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• Introduction

• The concept of electricity came into notice

due to friction. It actually proves that charges
can be produced and they can also be made to
flow and flowing of charges gives rise to
electricity. So let us first learn about friction.
• Electric charge is a physical property of matter that causes
it to experience a force when kept in an electromagnetic
field. Positive and negative are the two types of electric
charges, commonly carried by charge carriers protons and
electrons. When the net charge of an object equals to zero,
the object is said to be neutral. The movement of electric
charges are responsible for the production of one of the
many types of energy known as electrical energy.
• Electric Charge is defined as,
• The property of subatomic particles that causes it to
experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field
• Friction
• It comes into notice when two bodies are
rubbed with each other. For example: rubbing of
glass rod with silk. When a glass rod is rubbed
with silk, electrons move from glass rod to silk
therefore, the glass rod acquires a positive
charge as it becomes deficient of electrons and
silk will acquire negative charge as the amount
of negative charge in it increases.
So, due to this concept of friction, the
concept of charges came in to notice.
And further, coulomb was the one who
gave more information about the
• Electric charge
• So it was concluded that we have two types of
• Positive charge
• Negative charge
• The symbol used for it is (q) and unit that is
used to measure it is Coulomb which is
denoted by C (unit).
• Different experiments proved that “same
charges repel each other and opposite charges
attract each other.
• And also, when the electric
charges are kept, they
create a small area around
itself  where its effect can
be felt called as the electric
• How is Electric Charge Measured?
• The electric charge is measured using coulomb. 1
coulomb is the quantity of charge transferred in one
second. Given by:
• Q = I.t
• Where,
• Q is the electric charge
• I is the electric current
• t is the time.
• Definition
• The physical properties of matter which allows it to experience a special kind of
force when kept under the influence of the electromagnetic field is called Electric
• Symbol
• Q
• Formula
• Q = I.t
• SI unit
• Coulomb
• Other units
• Elementary charge
• faraday
• ampere-hour
• The electric charge is equal to the number of electrons in it
and the magnitude of charge on the electron i.e.
• q = ne
• where n = number of electrons and
e = charge of electron
= 1.6 x 10-19 C           
• Q. Calculate number of electrons in 1C of charge
• Ans)     Q= ne
Q= i.e.
• So, 1 = n x 1.6 x 10 -19
• Therefore, we can define  1c  as :
1c is that charge which contains 6.25 x 1018 
number of electrons in it.
• Types of substances depending upon their ability to conduct current
• We have different kinds of substances depending upon their power to
conduct electricity. They are classified as:
• Conductors- They are those which allow current to pass through them.
They have free mobile electrons. For example: Cu, Al etc. Like in the
given figure, the wire conducts electricity but the plastic insulation is an
• Insulators- They are those which do not allow current to pass through
them as they do not have free mobile electrons. For example: glass etc.
Those substances which give free electrons are good conductors and
those which don’t have free electrons are poor conductors
• Types of electricity
• Static electricity
• Current electricity
• Static electricity is a type of electricity when electric charges
develop but do not flow. For example: charges developed by
glass rod are rubbed with silk.

Current electricity is a type of electricity when the electronic

charges that develop are also in motion. For example:
electricity used in our homes
• Electrostatic potential
• It is the work done in moving the positive
charge from infinity to a certain point in an
electric field of other charge. For example: A
unit of positive charge is at a point at infinity
and we try to bring it to point b that is in the
electric field of some other charge, let’s say
charge q2. So the work that we need to do in
doing so is called electrostatic potential.
• Potential difference
• When we need to move the charge between two specified points, then the work done
in doing so is called the potential difference. So it is defined as the work done in moving
a charge from one point to another point.
• i.e. V= W (from one point to another)
• The unit that is used to measure it is volt and we can define 1 volt as :1v = 1 joule
1 coulomb

So it is defined as:
Potential difference is said to be 1 volt when 1J of work is done in moving IC of charge
from one point to another. The instrument that is used to measure its magnitude is
called Voltmeter. There is an important feature that how we connect it. It is connected
in parallel because it has a high resistance and also in parallel the potential difference
remains constant
• Electric current
• As we have understood that charges do move, so here comes another physical quantity that is
the rate of flow of electric charge through a conductor.

