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Final Project

in GED 107
Submitted by:
Armeza, Julz Chester
Batuyong, Justine
Bitua, Jayson
Encila, Katja Irina Mae
Soliman, Kim Andrew
The following slides contains the answers to
the following questions:

Are all actions motivated by self-interest?

What is your own honest evaluation of the claims

of religious experience? Can you yourself identify
with any of them?
Not all action are motivated or influenced by self interest
because if you force your self, but it is against your will
that is not you self interest. For me not all religion and its
followers are honest because sometimes if you ask the
history and the purpose of it, they tend to shut down the
question and open another topic about their religion.

- Armeza, Julz
- Batuyong, Justine
on contempt in order achieve satisfaction. Human only act if it
benefits them and should therefore refrain from taking action if
the act does not bring any benefit to them and it is therefore
morally permissible for a person to permit harm to others in
such situations. For instance like helping each other is no good
deed because we need satisfaction like helping other means
also helping ourselves.

It is the squabble in the existence of God. It is where

individual communicate to transcendent being and meeting the
Divine through faith asking for guidance and forgiveness. My
stand is I believe it because God help me become a better
person and give me purpose in life regardless of no evidence of
his existence because I have faith.
- Bitua, Jayson
Personally speaking, I believe not all actions are
based on one’s self-interest. The motivation depends
on an individual’s mindset and the action that was to
be done. One may consider different aspects as
motivation and weigh its pros and cons before
actually deciding on taking action.

To be honest, when it comes to religious topics, I

believe it is the matter of understanding and how
these doctrines were disseminated. There are also
people doing religious works who abuses the respect
and power they have to their followers. In conclusion,
it is the matter of trust, power, and how these were
- Encila, Katja Irina
Not all actions are motivated by self interest
because not all actions that you do is with your good
will. However, most voluntary and conscious actions
are indeed motivated by self interest because as long
as there is no external factor that forces or constricts
the person who is deciding, then whatever decision
or move they make is solely by their own free will.

- Soliman, Kim Andrew

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