Decentralized and Distributed Basic

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Introduction t

o Information
By: Rajiv Raman Parajuli

Online Lesson_Test Session

04/03/2020 1
Today we will
Discuss on

04/03/2020 2
Do you know the difference betwe
en a “decentralised” and “distribut
ed” systems? 

04/03/2020 3
Distributed & Decentral
ized System

04/03/2020 4
04/03/2020 5
Why do we need decentral
ized system?
Lets See Banks, and how does it works.
If a Person A wants to transfer Money to a Person B,

Bank; Centralized Ledger System

04/03/2020 6
Why do we need decentral
ized system?
1. Remove Centralized party; cut down the charges
2. Data Trading centers (Global Big data exchange) eg:- Match making sites,
Banks, e-commerece sites etc

3. Privacy Issue; Data Sales, Sharing etc. (Global Big data exchange)
4. Processing Time
5. Absolute Guarantee
So, In centralized system, no one is going to trust one single authority who hav
e full control of this platform with the exception of the government
04/03/2020 7
This is the reason why blockchain Technology
Decentralized ledger system was proposed.

We also need to see which all applications fit for decentralized system.

04/03/2020 8
So, Convinced why we need Decentralized system.

04/03/2020 9

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