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Sacroiliac joint test

• Description and Purpose

• The SIJ (Sacroiliac joint) Distraction (Colloquially
know as Gapping) test is used to add evidence,
positive or negative, to the hypotheses of an SIJ
sprain or dysfunction when used in the Laslett 
SIJ Cluster testing.
• This test stresses the anterior sacroiliac ligaments
•  This test has also been described as the Transverse
Anterior Stress Test or the Sacroiliac Joint Stress Test
• 1. The patient lies supine and the examiner applies a vertically orientated, posteriorly
directed force to both the anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS)

Note: Cook and Hegedus (2013) suggest applying a sustained force for 30 seconds
before applying a repeated vigorous force in an attempt to reproduced the patient’s
symptoms. However, Laslett (2008) does not suggest any timings or changes in force.
• Because of the lack of standardisation in the technique it is quite feasible different
therapists will practise this test different ways, giving rise to variability in response and
lowering the inter-tester reliability.
• No evidence to suggest either method is preferable therefore, more evidence needed.

2. The presumed effect is a DISTRACTION of the anterior aspect of the sacroiliac joint.

3. A test is positive if it reproduces the patient's symptoms. This indicates SIJ
dysfunction or a sprain of the anterior sacroiliac ligament

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