I = Q
The Unit that is used to measure it is ampere.
• 1A = 1C
1 sec
• We can define 1 ampere current as 1A, when 1Coulomb of charge flows through wire in 1second.
• The ammeter is an instrument used to measure the current. Now the connection of ammeter in
circuit is that it is connected in series. It has low resistance and in series, the current remains
• Q)  How can we get continuous flow of current in a circuit?
Ans) We can get continuous flow of current in a circuit by maintaining a potential difference
between the 2 ends of a conductor. We can do that by connecting it to a battery or cell because
there are two terminals that are always at different potential levels
Properties of Electric Charge

• The various properties of charge include the

• Additivity of Electric Charge
• Conservation of Electric Charge
• Quantization of Electric Charge
• It is to be noted that the charged bodies in a system of charges that
are very small as compared to the distance between them are
treated as point charges. In such bodies, all the charges distributed
over the surface of the object are assumed to be concentrated at
one point. Very often we get to deal with systems where the
influence of many such systems is to be taken into consideration. In
order to calculate the final effect in such cases, we need to add and
subtract these charges from one another. In order to simplify the
operations involved, it is necessary to study the properties of point
charges. In this section we will learn about three such properties of
point charges; the additivity of electric charge, the conservation of
electric charge and the quantization of electric charge.
• Let us consider a system of charges containing
three point charges with magnitude q1, q2 and
q3. In such a system, the total charge of the
system can be obtained by algebraically
adding the three charges
• Q=q1+q2+q3
• These charges have magnitude but no direction, are
scalar quantities and are treated like real numbers
during conducting any operation. For a system
containing n particles, the total charge of the system
can be written as,
• Q=q1+q2+q3+…..qn

