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Introduction To Cloud Computing

What has changed world now…

• Explosive growth in applications: biomedical informatics, space exploration,
business analytics, web 2.0 social networking: YouTube, Facebook
• Extreme scale content generation: e-science and e-business data deluge
• Extraordinary rate of digital content consumption: digital gluttony: Apple
iPhone, iPad, Amazon Kindle
• Exponential growth in compute capabilities: multi-core, storage, bandwidth,
virtual machines (virtualization)
• Very short cycle of obsolescence in technologies: Windows Vista, Windows
7, Java versions, C,C#, Phython
• Newer architectures: web services, persistence models, distributed file
systems/repositories (Google, Hadoop), multi-core, wireless and mobile
• Diverse knowledge and skill levels of the workforce

Can you manage this complexity with your traditional IT infrastructure ?

What is Cloud Computing?

• Cloud Computing is a general term used to describe a new class of

network based computing that takes place over the Internet,
– basically a step on from Utility Computing
– a collection/group of integrated and networked hardware,
software and Internet infrastructure (called a platform).
– Using the Internet for communication and transport provides
hardware, software and networking services to clients
• These platforms hide the complexity and details of the underlying
infrastructure from users and applications by providing very simple
graphical interface or API (Applications Programming Interface).
Conventional vs. Cloud Computing

Conventional Cloud

Manually Provisioned Self-provisioned

Dedicated Hardware Shared Hardware
Fixed Capacity Elastic Capacity
Pay for Capacity Pay for Use
Capital & Operational Operational
Expenses Expenses
A Working Definition of Cloud Computing

• Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-

demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage,
applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned
and released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction.

• This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of

five essential characteristics, three service models, and four
deployment models.

Architecture Overview
Common Characteristics/Attributes
 On Demand, Self-Service
 Ubiquitous Network Access: Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device
 Location Independent Resource Pooling
 Rapid Elasticity
 Pay-as-you-use
Five Key Cloud Characteristics/Attributes:

1. Shared / pooled resources

2. Broad network access
3. On-demand self-service
4. Scalable and elastic
5. Metered by use
Shared / Pooled Resources

Resources are drawn from a

common pool
Common resources build
economies of scale
Common infrastructure runs at
high efficiency
Broad Network Access

Open standards and APIs

Almost always IP, HTTP, and REST
Available from anywhere with an
internet connection
On-Demand Self-Service

Completely automated
Users abstracted from the
Near real-time delivery (seconds or
Services accessed through a self-
web interface
Scalable and Elastic

Resources dynamically-allocated
between users
Additional resources dynamically-
released when needed
Fully automated
Metered by Use

Services are metered, like a utility

Users pay only for services used
Services can be cancelled at any
The Role
Role of of Cloud
Cloud in IT
in IT
So we will just buy everything from the cloud and won’t
need IT, right?

Not exactly….
Cloud Ready?

When the processes, applications and data are

largely independent

When the points of integration are well defined

When a lower level of security will work just fine

When the core internal enterprise architecture is


When the Web is the desired platform

When cost is an issue

When the applications are new

Cloud Computing Services: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
Cloud Computing Services: An Analogy
Key Driver: Focus on the Business Problem
Delivery Models

While cloud-based software services are maturing,

Cloud platform and infrastructure offering are still in their early stages !
Service Delivery Model Examples

Amazon Google Microsoft Salesforce




Products and companies shown for illustrative purposes only and should not be
construed as an endorsement
Software as a Service-End Users
Just run it for me!

also known as On-demand Service.

is an application that can be accessed from anywhere on the world as long

as you can have an computer with an Internet Connection.

We can access this cloud hosted application without any additional

hardware or software.

E.g. : G-mail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail etc..,

Also they can provide security features such as SSL encryption, a

cryptographic protocol.
Application provided by Cloud Computing –
Google Cloud
Platform as a Service (PaaS)-Application

Give us nice API (Application Programming Interface) and take care of the

In the PaaS model, cloud providers deliver a computing platform and/or

solution stack typically including operating system, programming language
execution environment, database, and web server.

Platform for developers has to write and create their own SaaS i.e.

which means rapid development at low cost.

E.g.:, Windows Azure etc.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)-Network
also known as hardware as a service.

is a computing power that you can rent for a limited period of time.

allows existing applications to be run on a cloud suppliers hardware.

cloud providers offer computers – as physical or more often as virtual

machines – raw (block) storage, firewalls, load balancers, and networks
Cloud Architecture
Modes of Clouds
Public Cloud
Computing infrastructure is hosted by cloud vendor at the vendors premises.
and can be shared by various organizations.
E.g. : Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Sales force

Private Cloud
The computing infrastructure is dedicated to a particular organization and not
shared with other organizations.
more expensive and more secure when compare to public cloud.
E.g. : HP data center, IBM, Sun, Oracle, 3tera

Hybrid Cloud
Organizations may host critical applications on private clouds.
where as relatively less security concerns on public cloud.
usage of both public and private together is called hybrid cloud.
Cloud Deployment Models

 Private cloud
 single organisation only,  Public cloud
 managed by the  Sold to the public, mega-
organisation or a 3rd scale infrastructure
 available to the general
 on or off premise
 Community cloud  Hybrid cloud
 shared infrastructure for  composition of two or
specific community more clouds
 bound by standard or
 several organisations that
proprietary technology
have shared concerns,
 managed by org or a 3rd
Cloud Operating Systems

Eye OS
Amoeba OS
Glide OS
Start force
Lucid Desktop
Cloudo, Ghost, Zimdesk, Start force etc.,
Some other Applications are:

Audio Player
Ever note Viewer
Video Player
Media Player
Flash Player
Google Document Viewer
Sticky Note
Web Browser Lite
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is impossible if you cannot connect to the Internet.

