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Chapter 7-2

Signature Schemes

 [1] Introduction
 [2] Security Requirements for Signature Schemes
 [3] The ElGamal Signature Scheme
 [4] Variants of the ElGamal Signature Scheme
 The Schnorr Signature Scheme
 The Digital Signature Algorithm
 The Elliptic Curve DSA
 [5] Signatures with additional functionality
 Blind Signatures
 Undeniable Signatures
 Fail-stop Signatures
[4] Variants of the ElGamal Signature
 Schnorr Signature Scheme
 Proposed in 1989
 Greatly reduced the signature size

 Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

 Proposed in 1991
 Was adopted as a standard on December 1, 1994

 Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA)

 FIPS 186-2 in 2000
Schnorr Signature Scheme

Let p be a prime such that the DL

problem in Zp* is intractable, and let q
be a prime that divides p-1. Let α be a
qth root of 1 modulo p.
Define K={ (p,q,α,a,β):β=αa mod p }

p,q,α,β are the public key, a is private

 For a (secret) random number k, define
sig(x,k)=(γ,δ), where
γ=hash(x||αk ) andδ=k+aγ mod q

 For a message (x,(γ,δ)), verification is done

by performing the following computations:

ver(x,(γ,δ))=true iff. hash(x||αδβ-γ)=γ

 If the signature was construct correctly, the
verification will succeed since


Schnorr Signature Scheme Example

 We take q=101, p=78q+1=7879, α=170, a=75, then

β=17075 mod 7879=4567
 To sign the message m=15, Alice selects k=50;
Then γ=hash(15||17050),
δ=5+75*γ mod 101

(15,(γ,δ)) is the signed message

L=0 mod 64,
Digital Signature Algorithm

 Let p be a L-bit prime such that the DL

problem in Zp* is intractable, and let q be a
160-bit prime that divides p-1. Let α be a qth
root of 1 modulo p.
Define K={ (p,q,α,a,β): β=αa mod p }

p,q,α,β are the public key, a is private

 For a (secret) random number k, define
sig (x,k)=(γ,δ), where
γ=(αk mod p) mod q and
δ=(SHA-1(x)+aγ)k-1 mod q

 For a message (x,(γ,δ)), verification is done by

performing the following computations:

e1=SHA-1(x)*δ-1 mod q
e2=γ*δ-1 mod q

ver(x,(γ,δ))=true iff. (αe1βe2 mod p) mod q=γ

 Notice that the verification requires to

e1=SHA-1(x)*δ-1 mod q
e2=γ*δ-1 mod q

when δ=0 (it is possible!), Alice should re-

construct a new signature with a new k
DSA Example
 Take q=101, p=78q+1=7879, α=170, a=75;
then β=4567

 To sign the message SHA-1(x)=22, Alice selects

Then γ=(17050 mod 7879) mod 101=94,
δ=(22+75*94)50-1 mod 101=97

(x, (94,97)) is the signed message

 The signature (94,97) on the message digest 22
can be verify by the following computations:

δ-1=97-1 mod 101=25

e1=22*25 mod 101=45
e2=94*25 mod 101=27

(17045*456727 mod 7879) mod 101 = 94 =γ

Elliptic Curve DSA

 Let p be a prime or a power of two, and let E

be an elliptic curve defined over Fp. Let A be a
point on E having prime order q, such that DL
problem in <A> is infeasible.

Define K={ (p,q,E,A,m,B): B=mA }

p,q,E,A,B are the public key, m is private

 For a (secret) random number k, define sigk(x,k)=(r,s),
where rA=(u,v), r=u mod q and
s=k-1(SHA-1(x)+mr) mod q

 For a message (x,(r,s)), verification is done by

performing the following computations:

i=SHA-1(x)*s-1 mod q
j=r*s-1 mod q

ver(x,(r,s))=true if and only if u mod q=r

[5] Signatures with additional

 Blind signature schemes (1983)

 Undeniable signature schemes (1989)
 Fail-stop signature schemes (1992)

Blind signature schemes
 A sends a piece of information to B
which B signs and returns to A. From
this signature, A can compute B’s
signature on an a priori message x of
A’s choice (B is a signer here!)

 B knows neither the message x nor the

signature associated with it

Chaum’s blind signature protocol (1983)
(A is a verifier and B is a signer, (n,e) is RSA public key
of B and d is RSA private key of B)
1. A randomly select a secret integer k
2. A computes x*=xke mod n and sends it to B
3. B computes y*=(x*)d mod n and sends it to A
4. A computes y=k-1y* mod n, which is B’s signature on x
(Note the signer B does not know (x,y) but (x,y) is a B’s
signed message.)
Undeniable Signatures
 A signature can not be verified without the
cooperation of the signer

 First introduced by Chaum and van

Antwerpen in 1989

 Protects Alice against the possibility that

documents signed by her are duplicated and
distributed electronically without her approval

 Since a signature should be verified with the
cooperation of the signer, it is possible for a signer
to evilly disavow a signature which signed by him

 An undeniable signature scheme should consists of a

disavowal protocol between the verifier B and the
signer A, such that:

 For a signature which is not signed by A, B will recognize it

as a forgery
 For a signature which is signed by A, A can fool B to
recognized it as a forgery with very low probability
An application of the undeniable signature
 A large corporation A creates a software

package. A signs the package and sells

it to B, who decides to make copies of
this package and resell it to a third
party C. C is unable to verify the
authenticity of the software without the
cooperation of A
Chaum-van Antwerpen undenial signature scheme
 Let p=2q+1 be a prime such that q is prime

And the DL problem in Zp is intractable.