• We note that the charge can either be positive or

negative and the operation takes the sign of the
charge into consideration.
• Conservation of Electric Charge
• According to the principle of conservation of charges, the
charges are neither created nor destroyed; they are only
transferred from one body to the other. For example, when
two objects, one having some charge and the other having no
charge are made to come in contact with each other, the
charge is transferred from the object possessing some charge
to the object possessing no charge until the charged is equally
distributed over the whole system. Here, no charge is created
or lost and is only transferred from the one possessing an
excess of charge to the other possessing a deficit.
• Quantization of Electric Charge
• According to the principle of quantization of 
electric charge, all the free charges are integral multiples
of a basic predefined unit which we denote by e. Thus,
the charge possessed by a system can be given as,
• q=ne
• Where n is any integer (zero, a positive or a negative
number) and e is the basic unit of charge, that is, the
charge carried by an electron or a proton. The value
of e is 1.6 × 10-19C.
• The properties of electric lines of force are:
• i) Lines of force start from positive charge and terminate at negative
• ii) Lines of force never intersect.
• iii) The tangent to a line of force at any point gives the direction of
the electric field at that point.
• iv) The number of lines per unit area, through a plane at right angles
to the lines is proportional to the magnitude of EE. That is, when the
lines of force are close together, EE is large and where they are far
apart, EE is small.
• Electric lines of force are closer where the electric field is stronger
and the lines are apart  where the electric field is weaker
• Electric Potential and Potential Difference
• Electric potential is the work done per unit charge in
bringing the charge from infinity to that point against
electrostatic force.
• In a conductor, electrons flow only when there is a difference
in electric pressure at its ends. This is also called potential
difference. In a circuit, this potential difference is created by
a battery.
• Potential difference is also defined as work done to move a
unit charge from one point to another.
• V = W/QOrPotential difference =Work done/Charge
• A battery or a cell has a potential difference
due to reaction of chemicals inside it even
when it is not connected to any circuit. Once
connected, the potential difference makes the
electrons flow and the current is generated in
the circuit/conductor. A battery generates this
potential difference till the chemicals inside it
are not completely spent.
• Electromyography (EMG) is a diagnostic procedure to assess the health
of muscles and the nerve cells that control them (motor neurons). EMG
results can reveal nerve dysfunction, muscle dysfunction or problems
with nerve-to-muscle signal transmission.
• Motor neurons transmit electrical signals that cause muscles to
contract. An EMG uses tiny devices called electrodes to translate these
signals into graphs, sounds or numerical values that are then
interpreted by a specialist.
• During a needle EMG, a needle electrode inserted directly into a muscle
records the electrical activity in that muscle.
• A nerve conduction study, another part of an EMG, uses electrode
stickers applied to the skin (surface electrodes) to measure the speed
and strength of signals traveling between two or more points.
• The test is used to help detect neuromuscular abnormalities.
During the test, one or more small needles (also called
electrodes) are inserted through the skin into the muscle. The
electrical activity picked up by the electrodes is then displayed
on an oscilloscope (a monitor that displays electrical activity in
the form of waves). An audio-amplifier is used so the activity
can be heard. EMG measures the electrical activity of muscle
during rest, slight contraction and forceful contraction. Muscle
tissue does not normally produce electrical signals during rest.
When an electrode is inserted, a brief period of activity can be
seen on the oscilloscope, but after that, no signal should be
• After an electrode has been inserted, you may be
asked to contract the muscle, for example, by
lifting or bending your leg. The action potential
(size and shape of the wave) that this creates on
the oscilloscope provides information about the
ability of the muscle to respond when the nerves
are stimulated. As the muscle is contracted more
forcefully, more and more muscle fibers are
activated, producing action potentials
• EMG results are often necessary to help diagnose or rule out a
number of conditions such as:
• Muscle disorders, such as muscular dystrophy or polymyositis
• Diseases affecting the connection between the nerve and the
muscle, such as myasthenia gravis
• Disorders of nerves outside the spinal cord (peripheral nerves),
such as carpal tunnel syndrome or peripheral neuropathies
• Disorders that affect the motor neurons in the brain or spinal
cord, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or polio
• Disorders that affect the nerve root, such as a herniated disk in
the spine
• Electromyography (EMG) is an electrodiagnostic
medicine technique for evaluating and recording the
electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles.[1] EMG is
performed using an instrument called
an electromyograph to produce a record called
an electromyogram. An electromyograph detects the 
electric potential generated by muscle cells[2] when these
cells are electrically or neurologically activated. The
signals can be analyzed to detect medical abnormalities,
activation level, or recruitment order, or to analyze the 
• Surface and intramuscular EMG recording electrodes

• There are two kinds of EMG: surface EMG and intramuscular

• Surface EMG assesses muscle function by recording muscle
activity from the surface above the muscle on the skin. Surface
electrodes are able to provide only a limited assessment of the
muscle activity. Surface EMG can be recorded by a pair of
electrodes or by a more complex array of multiple electrode
• Intramuscular EMG can be performed using a
variety of different types of recording
electrodes. The simplest approach is a
monopolar needle electrode. This can be a
fine wire inserted into a muscle with a surface
electrode as a reference; or two fine wires
inserted into muscle referenced to each other.
Most commonly fine wire recordings are for
research or kinesiology studies.
• Static electricity is caused by the build up
of electrical charges on the surface of objects,
while current electricity is a phenomenon
from the flow of electrons along a conductor.
2. When objects are rubbed, a loss and/or gain
of electrons occurs, which results in the
phenomenon of static electricity
Units of Electricity


