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Bilal Farooq (49287)
M.Bilal Idrees (49274)
M.Kabeer Noman (49262)
Irteza Hassan Ali (49366)
Arsalan Ahmed (49714)
Sajjad Ali (49261)
 Company Description
The company purchases yarn locally from Pakistan and
makes their own products like jeans, bed sheets and are
working on the manufacturing of ladies, jeans and then
export to foreign countries. The name of the brand is
“SAMS”. There consumers are mostly in U.K, Australia and
sells to the world’s largest super market franchise IKEA. In
Pakistan its supply is on a smaller scale.
it offers complete solution to your textile needs
specializing in the field of Fabrics, bed wear, fashion
garments and work place uniforms. The sourcing
generally from Pakistan which is World’s 2nd largest
producer of yarn and World’s 4th largest producer of
We are not just agents, but we take care to protect our
 Mission
 Every employee who works in a company has been given a
task to complete, like manager gives target to each
department forinstances300 jeans must be manufactured in
one day.
 One day they are supposed to be ranked at the top level
amongst all fabric manufacturing companies in Pakistan.
 Customers always get satisfied and never get disappointed
after using their products.
 Ratio of selling the product is on increasing trend every year.
 To be amongst the most admired and trusted integrated
textile Company in Pakistan.
 Provide a world-class customer experience.
 Be a company that is a pleasure to do business with.
 To become stand and as well recognized quality product
supplier of Synthetics Yarn in Pakistan.
 History of Company:
 This company was launched in 2012.
 “Mr.Qasim” the owner of company decided
to start this business and started making its
own products and started selling it with the
name of “SAMS”.
 In the beginning, they struggled finding a
path to successes but, year by year they kept
workingf irmly with true dedication, they
studied the market and made their identity
amongst famous clothing brands of Pakistan.
 Organization Culture Strong Culture:
 We find ways to build cross-cultural
relationships by emphasizing the need for a
deep understanding of effective
 Everyone is clear and well known about their
company and its vision and steps to be taken
 Manager tries to keep friendly relations with
his employees so that they can stay motivated.
 There is centralized authority in the
organization only top manager.
 No favoritism.
 Organizational Structure:
 There’s one manager and has only four sub-
ordinates under it who handles the rest of the
company’s employees. Manager do arrange
meetings with his sub-ordinates and brief
them about the work they have to get done.
 Manager researches the market and studies
other companies planning of launching new
product or etc.
 Six Key Elements:
1. All the employees follow the commands
and only report to one boss this
organization is entirely based on unity of
2. This company is entirely based on
centralized authority. All the decisions
are taken by top management.
3) If a decision has been finalized by the
manager then he calls his sub-ordinates to
make further amendments if required any.
4) Sometimes in order to make new
strategy employees advice and ideas also
 High Formalization:
5) Here rules are strictly followed, if an
employee is not doing well or is not
completing its task on time then
company fires that employee.
6) rules are followed strictly and no one is
given extra space or chances to
improve. No employee breaks the rules
and regulation of company.
In today’s world every company is based on this policy. This
company is earning for its food, shelter, clothing but by taking care
of its customer, because customer buy product and from this
revenue basic needs are achieved.
Safety of the employees is also first priority of this company, as
workers play important role in the success of company.
Feels like that it’s his own company and its his responsibility to take
this company to the height of successes.
Employee of “Yarn & Fabric International” feels proud when someone
asks them that in which company they work, this is because the
reputation this company has been made in this 6 years.
Manager is always alert and ready to face challenges. Make serious
eye on the various ideas of their competitors.
 Leadership Style:
Democratic Style:
Everyone gets chance to speak if they have any problem or have suggestions.
Manager doesn’t make decisions by its own, if there is any problem in any
department they can come to manager and he will solve that problem or he will
command his sub-ordinates to solve it. Each and every one is treated equally;
rewards and punishments are also given equally. There is no favoritism amongst
employees or sub-ordinates.
In this following report, how a company “Yarn & Fabric International” manages its
firm and how their manager handles the management is been given.
i. What’s their vision?
ii. What’s there mission.
iii. Organization Departments.
iv. Organization Structure.
v. How employees are motivated to do work.
vi. Rewards & Punishments.
vii. Leadership Style.
has been described in this report. We would like to thanks Mr. Waqas Majid that
he has given his precious time to us and provided us information related to his

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