Let α be an element of order q. Define:
K={ (p,α,a,β) :β=αa mod p }
1. Signing algorithm
 To sign a message x, Alice computes

y=sig(x)=xa mod p
2. Verification protocol
 Bob chooses e ,e from Z * randomly
1 2 q
 Bob computes c=ye1βe2 mod p and sends it
to Alice
 Alice computes d=ca-1 mod q mod p and sends
it to Bob
 Bob accepts s as a valid signature if and
only if
d = xe1αe2 mod p
Verifier Signer
message x, signature y

c=ye1βe2 mod p

d=ca-1 mod q
mod p

d ≠ xe1αe2 mod p
Two possibilities:
• y is not a valid signature of x
• y is the signature of x, she is
fooling me by sending garbled
d to me
(Correctness of the signature protocol)

 Bob will accept a valid signature, since if s is valid:

y=xa mod p,
c = ye1βe2 = xae1αae2 mod p
d = xe1αe2 mod p
as desired

I doubt that you are fooling me
to disavow your signature on x
Verifier Signer


I blame her wrongly, y is not signed by her

Fact: if y≠xa, (dα-e2)e1’=(d’α-e2’)e1

Verifier Signer


Fact: if y=xa, she can make (dα-e2)e1’=(d’α-e2’)e1

holds with a very small probability 1/q 26
3. Disavowal protocol (1/3)

B selects random secret integers e1,e2 and

computes c=ye1βe2 mod p, and sends c to A

A computes d=(c)a-1 mod p and sends d to B

B checks if d=xe1αe2, then he concludes that

y is a valid signature of x, otherwise go to next
Disavowal protocol (2/3)

B selects random secret integers e1’,e2’ and

computes c’=ye1’βe2’ mod p, and sends c’ to A

A computes d’=(c’)a-1 mod p and sends d’ to B

B checks if d’=xe1’αe2’, then he concludes that

y is a valid signature of x, otherwise go to next
Disavowal protocol (3/3)

B checks (dα-e2)e1’=(d’α-e2’)e1 if it holds,

he concludes that y is a forgery

Otherwise, he concludes that A is trying

to disavow the signature

Fact Let x be a message and suppose that y is
A’s (purported) signature on x

 If y is a forgery, i.e., y≠xa mod p, then

(dα-e2)e1’=(d’α-e2’)e1 holds

 Suppose that y is indeed A’s signature for x, i.e.,

y=xa mod p, then
(dα-e2)e1’=(d’α-e2’)e1 holds with probability 1/q

Fail-stop Signatures

 In a fail-stop signature scheme, when Oscar is able

to forge Alice’s signature on a message, Alice will
(with high probability) be able to prove that Oscar’s
signature is a forgery

 A fail-stop signature scheme consists of a singing

algorithm, a verification algorithm and a “proof of
forgery” algorithm

Van Heyst and Pedersen scheme (1992)

 Let p=2q+1 be a prime such that q is prime and the

DL problem in Zp is intractable. Let α be an element
of order q. Let 1≤a0≤q-1 and define β=αa0 mod p.

 The value of a0 is kept secret from everyone

 The values p,q,α,β and a0 are chosen by a trusted

central authority

 A key has the form
γ1=αa1βa2 mod p
γ2=αb1βb2 mod p

(γ1,γ2) is the public key and (a1,a2,b1,b2) is


 To sign a message x,
y1=a1+xb1 mod q
y2=a2+xb2 mod q

 To verify a signed message (x,(y1,y2))

ver(x,(y1,y2))=true iff. γ1γ2x =αy1βy2 mod p

Proof of forgery – the argument

 If there is a signature (y1’’,y2’’) on a message x’ which

can be verified as signing by Alice, but actually it is
not signed by Alice, i.e.
then Alice can calculate the secret a0 which was not
given to her

 Alice shows a0 to prove that she is innocent

Proof of forgery – calculation of a0

 Since (y1’’,y2’’) is a valid signature on x’

γ1γ2x’ =αy1’’βy2’’ mod p
 Alice can compute her own signature (y1’,y2’) on x’
γ1γ2x’ =αy1’βy2’ mod p

αy1’’βy2’’=αy1’βy2’ mod p
αy1’’αa0y2’’=αy1’αa0y2’ mod p

y1’’+a0y2’’=y1’+a0y2’ (mod q)

a0=(y1’’-y1’)(y2’-y2’’)-1 (mod q)

It is computable by Alice!


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