourse
• vomiting and abdominal or pelvic pain
• painful or frequent urination
• sore throat, itching, difficulty swallowing, or swollen neck lymph nodes
• eye pain, light sensitivity, and eye discharge resembling pus
• red, swollen, warm, painful joints
• Anal gonorrhea signs include:
• itching, bleeding, or pain with passing bowel
• anal discharge
• An itching or burning sensation in the eyes
may be a symptom of conjunctivitis. If infected
semen or fluid comes into contact with the
eyes, a person can develop conjunctivitis.
• omplications
• There are many serious potential complications, which highlights the need for a quick diagnosis and treatment if symptoms occur.
• In women, gonorrhea can lead to:
• pelvic inflammatory disease, a condition that can cause abscesses
• chronic pelvic pain
• infertility
• ectopic pregnancies - pregnancy where the embryo attaches outside of the uterus
• In men, a gonorrheal infection can lead to:
• epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymisTrusted Source, which controls the production of sperm
• infertility
• Both men and women are at risk of developing a life-threatening disseminated gonococcal infection when gonorrhea is
untreated. This type of infection is often characterized by:
• fever
• arthritis
• tenosynovitis - inflammation and swelling around tendons
• dermatitis
• Those infected with gonorrhea are also at a higher riskTrusted Source of contracting HIV or, if already HIV positive, spreading HIV
in addition to gonorrhea.
• Further complications of a gonorrheal infection can occur in pregnant women during delivery; it is possible to pass the infection
to the child. Gonorrhea passed to an infant can cause joint infection, blindness, or a life-threatening blood infection.
• Also, infected women are at an increased risk for premature labor or stillbirth if left untreated.

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