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Rural, social and

Rural entrepreneurship
Rural entrepreneurship is defined as entrepreneurship whose roots lie in the rural areas
but has a lot of potential to drive various endeavors in business, industry, agriculture,
etc. and contribute to the economic development of the country.
 India is a country of villages. Nearly 70% of its major population reside in villages and
their livelihood is supported by agriculture and allied activities. Thus the nations’
economic development depends largely on the standard of living of the people who live
in the rural areas and the level of development which has actually taken place there.
Rural development can be made possible through the growth of rural entrepreneurs
which further would contribute in reducing levels of poverty, unemployment, etc. Rural
entrepreneurship also means rural industrialization.
Types of Rural Entrepreneurship
There are four basic types of rural entrepreneurship. These are: -
a) Individual Entrepreneurship
b) Group Entrepreneurship
c) Cluster formation
d) Co-operatives
Need for rural
a) Reduce the levels of unemployment. The occupation provided by rural entrepreneurs would
serve as an antidote to this.
b) Reduce income disparities.
c) Reduce the number of migrants from rural to urban areas.
d) Balanced regional development.
e) To build up village republics.
f) Preserve the heritage of the country through art and creativity.
g) This leads to economic development of the rural areas and country as a whole.
Challenges for rural
entrepreneurs: -
a) Lack of technical expertise among the rural masses.
b) Financial constraints.
c) Lack of training modules and support services.
d) High cost of production.
e) Expensive quality control which if not adhered to lowers down the standards.
f) Storage and warehouse issues.
g) Lack of marketing and promotional strategies.
h) Low levels of education.
How can rural entrepreneurship be promoted to
the masses living in the villages: -
a) Soft and easy conditions for financing budding entrepreneurs.
b) The raw material base should be strengthened in the villages.
c) The production centers can be made the marketing end points and thus solve issues faced
regarding the same.
d) Development of entrepreneurial attitude among the local masses by imparting
entrepreneurial education at school and college level.
e) Provide and educate them about various benefits and facilities available for rural
Effect of Globalization on
rural entrepreneurship: -
a) Global production and efficiency can serve to be the benchmarks for the local entrepreneurs.
b) Improved access to foreign technology.
c) Trade openness results in faster growth.
d) Various policy benefits at national and global level.
Social entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is a kind of entrepreneurship initiative that aims at taking up a social
problem for bringing about a transformation in the same. The person who takes up the
challenge is called a social entrepreneur and he / she uses principle of entrepreneurship with
the intent of creating social capital and not being essentially profit centered.
Social entrepreneurs combine commerce and social issues in a way that improves the lives of
people connected to the cause. They don’t measure their success in terms of profit alone –
success to social entrepreneurs means that they have improved the world, however they define
The aim of social entrepreneurship is to promote the cause of social and environmental goals
that have an impact in either in the present or the times to come. Such entrepreneurs are
generally a part of or associated in some way with some nonprofit organizations (NGO’s).
a. Achieve large scale social change.
b. Focus on the social or ecological change they want to make while earning money to support
the change.
c. Innovate when looking for a solution to a social problem.
d. Use feedback to adapt and refine.
Benefits of social entrepreneurship
I. To create a stable level of employment
II. Implementing social change
III. Creating inspiring and innovative solutions
IV. Working as your own boss
V. No boundary to work on
VI. Will help by members of society
Disadvantages of social
Lack of support and funding
Need hard work to get success
Social factors will affect to achieve
Hard to get trust from others
Need to maintain accountability
Women entrepreneurship
Women entrepreneur is a person who accepts challenging role to meet her personal need
and become economically independent. There are economical, social, religious, cultural
and other factors existing in the society which responsible for the emergency of the
Women entrepreneur refers equally to someone who has started a one women business to
someone who is a principal in family business or partnership or to someone who is
shareholder in a public company which she runs.
Advantages of Women Entrepreneurs

Emotional Intelligence
Multitask Orientation
Self-Branding Attitude
Disadvantages of Women

 Family Consideration
Financial Barrier
Lack Of Networks

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