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What do you think is the meaning

of the following proverb?

1. Let’s get started
What do these sayings mean? Discuss the meaning with a partner.
2. Vocabulary
Read the following texts. They each contain one saying. Try to
figure out the meaning from context.
2. Vocabulary
Read the following texts. They each contain one saying. Try to
figure out the meaning from context.
2. Vocabulary
Read the following texts. They each contain one saying. Try to
figure out the meaning from context.
2. Vocabulary
Read the following texts. They each contain one saying. Try to
figure out the meaning from context.
2. Vocabulary
Read the following texts. They each contain one saying. Try to
figure out the meaning from context.
2. Vocabulary
Read the following texts. They each contain one saying. Try to
figure out the meaning from context.

To be between two equally bad alternatives.

2. Vocabulary
Read the following texts. They each contain one saying. Try to
figure out the meaning from context.

When a person really wants to do something, he will find a

way of doing it.
2. Vocabulary
Read the following texts. They each contain one saying. Try to
figure out the meaning from context.

People of the same sort of character or likes always go

2. Vocabulary
Read the following texts. They each contain one saying. Try to
figure out the meaning from context.

Any great plan or big dream cannot be achieved overnight

or easily.
2. Vocabulary
Read the following texts. They each contain one saying. Try to
figure out the meaning from context.

What is beautiful to one person may not be beautiful to

3. Conversation time
For this exercise, try to make a
conversation using at least three
of the proverbs and sayings you’ve
learned so far.
Albert Einstein Mark Twain
Dalai Lama Mother Theresa
4. Class Work Mahatma Ghandi Oscar Wilde
Marilyn Monroe Plato
Match the quotes with the authors.
“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
“A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.”
“Do not wait for leaders, do it alone, person to person.”
“Sleep is the best meditation.”
“It is better to deserve honors and not to have them than to have them and
not deserve them.”
“Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they
have to say something.”
“If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.”
“I can resist anything but temptation.”
5. Vocabulary

bull cats
bird dogs

wolf sheep
4. Video time “Philadelphia”
2. What’s your opinion of Andy Beckett’s story? Have you
heard of similar cases?
Useful language #4:
Expressing your point of view
- As far as I’m concerned…
- Speaking for myself…
- Personally, I think…
- I’d like to point out that…
- I believe that…
- What I mean is…
5. Class Work
Discuss together.
1. Have you, a friend or relative ever been discriminated
2. Have you ever intentionally or unintentionally
discriminated against someone?
3. Why do you think discrimination exists?
4. What could we do to reduce discrimination?
5. Would you adopt a child of a different race to yours?

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