VOLT V Voltage (V, E)
Electromotive force (E)
Potential difference (Δφ)
• When an electric current flows through a bulb or any
conductor, the conductor offers some obstruction to the
current and this obstruction is known as electrical resistance
and is denoted by R.
• For an electrical resistance to be high,
• the length of the conductor should be high
• and,
• the cross-sectional area should be lesser.
• Every material has an electrical resistance and this is the
reason why conductors give out heat when current passes
through it.
• What is Electrical Resistance?
• According to Ohm’s law, there is a relation between the
current flowing through a conductor and the potential
difference across it. It is given by,
• V ∝ I V = IR
• Where,
• V is the potential difference measured across the conductor
(in volts)
• I is the current through the conductor (in amperes)
• R is the constant of proportionality called resistance (in ohms)
• Factors Affecting Electrical Resistance
• The electrical resistance of a conductor is dependent on
the following factors:
• The cross-sectional area of the conductor
• Length of the conductor
• The material of the conductor
• The temperature of the conducting material
• Electrical resistance is directly proportional to length (L)
of the conductor and inversely proportional to the cross-
sectional area (A)
• Resistivity is a qualitative measurement of a material’s ability to
resist flowing electric current. Obviously, insulators will have a
higher value of resistivity than that of conductors. The resistivities
of a few materials are given below for a comparison. Materials
with a low value of resistivity conduct electricity very well.
• Silver – 1.00×10−8
• Copper – 1.68×10−8
• Aluminum – 2.82×10−8
• Wood – 1.00×1014
• Air – 2.30×1016
• Teflon – 1.00×1023
• In Current and Resistance, we described the term
‘resistance’ and explained the basic design of a
resistor. Basically, a resistor limits the flow of charge
in a circuit and is an ohmic device where V=IRV=IR.
• Most circuits have more than one resistor. If several
resistors are connected together and connected to
a battery, the current supplied by the battery
depends on the equivalent resistance of the circuit.
• The equivalent resistance of a combination of resistors depends on
both their individual values and how they are connected. The
simplest combinations of resistors are series and parallel connections
• In a series circuit, the output current of the first resistor flows into
the input of the second resistor; therefore, the current is the same in
each resistor. In a parallel circuit, all of the resistor leads on one side
of the resistors are connected together and all the leads on the other
side are connected together.
• In the case of a parallel configuration, each resistor has the same
potential drop across it, and the currents through each resistor may
be different, depending on the resistor. The sum of the individual
currents equals the current that flows into the parallel connections.
• Resistors in Series
• Resistors are said to be in series whenever the
current flows through the resistors sequentially.
Consider Figure, which shows three resistors in
series with an applied voltage equal to VabVab.
Since there is only one path for the charges to flow
through, the current is the same through each
resistor. The equivalent resistance of a set of
resistors in a series connection is equal to the
algebraic sum of the individual resistances.
(a) Three resistors connected in series to a voltage source. (b) The original circuit is reduced
