Moby Dick: - Herman Melville

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- Herman Melville

Presentado por: Mariana Cano Soto.

In this first chapter entitled
Loomings, the main character of
this story is presented, his name is
Ishmael, he tells us that he has
some years of need for money,
and that therefore nothing held
him on the mainland to return to
the sea, since as explains the text,
some time he needed it, it was his
way of evading and as he best
came to feel with himself, he also
refers to the fact that to return to
the sea is like a substitute for
- Herman Melville –
Chapter I

Later he tells us about the people

in the United States, which is
where he lives, they are always
watching the sea, looking for the
best place to admire all its beauty
and splendor. Then he tells us that
to go on a barcode, it can be done
in two ways: go as a passenger, The American author
(he has never gone as a passenger had to face several
health, psychological
since you have two major and economic problems
inconveniences, the first is that during his life, to the
point of having to work
you cannot be in the stern and feel for more than 20 years
the fresh air, the second is money as a customs inspector
to settle his debts
since being a passenger must
pay). He likes to be a sailor, it is
- Herman Melville –
Chapter I

Having as an alternative this

time to do something
different, go in a different
barcode and that is why he
wants to become a whaler.
(unknown words)

Hypos: hipocondria Nearly: casi Sight: visión

Deliberately: Towards: hacia Crowds: multitudes
deliberadamente Belted: ceñido Gazers: miradores
Purse: bolso Wharves: muelles Circumbulate: dar vuelta
Damp: húmedo Reefs: arrecifes a
Drizzly: llovizna Surrounds: rodea Hook: gancho
Coffin: ataúd Waterward: hacia el agua Fixed: fijo
Bringing: trayendo Mole: topo Reveries: ensueños
Rear: posterior Cooled: enfriado Spiles: derrames
Flourish: florecer Breezes: brisas Seated: sentado
Cherish: apreciar Pier-heads: cabezas de
(unknown words) 2

Bulwarks: Baluartes
West: oeste Meadow: prado
Aloft: En alto
Needles: aguja Cattle: vacas
Rigging: Aparejo
Thither: para allá Overlapping:
Seaward: Hacia el mar
Deepest: más profundo superposición
Peep: Mirar furtivamente
Athirst: sediento Bathed: bañado
Landsmen: compatriota
Wedded: casado Shepherd: pastor
Benches: Bancos
Hermit: ermitaño Sadly: tristemente
Yonder: Allá
Dreamiest: soñador Pedestian: peatonal
Alleys: Paseos
Shadiest: más sombrío Greeks: griegos
Avenues: Avenidas
Quietest: más silencioso Daily: diario
Passenger: pasajero
(unknown words) 3

Phanton: fantasma
Spar: espato Promptly: prontamente
Conscious: consciente
Grasshopper: Hunks: trozos
Lungs: livianos
saltamontes Slave: esclavo
Inferred: inferido
Unpleassant: Either: ya sea
Quarrelsome: peleón
desagradable Punch: puñetazo
Brigs: bergantines
Keen: afilado Penny: centavo
Schooners: goletas
Sailor: marinero Orchard: huerta
Broiling: asar a la parrilla
Decoction: decocción Ills: males
Broiled: asado
Grin: mueca Moneyed: adinerado
Huge: enorme
Broom: escoba Breathes: respiraciones
Forecastle: castillo de
Sweep: barrer
Decks: cubiertas
(unknown words) 4

Commonalty: común
Perhaps: quizás
Whaling: ballenero
Doubtless: indudable
Shabby: desgastado
Genteel: gentil
Cajoling: zalamería
Unbiased: imparcial
Plumb: sondear
Rub: frotar

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