Since you use the Internet to connect to both your applications and
documents, if you do not have an Internet connection you cannot access
anything, even your own documents.

A dead Internet connection means no work and in areas where Internet

connections are few or inherently unreliable, this could be a deal-breaker.

When you are offline, cloud computing simply does not work.
Commercial Clouds

 Virtualization is one of the hardware reducing, cost

saving and energy saving technology that is rapidly
transforming the IT landscape and fundamentally
changing the way that people compute.

 With virtualization solutions you can reduce IT costs

while increasing the efficiency, utilization and
flexibility of their existing computer hardware.

 With Virtualization it is possible to run multiple

operating systems and multiple applications on the
same SERVER at the same time, increasing the
utilization and flexibility of hardware.
 KVM,Xen,Vsphere, HyperV
Before Virtualization

 Single OS image per

 Software and hardware
tightly coupled
 Running multiple
applications on same
machine often creates
 Inflexible and costly

 Hardware-independence of
operating system and
 Virtual machines can be
provisioned to any system
 Can manage OS and
application as a single unit
by encapsulating them into
virtual Machines
Advantages of virtual machines:

 Run operating systems where the physical hardware is

 Easier to create new machines, backup machines, etc.,
 Software testing using “clean” installs of operating systems and
 Emulate more machines than are physically available,
 Timeshare lightly loaded systems on one host,
 Debug problems (suspend and resume the problem machine),
 Easy migration of virtual machines (shutdown needed or not).
 Run legacy systems!
  Grid computing Cloud computing

What? Grids enable access to Clouds enable access to

shared computing power leased computing power
and storage capacity from and storage capacity from
your desktop your desktop

Why use them?       - You don`t need to buy       - You don`t need to buy
or maintain your own large or maintain your own
computer centre personal computer centre
      - You can complete       - You can quickly
more work more quickly access extra resources
and tackle more difficult during peak work periods
      - You can share data
with your distributed team
in a secure way.

Who uses the service? Research collaborations, Small to medium

called "Virtual commercial businesses or
Organisations", which bring researchers with generic IT
together researchers needs
around the world working in
the same field.

Where are the computing In computing centres The cloud providers private
resources? distributed across different data centres which are
sites, countries and often centralised in a few
continents. locations with excellent
network connections and
  Grid computing Cloud computing

What are they useful Grids were designed to Clouds best support
for? handle large sets of long term services and
limited duration jobs longer running jobs
that produce or use (E.g.
large quantities of data
(e.g. the LHC and life

How do they work? Grids are an open Clouds are a

source technology. proprietary technology.
Resource users and Only the resource
providers alike can provider knows exactly
understand and how their cloud
contribute to the manages data, job
management of their queues, security
grid requirements and so
  Grid computing Cloud computing

Benefits? - Collaboration: grid offers - Flexibility: users can

a federated platform for quickly outsource peaks of
distributed and collective activity without long term
work. commitment
- Ownership : resource - Reliability: provider has
providers maintain financial incentive to
ownership of the resources guarantee service
they contribute to the grid availability (Amazon, for
- Transparency: the example, can provide user
technologies used are open rebates if availability drops
source, encouraging trust below 99.9%)
and transparency. - Ease of use: relatively
- Resilience: grids are quick and easy for non-
located at multiple sites, expert users to get started
reducing the risk in case of but setting up sophisticated
a failure at one site that virtual machines to support
removes significant complex applications is
resources from the more difficult.
  Grid computing Cloud computing

Drawbacks? - Reliability: grids rely on - Generality: clouds do not

distributed services offer many of the specific
maintained by distributed high-level services currently
staff, often resulting in provided by grid
inconsistency in reliability technology.
across individual sites, - Security: users with
although the service itself is sensitive data may be
always available. reluctant to entrust it to
- Complexity: grids are external providers or to
complicated to build and providers outside their
use, and currently users borders.
require some level of - Opacity: the technologies
expertise. used to guarantee reliability
- Commercial: grids are and safety of cloud
generally only available for operations are not made
not-for-profit work, and for public.
proof of concept in the - Rigidity: the cloud is
commercial sphere generally located at a
single site, which increases
risk of complete cloud
- Provider lock-in: there’s
a risk of being locked in to
services provided by a very
small group of suppliers.
Distributed vs. Grid vs. Cloud

D is t r ib u t e d G r id C lo u d

T im e W e e k s to M o n th s D a y s to W e e k s M in u te s

S c a la b ility S lo w e s t , R i g i d & C o s t ly S lo w e r , s o m e w h a t I n s t a n t , F le x i b le , P a y -
f l e x i b le , C o s t ly p e r-u s a g e

Cost H ig h C a p E x C o s t ly , s o m e t i m e s N o c o n tra c ts , u s a g e
m o n th /y e a r c o n tra c ts , b a s e d , n o u p fro n t c o s ts
no C apE x

“ G re e n ” Low Low H i g h - v i r t u a li z e d

P ric in g m o d e l B u y S e r v e r s & C o lo R e n t S e r v e rs & H o s tin g R ent based on usage

c o s ts w h e th e r u s e d o r c o s ts w h e th e r u s e d o r o n ly
not not
Cloud Computing Vs Grid Computing

Cloud Computing: Grid Computing:

1. Resources are on-demand 1. Resources are pre-reserved
2. Rapid elasticity 2. No rapid elasticity
3. Not used client-server
3. Client-server architecture
4. Used for business and public 4. Used for specific purposes
5. Grids evolve slower than cloud
5. Clouds evolve faster than
6. Level of expertise to use a grid is
grid higher than cloud
6. Level of expertise to use a 7. It is the base concept of cloud
cloud is lower than grid computing

A cloud would usually use a grid. A grid is not necessarily a cloud or part of a cloud.

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