to an equivalent resistance and a voltage source.
• In Figure, the current coming from the voltage source flows through each
resistor, so the current through each resistor is the same. The current
through the circuit depends on the voltage supplied by the voltage source
and the resistance of the resistors. For each resistor, a potential drop
occurs that is equal to the loss of electric potential energy as a current
travels through each resistor. According to Ohm’s law, the potential
drop V across a resistor when a current flows through it is calculated
using the equation V=IRV=IR, where I is the current in amps (A) and R is
the resistance in ohms (Ω)(Ω). Since energy is conserved, and the voltage
is equal to the potential energy per charge, the sum of the voltage
applied to the circuit by the source and the potential drops across the
individual resistors around a loop should be equal to zero:
• Resistors in Parallel
• Figure shows resistors in parallel, wired to a voltage source.
Resistors are in parallel when one end of all the resistors are
connected by a continuous wire of negligible resistance and the
other end of all the resistors are also connected to one another
through a continuous wire of negligible resistance. The potential
drop across each resistor is the same. Current through each resistor
can be found using Ohm’s law I=V/RI=V/R, where the voltage is
constant across each resistor. For example, an automobile’s
headlights, radio, and other systems are wired in parallel, so that
each subsystem utilizes the full voltage of the source and can
operate completely independently. The same is true of the wiring in
your house or any building.
Two resistors connected in parallel to a voltage
source. (b) The original circuit is reduced to an
equivalent resistance and a voltage source.
• The current flowing from the voltage source in Figure
 depends on the voltage supplied by the voltage source
and the equivalent resistance of the circuit. In this case,
the current flows from the voltage source and enters a
junction, or node, where the circuit splits flowing through
resistorsR1 and R2. As the charges flow from the battery,
some go through resistor R1 and some flow through
resistor R2.
• The sum of the currents flowing into a junction must be
equal to the sum of the currents flowing out of the
• This equation is referred to as Kirchhoff’s junction rule
and will be discussed in detail in the next section. In 
Figure, the junction rule gives I=I1+I2I=I1+I2. There are
two loops in this circuit, which leads to the equations
•  V=I1R1
• V=I1R1 and 
• I1R1=I2R2.
• Note the voltage across the resistors in parallel are the
same ( V=V1=V2V=V1=V2) and the current is additive:
• In 1828, George Simon Ohm, a German physicist, derived a
relationship between electric current and potential difference. This
relationship is known as Ohm’s law. Certain formulas in Physics are
so prevalent that they become popular knowledge that you end
up memorising without trying. In the field of Modern Physics, it
is E=m⋅c2. Similarly, in the field of current electricity, it is the Ohm’s
law about which we will be studying in this article.
• What is Ohm’s Law?
• Ohm’s Law states that the current flowing through a conductor is
directly proportional to the potential difference applied across its
ends, provided the temperature and other physical conditions
remain unchanged. Mathematically it can be represented as,
• Potential difference ∝ Current
V ∝ I
• OR
• V=IR

