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Technological Pedagogical

Content Knowledge
An Overview
 extant technology integration
approaches are technocentric,
 Omission of consideration of the
dynamic and complex relationships
among content, technology and
 TPCK framework ;
 as a means for thinking about how
integrated conceptualizations of technology,
pedagogy, and content as interdependent
aspects of teachers’ knowledge
Findings of technology integration
in schools

 instructional applications of
educational technologies to date;
 to be pedagogically unsophisticated;
 limited in breadth, variety, and depth;

 not well integrated into curriculum-

based teaching and learning
Researchers vs. Teachers

 Researchers emphasize technology uses

that support inquiry, collaboration and
reformed practice.
 Teachers tend to focus upon using
presentation software, web sites, and
management tools to enhance existing
 a mismatch between educational
technologists’ visions for technology
integration and how most practitioners use
digital tools.
Current efforts of technology integration

 software-focused initiatives;
 demonstrations of sample resources, lessons,
and projects;
 technology-based educational reform efforts;
structured and/or standardized
 professional development workshops or
 technology-focused teacher education courses.
• These approaches initiated and organized their
efforts according to the educational technologies
being used, rather than students’ learning needs
relative to curriculum-based content standards
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

TPCK reconnects
technology to
content and

The TPCK framework and its knowledge components

Content Knowledge (CK)

 Content Knowledge is knowledge about

the actual subject matter that is to be
learned or taught,
 Knowledge and the nature of inquiry
differ greatly among content-areas,
 knowledge of concepts, theories, ideas,
organizational frameworks, knowledge of
evidence and proof, as well as established
practices and approaches toward developing
such knowledge.
Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)

 Pedagogical Knowledge is deep

knowledge about the processes and
practices or methods of teaching and
learning, encompassing educational
purposes, values, aims, and more,
 A generic form of knowledge that applies
to student learning, classroom
management, lesson plan development
and implementation, and student
Technology Knowledge (TK)

 Technology knowledge is always in

a state of flux.
 Technology literacy that requires a
person to understand technology
broadly enough to apply it
productively at work and in her/his
everyday lives.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)

 Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is

the interaction of pedagogy and content
 It covers knowledge of the core business
of teaching, learning, curriculum,
assessment and reporting, expressed, for
example, in the conditions that promote
learning and the links among curriculum,
assessment and pedagogy.
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)

 Technological pedagogical knowledge is

an understanding of how teaching and
learning change when particular
technologies are used.
 This includes knowing the pedagogical
affordances and constraints of a range of
technological tools as they relate to
disciplinarily and developmentally appropriate
pedagogical designs and strategies.
Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

 Technological Content Knowledge

(TCK) includes an understanding of
the manner in which technology and
content influence and constrain one
 Historically, technology and
knowledge have a deeply connected
Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)…Cont’d

 3 key ways in which technology and

content relate to one another;
1. the advent of new technology has often
changed fundamentally what were
considered to be disciplinary content,
2. technology is not neutral with regard to its
effects upon cognition,
3. technological changes offer new metaphors
and languages for thinking about human
cognition and our place in the world
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

 TPCK underlies truly meaningful

and highly skilled teaching with
 Arises from multiple interactions
among content, pedagogical, and
technological knowledge.
 A form of knowledge that expert
teachers bring into play any time
they teach.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

 Previously, emphasis is on teachers’

knowledge for effective practice requires the
transformation of content into pedagogical
forms, but the critical roles that technologies
play in this regard is not addressed.

 Solutions’ successes lie in teachers’ abilities to

flexibly navigate the space delimited by
content, pedagogy, and technology and the
complex interactions among these elements
as they are demonstrated in the multitude of
specific instructional situations and contexts.

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