•  When the value of V increases the value of I

 increases simultaneously
• Where,
• V is Voltage in volts (V)
• R is Resistance in ohm (Ω)
• I is Current in Ampere (A
• How does Ohm’s Law work?
• Ohm’s Law describes the current flow through a resistance when
different electric potentials (voltage) are applied at each end of
the resistance. Since we can’t see electrons, the model or an
analogy of electric circuits used to help us understand circuits
better is the water-pipe analogy. Water flowing through pipes is a
good mechanical system that is analogous to an electrical circuit.
• Here, the voltage is analogous to water pressure, the current is
the amount of water flowing through the pipe, and the resistance
is the size of the pipe. More water will flow through the pipe
(current) when more pressure is applied (voltage) and the bigger
the pipe, (lower the resistance)
• Different Applications of Ohm’s Law
• The main applications of Ohm’s law are:
• To determine the voltage, resistance or current
of an electric circuit.
• Ohm’s law is used to maintain the desired
voltage drop across the electronic components.
• Ohm’s law is also used in dc ammeter and other
dc shunts to divert the current
• Limitations of Ohm’s Law
• Following are the limitations of Ohm’s law:
• Ohm’s law is not applicable for unilateral electrical
elements like diodes and transistors as they allow
the current to flow through in one direction only.
• For non-linear electrical elements with parameters
like capacitance, resistance etc the voltage and
current won’t be constant with respect to time
making it difficult to use Ohm’s law.
• In electronics and electrical engineering, a fuse is
an electrical safety device that operates to
provide overcurrent protection of an electrical
circuit. Its essential component is a metal wire or
strip that melts when too much current flows
through it, thereby stopping or interrupting the
current. It is a sacrificial device; once a fuse has
operated it is an open circuit, it must be replaced
or rewired, depending on type.
• Fuses have been used as essential safety devices from the
early days of electrical engineering. Today there are
thousands of different fuse designs which have specific
current and voltage ratings, breaking capacity and
response times, depending on the application. The time
and current operating characteristics of fuses are chosen
to provide adequate protection without needless
interruption. Wiring regulations usually define a maximum
fuse current rating for particular circuits. Short circuits,
overloading, mismatched loads, or device failure are the
prime or some of the reasons for fuse operation.
• A fuse is an automatic means of removing
power from a faulty system; often abbreviated
to ADS (Automatic Disconnection of Supply). 
Circuit breakers can be used as an alternative
to fuses, but have significantly different
• An electric shock occurs when a person comes into contact with an
electrical energy source.
• Electrical energy flows through a portion of the body causing a
• Exposure to electrical energy may result in no injury at all or may
result in devastating damage or death.
• Many people get electric shocks obtained from man-made objects
such as electrical appliances, electrical wires, and electrical
• In addition, lightning strikes are a natural form of electric shock.
• Burns are the most common injury from electric shock and
lightning strikes.
• Low voltage electricity (less than 500 volts) does not normally
cause significant injury to humans. Exposure to high voltage
electricity (greater than 500 volts) has the potential to result in
serious tissue damage. Serious electrical shock injuries usually
have an entrance and exit site on the body because the
individual becomes part of the electrical circuit.
• If a person is going to help someone who has sustained a high
voltage shock, he or she needs to be very careful not to become
a second victim of a similar electrical shock. If a high voltage line
has fallen to the ground, there may be a circle of current
spreading out from the tip of the line, especially if the earth is
wet or if the voltage line contacts water. 
• Flash injuries occur when electrical energy
only travels to the skin; indirect injuries
caused by man – made electrical devices and
lightning strikes may be caused by flame due
to clothing catching on fire
• of contact with the electrical source and the
ground. The hands, heels, and head are
common points of contact.
• A person who has suffered an electric shock may have very little
external evidence of injury or may have obvious severe burns. Some
people may be in cardiac arrest after electric shock or a 
lightning strike.
• Burns are usually most severe at the points of contact with the
electrical source and the ground. The hands, heels, and head are
common points of contact.
• In addition to burns, other injuries are possible if the person has been
thrown clear of the electrical source by forceful muscular contraction.
Consideration should be given to the possibility of a spinal injury. The
person may have internal injuries especially if he or she is
experiencing shortness of breath, chest pain, or abdominal pain.
• Pain in a hand or foot or a deformity of a part of the body may indicate
a possible broken bone resulting from the electric shock causing
violent muscle contraction.
• In children, the typical electrical mouth burn from biting an electric
cord appears as a burn on the lip. The area has a red or dark, charred
• Affected individuals should be examined for entry and exit marks to
help determine the extent of the electric shock (for example, a burn
on the right-hand may mark the entrance point of electric shock while
another usually less - intense burn on the elbow shows circuit
electricity traveled - from the hand to the elbow).
• Some individuals may suffer a cardiac arrest after electric shock (they
may not have a pulse or be breathing)
• A burn is a type of injury to skin, or other
tissues, caused by heat, cold, electricity, 
chemicals, friction, or radiation.
•  Most burns are due to heat from hot liquids,
solids, or fire
• Burns that affect only the superficial skin layers are known as superficial or
first-degree burns.
• They appear red without blisters and pain typically lasts around three days.
•  When the injury extends into some of the underlying skin layer, it is a
partial-thickness or second-degree burn Blisters are frequently present and
they are often very painful Healing can require up to eight weeks and 
scarring may occur. In a full-thickness or third-degree burn, the injury
extends to all layers of the skin.
•  Often there is no pain and the burnt area is stiff.
• Healing typically does not occur on its own.[
•  A fourth-degree burn additionally involves injury to deeper tissues, such
as muscle, tendons, or bone.
• The burn is often black and frequently leads to loss of the burned par
• Electrical

• Electrical burns or injuries are classified as high voltage (greater than or equal to 1000 
volts), low voltage (less than 1000 volts), or as flash burns secondary to an electric arc.
•  The most common causes of electrical burns in children are electrical cords (60%)
followed by electrical outlets (14%).
•  Lightning may also result in electrical burns.
• Risk factors for being struck include involvement in outdoor activities such as
mountain climbing, golf and field sports, and working outside.
•  Mortality from a lightning strike is about 10%.
• While electrical injuries primarily result in burns, they may also cause fractures or 
dislocations secondary to blunt force trauma or muscle contractions
• In high voltage injuries, most damage may occur internally and thus the extent of the
injury cannot be judged by examination of the skin alone.Contact with either low
voltage or high voltage may produce cardiac arrhythmias or cardiac arrest.
• Chemical[edit]
• Chemicals cause from 2 to 11% of all burns and contribute to as many as
30% of burn-related deaths.
• Chemical burns can be caused by over 25,000 substances,  most of which
are either a strong base (55%) or a strong acid (26%).
•  Most chemical burn deaths are secondary to ingestion.
•  Common agents include: sulfuric acid as found in toilet cleaners, 
sodium hypochlorite as found in bleach, and halogenated hydrocarbons
 as found in paint remover, among others.
•  Hydrofluoric acid can cause particularly deep burns that may not
become symptomatic until some time after exposure
•  Formic acid may cause the breakdown of significant numbers of 
red blood cells.
• At temperatures greater than 44 °C (111 °F), proteins
begin losing their three-dimensional shape and start
breaking down.[42] This results in cell and tissue damage.
[2] Many of the direct health effects of a burn are

secondary to disruption in the normal functioning of the

skin.[2] They include disruption of the skin's sensation,
ability to prevent water loss through evaporation, and
ability to control body temperature.[2] Disruption of cell
membranes causes cells to lose potassium to the spaces
outside the cell and to take up water and sodium.[2]
• In large burns (over 30% of the total body surface area), there is a
significant inflammatory response. This results in increased
leakage of fluid from the capillaries, and subsequent tissue edema.
•  This causes overall blood volume loss, with the remaining blood
suffering significant plasma loss, making the blood more
concentrated. Poor blood flow to organs such as the kidneys and 
gastrointestinal tract may result in kidney failure and 
stomach ulcers.
• Increased levels of catecholamines and cortisol can cause a 
hypermetabolic state that can last for years.
• This is associated with increased cardiac output, metabolism, 
a fast heart rate, and poor immune function
• The size of a burn is measured as a percentage
of total body surface area (TBSA) affected by
partial thickness or full thickness burns.[
•  First-degree burns that are only red in color
and are not blistering are not included in this
• Most burns (70%) involve less than 10% of the
• Prevention
• Historically, about half of all burns were deemed preventable.
•  Burn prevention programs have significantly decreased rates of serious
•  Preventive measures include: limiting hot water temperatures, smoke
alarms, sprinkler systems, proper construction of buildings, and fire-
resistant clothing.
• Experts recommend setting water heaters below 48.8 °C (119.8 °F).
•  Other measures to prevent scalds include using a thermometer to
measure bath water temperatures, and splash guards on stoves.
•  While the effect of the regulation of fireworks is unclear, there is
tentative evidence of benefit with recommendations including the
limitation of the sale of fireworks to children
• Management
• Resuscitation begins with the assessment and stabilization of the person's
airway, breathing and circulation
•  If inhalation injury is suspected, early intubation may be required.
• This is followed by care of the burn wound itself. People with extensive burns
may be wrapped in clean sheets until they arrive at a hospital.
• As burn wounds are prone to infection, a tetanus booster shot should be given if
an individual has not been immunized within the last five year
• 95% of burns that present to the emergency department are treated and
discharged; 5% require hospital admission.
• With major burns, early feeding is important.
• Protein intake should also be increased, and trace elements and vitamins are
often required.
• Hyperbaric oxygenation may be useful in addition to traditional treatments.

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